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Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man — A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. Predator drones, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously.
UMBC ebiquity

Monetize The Audience, Not The Content — There's a lot of discussion out there about how online content should be monetized. — In particular, the newspaper industry is doing a lot of soul searching for the right revenue model. For many publications, particularly legacy publications …

Is the party over for Microsoft? — Everyone knew the day would come when the fortunes of Microsoft Corp. would reverse. The company might now be in actual decline. If it's true, it brought it on itself by ignoring its core competencies, because it exhibits signs of what can only be described …

Full Disclosure: Sponsored Conversations on Twitter Raise Concerns, Prompt Standards — In light of the FTC's recent scrutiny of Social Media practices and the activity that connects brands to influencers and ultimately consumers, we will soon see guidelines and corresponding penalties to serve as governance for future engagement.
Francine Hardaway's Blog, Online Marketing …, PR2.0 and Search Engine Journal, Thanks:briansolis

For Mozilla and Google, Group Hugs Get Tricky — BOXES lined the cubicles and hallways in the offices of Mozilla on a recent afternoon, and its chief executive, John Lilly, seemed a bit disoriented as he looked for a place to sit. Mozilla, which makes the Firefox Web browser …

Barry Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth,’ Joining Effort for User Fees — Barry Diller, chairman and chief executive officer of IAC/InterActiveCorp, said Web users will have to pay for what they watch and use, joining the refrain of media moguls who say an era of free Internet content is ending.

A.P. goes nuclear on fair use — “A.P. Cracks Down on Unpaid Use of Articles on Web.” That's the headline on a New York Times article right now. But if you read the article, you see that the Associated Press's new campaign isn't only about “unpaid use of articles,” it's about any use of headlines as links.

How the Swedish Pirate Party Platform Backfires on Free Software — The bullying of the copyright industry in Sweden inspired the launch of the first political party whose platform is to reduce copyright restrictions: the Pirate Party. Its platform includes the prohibition …

ERICSSON TO ACQUIRE MAJORITY OF NORTEL'S NORTH AMERICAN WIRELESS BUSINESS — Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) has today entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire the parts of the Carrier Networks division of Nortel relating to CDMA and LTE technology in North America.
Nortel, Computerworld, IntoMobile, Wall Street Journal, GigaOM, Bloomberg and All About Nortel

FreeYourID Gives Up On Trying To Monetize OpenID — In an e-mail to its user base and with a short notice on its main website, FreeYourID has announced that it will be shutting down its service after nearly two years and a half in business. After August 15, the web service will be discontinued without …
Thanks:kiranpatch, Orbitz linked to controversial marketers — Thousands of Web shoppers have complained that “mystery charges” are showing up on their credit card statements and have accused those who operate so-called Web loyalty programs of duping them into signing up.

DreamWorks' Katzenberg: 3D Changes Everything — Jeffrey Katzenberg is prepared for 3D to utterly change the experience of watching television and movies — and a lot sooner than you may think. — The DreamWorks' chief told attendees at Fortune's Brainstorm conference in Pasadena, Calif. …