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Source: Verizon Hurrying To Launch LTE By Early 2010, Perhaps For Apple — So, it's looking more and more likely that a large form iPod touch, which we first reported on last December, is coming sometime in the next 6 months. But there are still a lot of unknown variables and question marks.
Discussion:, AppleInsider, IntoMobile, I4U News, Geek News Central, Electronista, 9 to 5 Mac, Gizmodo, DSLreports and Engadget

Apple Tablet Could Hurt iPhone Developers — The company may roll out a tablet computer. This could have a downside for app developers. — BURLINGAME, CALIF. — Talk to iPhone application developers and they'll quickly sing Apple's praises. Apple's development tools are first-rate.

Leak: Inside the Microsoft Store With Wall-Sized Screens and the Answers Bar — We've been wondering what the Microsoft's retail shops are going to be like. Well, according to a Powerpoint presentation leaked to us, it's going to make the Apple Store look downright boring. UPDATE: Microsoft comments.
Screenwerk, Edible Apple, AppleInsider, 9 to 5 Mac, MacDailyNews, TechFlash,, ifoAppleStore, VentureBeat, MobileTechWorld, WMExperts, CrunchGear, Fast Company, CNET News, Engadget, PalmAddicts and Kotaku, Thanks:parislemon

How Reuters Should Be Responding To The AP's Suicide — Earlier today we wrote about the AP's plans to DRM the news, explaining what a backwards plan it was. The story is getting lots of play elsewhere, with many pointing to a NY Times report, where the AP's CEO Tom Curley makes some amazing statements:

A.P. goes nuclear on fair use
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Is the party over for Microsoft? — Everyone knew the day would come when the fortunes of Microsoft Corp. would reverse. The company might now be in actual decline. If it's true, it brought it on itself by ignoring its core competencies, because it exhibits signs of what can only be described …
Brainstorm Tech

Full Disclosure: Sponsored Conversations on Twitter Raise Concerns, Prompt Standards — In light of the FTC's recent scrutiny of Social Media practices and the activity that connects brands to influencers and ultimately consumers, we will soon see guidelines and corresponding penalties to serve as governance for future engagement.
Francine Hardaway's Blog, Patricia Handschiegel, PR2.0 and Search Engine Journal, Thanks:briansolis

ERICSSON TO ACQUIRE MAJORITY OF NORTEL'S NORTH AMERICAN WIRELESS BUSINESS — Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) has today entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire the parts of the Carrier Networks division of Nortel relating to CDMA and LTE technology in North America.

Ericsson wins auction for Nortel's wireless assets — TORONTO (Reuters) - Sweden's Ericsson has won an auction for the wireless assets of bankrupt Nortel Networks Corp in a deal valued at $1.13 billion, Nortel said on Saturday. — The proposed sale, announced by Nortel in a news release …

Apple won't let you use cool augmented reality iPhone apps — yet — A concept video for an identification app, called Augmented ID, that uses facial recognition. — IPhone owners are excited to get their hands on the augmented reality applications that we wrote about last week …

Monetize The Audience, Not The Content — There's a lot of discussion out there about how online content should be monetized. — In particular, the newspaper industry is doing a lot of soul searching for the right revenue model. For many publications, particularly legacy publications …

Palm Tattles on Apple For Bad USB Etiquette (And They Would Know) — Did you hear about that Palm Pre update yesterday? The one that re-enables iTunes syncing? Yes, probably, but Palm would still very much like to emphasize to you, and now the USB Implementers Forum, that it's fighting the good fight.

How Palm Re-Enabled iTunes Sync (The Plot Thickens)
Engadget, TUAW, Pulse2, mdeslaur, The iPhone Blog,, VentureBeat, PC World and MacRumors

Arrington on Twittergate: “I wouldn't do things any differently” — As a reporter who blogs — and who has been competing against Michael Arrington for the past couple of years — I've been helplessly fascinated by the Twittergate debate of the last couple of weeks., Orbitz linked to controversial marketers — Thousands of Web shoppers have complained that “mystery charges” are showing up on their credit card statements and have accused those who operate so-called Web loyalty programs of duping them into signing up.

Microsoft to push out critcal patch on Tuesday for IE, Windows — Out—of-band patches fix critical hole in Windows and IE and moderate hole in Visual Studio — Late Friday, Microsoft notified users that on Tuesday, July 28, it would be pushing out a critical patch for Windows and IE, and a moderate patch for Visual Studio.
CNET News, MSRC, Microsoft, The Microsoft Blog, The Register,, SC Magazine US, Liquidmatrix Security Digest, Security Watch, Security Fix and eWeek

Microsoft's EU offer gets cautious welcome from rivals — Microsoft's offer to settle its outstanding antitrust issues with Europe's top antitrust regulator was given a cautious welcome by the company's principal antagonist Friday. — Thomas Vinje, the lawyer representing companies including IBM …

Antitrust: Commission welcomes new Microsoft proposals on Microsoft …
Download Squad, Engadget, Reuters, Guardian, New York Times, Network World, eWeek,, Ars Technica, ReadWriteWeb, Bloomberg, AppScout, Computerworld, TechFlash, Technologizer,, BetaNews, paidContent,, The Microsoft Blog, Tim Anderson's ITWriting, Seattle Times, Digital Daily and All about Microsoft