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For Mozilla and Google, Group Hugs Get Tricky — BOXES lined the cubicles and hallways in the offices of Mozilla on a recent afternoon, and its chief executive, John Lilly, seemed a bit disoriented as he looked for a place to sit. Mozilla, which makes the Firefox Web browser …

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man — A robot that can open doors and find electrical outlets to recharge itself. Computer viruses that no one can stop. Predator drones, which, though still controlled remotely by humans, come close to a machine that can kill autonomously.

Why Apple's iTouch Tablet Will Become Its Flagship Product — Digital content has been available for years but the right vehicle to consume the content has been lacking. We still cut down trees and hand deliver newspapers to people's homes. That worked in 1900 but 2009? Are you kidding me?

By A Nose: Netflix Prize Leaders One-Upped With One Day Remaining — Last month news broke that a team of computer scientists had finally managed to improve Netflix's recommendation algorithm by 10%, making them eligible to win the $1 million Netflix Prize, a competition that began back in 2006.

Is the party over for Microsoft? — Everyone knew the day would come when the fortunes of Microsoft Corp. would reverse. The company might now be in actual decline. If it's true, it brought it on itself by ignoring its core competencies, because it exhibits signs of what can only be described …

The iPhone's Latest Hit App: A Sex Offender Locator — Looking over the top 10 paid iPhone apps list today, the list appeared pretty typical: A bunch of games, a camera app, etc. Then I noticed one called Offender Locator [iTunes link], mostly because it has a creepy icon.

Android Donut Out: Full Multitouch, Universal Search, Automated Backups AND Better Performance — Google's dropped new code for Android Donut and it sounds too good to be true. People at XDA Developers are reporting it has system-wide multitouch, universal search, text-to-speech …

Barry Diller Calls Free Web Content a ‘Myth,’ Joining Effort for User Fees — Barry Diller, chairman and chief executive officer of IAC/InterActiveCorp, said Web users will have to pay for what they watch and use, joining the refrain of media moguls who say an era of free Internet content is ending.

Shareflow: It's Google Wave, But Available Now — It was inevitable really. Ever since Google Wave burst on to the scene as the next hot thing, someone, somewhere was going to beat Google to the punch and release something comparable. That something is Shareflow, a new SaaS play by New York City-based startup Zenbe.

Full Disclosure: Sponsored Conversations on Twitter Raise Concerns, Prompt Standards — In light of the FTC's recent scrutiny of Social Media practices and the activity that connects brands to influencers and ultimately consumers, we will soon see guidelines and corresponding penalties to serve as governance for future engagement.
Francine Hardaway's Blog, Online Marketing …, PR2.0 and Search Engine Journal, Thanks:briansolis

Facebook Wants To Know If You'd Mind Sharing All Of Your Information — Facebook wants really wants to make as much information as possible on Facebook public. It recently changed the privacy controls on the site to make it easier to share with everyone. It wants to know how much users …

Monetize The Audience, Not The Content — There's a lot of discussion out there about how online content should be monetized. — In particular, the newspaper industry is doing a lot of soul searching for the right revenue model. For many publications, particularly legacy publications …