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Apple bans App Store's 3rd-most prolific developer — Over the past few weeks, Apple has been much-maligned for keeping apps such as Google Voice off the App Store. These weren't some random garbage apps; there was no farting, or baby shaking. Google Voice apps are utilities which many have come …
9 to 5 Mac,, Skype Journal, InformationWeek, MobileContentToday, IntoMobile,, The Buzz Bin and Edible Apple, Thanks:2yadav

Another Startup Falls Prey To The iPhone/Google Voice Crossfire — If you've been paying attention to the tech news at all over the last week, you're already very familiar with the outrage that Apple has sparked over its rejection of Google Voice for the App Store, and its ban of all third-party applications that tap into the service.
Electronic Frontier Foundation, FierceDeveloper, VoIP Watch, Internet Evolution and FierceMobileContent

FTC to press on with Apple-Google board probe — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said it will continue to investigate the relationship between the boards of Apple Inc and Google Inc, after Google's chief quit Apple's board on Monday.
Federal Trade Commission, GMSV, Lockergnome Blog Network, DailyFinance, Guardian, iLounge, TechCrunch, paidContent, Ars Technica, PC World, Digital Daily, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Tech Daily Dose, MacRumors, ZDNet Government, Search Engine Watch, Network World, LOOPRumors, Daily News, gdgt, PalmAddicts and

Why Schmidt Had To Go — What happens when the enemy of your enemy …
The Register, The Atlantic Business Channel, Washington Post, NEWSFACTOR, Forbes, FactoryCity, ParisLemon, Engadget, Ars Technica, VentureBeat, CNET News, Daring Fireball, Google Watch, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Seeking Alpha,, Tech Beat, and The SiliconANGLE, Thanks:2yadav

Sponsored Tweets Launches: The End of Twitter As We Know It? — We heard rumblings that IZEA's Sponsored Tweets was about to debut back in June. Today, IZEA's platform launched, and it is what we all expected: a pay per tweet service. — Sponsored Tweets, now live …

White House Cybersecurity Chief Quits — WASHINGTON — The White House's acting cybersecurity czar announced her resignation Monday, in a setback to the Obama administration's efforts to better protect the computer networks critical to national security and the global economy.
Digital Daily, Washington Post, Danger Room,, CNET News, eWeek, Internetnews Blog, threatpost, Daily News and

Rivalry Between Apple and Palm Intensifies — The Palm Pre has a large touch screen, slide-out keyboard and fast Web browsing. Palm also likes to point out that another selling point is the smartphone's ability to link to iTunes, Apple's music and media store.

The GigaOM Interview: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski on Mobile, Broadband, iPhone & Innovation — Late last week, a day before the Federal Communications Commission started to investigate the Google Voice App fiasco, I spoke with the new FCC chairman, Julius Genachowski.

‘Moving newspaper’ on flexible screen to be launched within months — It is the norm in the fictional world of Harry Potter: the magical daily newspaper where words and pictures come to life in the reader's hands. — Now a revolutionary technology means that the moving imagery in The Daily Prophet is set to become a reality. Files For $75 Million IPO — Genealogy company has filed for an IPO and plans to raise about $75 million in the offering, according to an SEC filing. It plans to list on Nasdaq or NYSE under the symbol ACOM, and Morgan Stanley and BofA Merrill Lynch are the lead underwriters.

AP Will Sell You A License To Words It Has No Right To Sell — Last year, you may recall, we pointed out that the Associated Press had a laughable sliding scale price if you wanted to copy and use more than 4 words (the first 4 free!). After that, it cost $12.50 for 5 to 25 words.

INQ handsets turn to Twitter and iTunes — Mobile phone maker INQ is releasing two new handsets boasting support for Twitter and iTunes compatibility, thanks to a deal with one of the internet's best-known hackers — Mobile phone maker INQ is to follow its first award-winning eponymous mobile phone …
Mashable!, VentureBeat, mocoNews, Engadget, last100, IntoMobile, The Really Mobile Project and Open Gardens

Facebook app lets Intel PCs donate processor power — Can't donate your personal time to a good cause? Intel is providing what may be the next best option. — Intel teamed up with GridRepublic on Monday to launch a Facebook application that allows the spare processing power in a PC …

Palm Pre Ad Creator Pretends that His Commercials Are Good — Say you're Gary Koepke, co-founder of Modernista, the ad agency behind those horrendous crazy lady Palm Pre commercials. And say the whole internet notices that your commercials suck. What do you do then? You start BSing even harder, that's what.
AdAge, Boy Genius Report, CNET News, GigaOM, CrunchGear, Gadget Lab, IntoMobile and

Music service Spotify wins high-profile backing — By Tim Bradshaw in London, Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York and Tom Mitchell in Hong Kong — Spotify, the digital music service widely tipped as a potential challenger to the dominance of iTunes, is close to securing new investment …
TechCrunch Europe, TechCrunch, Telegraph, paidContent, VentureBeat, Softpedia News, ReadWriteWeb and mocoNews

EFF Defends Wikipedian's Right to the Public Domain — As has been widely reported, the National Portrait Gallery of London (NPG) recently sent a legal threat to an American Wikipedian, Derrick Coetzee, over his posting approximately 3,000 photos of public domain paintings to Wikipedia.

Enterprise Hacks Opining On The Law, And Other Blogging Tragedies — Ok, the reasoned low key approach didn't work. Now it's time for some more truth. — The ridiculous Sam Sethi dispute has gone on for far too long, and far too many have continued to be sucked into his web of confidence …

New Kensington® Mobile Device Accessories Do Double Duty as Home Helpers — Six New Products Enhance Flexibility Inside the Home as Well as on the Go — Kensington Computer Products Group, a worldwide leader in delivering smart made simple™ computing accessories for the mobile consumer …

iLike rolls out App platform, with 250 bands signed on — Seattle social music service iLike really has platformized its iPhone App technology. — The company today is announcing that 250 bands - including big names such as Sonic Youth, Michael Franti, Enrique Iglesias and Reba McEntire …

BREAKING: First Ever Criminal Prosecution for Domain Name Theft Underway — Over the years hundreds of stories of domain name theft have been reported, most famous among them of course is the theft of Even as recent as last week, reports of stolen domains sent a chilling reminder through …

T-Mobile UK starts shifting iPhones on the quiet — Exclusive, what exclusive? — Migrate from Solaris to Red Hat on IBM — T-Mobile UK has started supplying iPhone 3G handsets to selected customers, while O2 UK continues to believe it has a UK exclusive on Apple's last-generation handset.
9 to 5 Mac, Boy Genius Report,, Engadget, and Technovia

Why TV Networks Should Support Net Neutrality — If you run a TV network, broadcast or cable, you should be spending a lot of money to support Net Neutrality. You should have every lobbyist you own getting on the Net Neutrality train. Why ? Because in a net neutrality environment no bits get priority over any other bits.
Ars Technica

Microsoft's Point Man on Search-Satya Nadella-Speaks: “It's a Game of Scale” — Another Microsoft exec BoomTown spoke to-while in Seattle last week-was Satya Nadella, SVP of Research and Development at its Online Services division, also known as the man in charge of search and online advertising technology …

TeleNav GPS Navigator comes to T-Mobile's myTouch 3G — TeleNav has already launched its subscription turn-by-turn navigation service for the G1, so it stands to reason that official myTouch 3G support would be close behind — and sure enough, the company has announced that its GPS Navigator app …

Startups unite to drive nail into the coffin of Internet Explorer 6 — If you're still using Internet Explorer 6 — a frequently criticized web browser that was first released in 2001 — the Internet probably feels like an increasingly hostile place. Popular sites like YouTube are telling visitors …