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FTC to press on with Apple-Google board probe — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said it will continue to investigate the relationship between the boards of Apple Inc and Google Inc, after Google's chief quit Apple's board on Monday.

Why Schmidt Had To Go — What happens when the enemy of your enemy is no longer your friend? You cast him out, as Steve Jobs seems to have done to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who today resigned his seat from Apple's board. An alliance which began with a mutual distrust of Microsoft …
The Atlantic Business Channel, Washington Post, NEWSFACTOR, Forbes, Engadget, Ars Technica, Daring Fireball, CNET News, and 9 to 5 Mac, Thanks:2yadav

Dr. Eric Schmidt Resigns from Apple's Board of Directors — Apple® today announced that Dr. Eric Schmidt, chief executive officer of Google, is resigning from Apple's Board of Directors, a position he has held since August 2006. — “Eric has been an excellent Board member for Apple …
San Francisco Chronicle, TheAppleBlog, Computerworld, Tim Anderson's ITWriting, GeekBrief.TV, Mashable!, Network World, FactoryCity, Edible Apple, Macworld, GigaOM, Epicenter, Tech Daily Dose, TidBITS, News, iPhone Savior, ParisLemon, PC World,, The Apple Core, Open IT Strategies, Gawker, Mediaite, DailyFinance, VentureBeat, Between the Lines,, Search Engine Watch, Google Watch, Seeking Alpha, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Guardian, paidContent, Tech Check with Jim Goldman,, L.A. Times Tech Blog, gdgt, MacRumors, Screenwerk, Digital Daily, Dealscape, DailyTech,, The SiliconANGLE, Tech Beat, Seeking Alpha, 9 to 5 Mac, PalmAddicts, The iPhone Blog, Gadgetell, The Tech Report, Search Engine Land,, Search Engine Journal, I4U News, Silicon Alley Insider and

Apple bans App Store's 3rd-most prolific developer — Over the past few weeks, Apple has been much-maligned for keeping apps such as Google Voice off the App Store. These weren't some random garbage apps; there was no farting, or baby shaking. Google Voice apps are utilities which many have come …
MobileContentToday, Skype Journal, InformationWeek, IntoMobile,, The Buzz Bin and Edible Apple, Thanks:2yadav

Another Startup Falls Prey To The iPhone/Google Voice Crossfire — If you've been paying attention to the tech news at all over the last week, you're already very familiar with the outrage that Apple has sparked over its rejection of Google Voice for the App Store, and its ban of all third-party applications that tap into the service.
Electronic Frontier Foundation, eWeek, VoIP Watch, FierceDeveloper, Internet Evolution and FierceMobileContent

White House Cybersecurity Chief Quits — WASHINGTON — The White House's acting cybersecurity czar announced her resignation Monday, in a setback to the Obama administration's efforts to better protect the computer networks critical to national security and the global economy.
Washington Post, Danger Room,, CNET News, eWeek, threatpost, Internetnews Blog and Daily News

‘Moving newspaper’ on flexible screen to be launched within months — It is the norm in the fictional world of Harry Potter: the magical daily newspaper where words and pictures come to life in the reader's hands. — Now a revolutionary technology means that the moving imagery in The Daily Prophet is set to become a reality. Files For $75 Million IPO — Genealogy company has filed for an IPO and plans to raise about $75 million in the offering, according to an SEC filing. It plans to list on Nasdaq or NYSE under the symbol ACOM, and Morgan Stanley and BofA Merrill Lynch are the lead underwriters.

INQ handsets turn to Twitter and iTunes — Mobile phone maker INQ is releasing two new handsets boasting support for Twitter and iTunes compatibility, thanks to a deal with one of the internet's best-known hackers — Mobile phone maker INQ is to follow its first award-winning eponymous mobile phone …
VentureBeat, Mashable!, last100, IntoMobile, Engadget, mocoNews, The Really Mobile Project and Open Gardens

AP Will Sell You A License To Words It Has No Right To Sell — Last year, you may recall, we pointed out that the Associated Press had a laughable sliding scale price if you wanted to copy and use more than 4 words (the first 4 free!). After that, it cost $12.50 for 5 to 25 words.

“Going Google” with Google Apps — Every morning, millions of people wake up to a very refreshing experience at work. They don't see “mailbox is full” errors in their email. They don't worry about backing up their data. They can get to any file they need from any computer, anywhere with Internet access and a browser.

Why TV Networks Should Support Net Neutrality — If you run a TV network, broadcast or cable, you should be spending a lot of money to support Net Neutrality. You should have every lobbyist you own getting on the Net Neutrality train. Why ? Because in a net neutrality environment no bits get priority over any other bits.

BREAKING: First Ever Criminal Prosecution for Domain Name Theft Underway — Over the years hundreds of stories of domain name theft have been reported, most famous among them of course is the theft of Even as recent as last week, reports of stolen domains sent a chilling reminder through …

How To Hack(Tether) Palm Pre into a WiFi Router! — For those of you who want to hack your Palm Pre into a wifi-router like a Novatel MiFi 2000 WiFi router, there's a free app you can install called My Tether. — Currently, there's 2 versions of My Tether, version 2. with $10 donation w/ easy installer …
jkOnTheRun, IntoMobile, Palm WebOS, Lifehacker, SlashGear, Palm Pre Cases … and MAKE Magazine

Photobucket Founders To Leave News Corp. — The founders of photo sharing site Photobucket, Alex Welch and Darren Crystal, are leaving News Corp./Fox, we've confirmed. The two sold Photobucket to Fox Interactive in May 2007 for around $300 million. Welch and Crystal will leave the company at the end of August.

PayFail: PayPal And Its APIs Go Down, Online Shopping Grinds To A Halt — There's a mad rush of tips coming into us right now that PayPal's online purchasing service is down for the count. While the site itself appears to be loading (though very slowly), numerous buyers and venders are reporting that sales are not going through.
Discussion:, CNET News, and Data Center Knowledge, Thanks:mrinaldesai

The GigaOM Interview: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski on Mobile, Broadband, iPhone & Innovation — Late last week, a day before the Federal Communications Commission started to investigate the Google Voice App fiasco, I spoke with the new FCC chairman, Julius Genachowski.

Twitter augmented reality search: Tweetmondo and Layar team up — A still from Twittaround, the original augmented reality Twitter search app — Less than a month ago, a fascinating, if slightly creepy, mobile app called Twittaround launched — overlaying nearby tweets onto a smartphone camera.

If You Could See Google Street View In Video, It Would Look Like YellowBird — Over the past few years we've seen 3-D panoramic photographs become popular on the Web. These are photos taken with special 360-degree cameras and stitched together to mimic the experience of moving through space.

Music service Spotify wins high-profile backing — By Tim Bradshaw in London, Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York and Tom Mitchell in Hong Kong — Spotify, the digital music service widely tipped as a potential challenger to the dominance of iTunes, is close to securing new investment …

T-Mobile UK starts shifting iPhones on the quiet — Exclusive, what exclusive? — Migrate from Solaris to Red Hat on IBM — T-Mobile UK has started supplying iPhone 3G handsets to selected customers, while O2 UK continues to believe it has a UK exclusive on Apple's last-generation handset.

Why 2010 Will Be the Year of the Tablet — After years of enticing rumors, ambitious prognostications and flat-out blather, 2010 may finally be the year that the tablet PC evolves from being a niche device to becoming a mainstream portable computer. — The tipping point comes via word …
LIVEdigitally, Technology Questions, and, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Forrester: New eReader Data Suggests Amazon Vulnerability — Just a quick note to say that we've got a new report up on the changing demographics of eReader buyers: “Who Will Buy An eReader?,” available in full to Forrester clients. — First, eReader interest and awareness is definitely growing, as you can see: