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Apple Announces the New iPhone 3G S—The Fastest, Most Powerful iPhone Yet — iPhone 3G Now Available for $99 — Apple® today introduced the new iPhone™ 3G S, the fastest, most powerful iPhone yet, packed with incredible new features including improved speed and performance …
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iPhone 3GS Complete Feature Guide — As expected, the new Apple iPhone 3GS is out. We were right: The photos of the new iPhone were real. Here you have a comprehensive guide to the iPhone 3GS' new features: — Speed — The “S” stands for “SPEED!” And according to Apple …
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iPhone 3G S announced: $199 16GB, $299 32GB, June 19th — As endlessly predicted, Apple's unveiled a new iPhone today at WWDC, the iPhone 3G S — the “s” stands for speed. Although it looks almost exactly like the 3G, it's much, much faster — some tasks are almost four times faster.
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The reason why AT&T won't support MMS with the iPhone until “late Summer”, tethering info! — We were just told the real reason why AT&T won't be supporting MMS on the iPhone 3G or iPhone 3G S at launch, and you're going to laugh... Technically it will work right away our ninja tells us.
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Why The iPhone 3G S May Be A Sucker's Bet Right Now — The new iPhone 3G S sounds great. It's not a huge update to the iPhone, but it packs a few very important things: More speed, more storage, more battery and a better camera that can do video. It's a no-brainer to upgrade to it …

iPhone 3G users to pay $200 premium for early upgrade to iPhone 3G S — During its presentation at WWDC Monday, Apple highlighted new pricing for the iPhone 3G and the upcoming iPhone 3G S model but didn't explain that existing iPhone 3G customers will have to pay a $200 premium to upgrade …
MobileContentToday, MacNN, O'Grady's PowerPage, GigaOM, SlashGear, Webomatica and Engadget, Thanks:mrinaldesai

AT&T: The iPhone's anchor — Backstage at the keynote event that kicked off Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference today, there were likely some smiles from Apple execs as the audience chuckled at the little jabs against Microsoft - you know, comments that poked fun at Windows Vista …
Boing Boing Gadgets, Technologizer, The Business Insider, SmoothSpan Blog and deal architect

AT&T speaks on tethering, iPhone 3G S preorders, upgrades — We spoke with an AT&T representative to get the details on subsidized, early upgrade, and no-contract pricing for the iPhone 3G S. We also got a little more information on MMS and tethering support, which may or may not be good news.

Safari 4 fast, but only minor tweaks from beta — The public version of Safari 4 came out Monday amid all the iPhone noise at WWDC, and Apple confirmed what those who played around with the beta version already knew: Safari is now a serious browser for serious Windows users, and its position on Macs has been bolstered.

Everything You Need to Know About Snow Leopard
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Google to Reveal Apps Enhancements — Expectations are running high for an event Google will hold on Tuesday to announce enhancements to the business-oriented Premier edition of its Apps collaboration and communication suite. — The morning event, to be held in San Francisco …
Googling Google

Bartz Continues Torpedoing Yahoo Search — Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz has been talking a lot over the past two weeks about Yahoo and how it competes against Google and Microsoft. Each time she does, I feel like she's digging the hole even deeper for Yahoo's prospects in search.

Key Not: Why the Jobs-less Apple WWDC Signals Trouble — Wow, there's two hours of my life that I won't get back anytime soon. Today's epic bore of a keynote address at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference signals the problem that Steve Jobs has created as the designated showman/face of Apple.

Apple's new MacBook family: non-removable batteries, lower prices — Apple just let loose a new 15-inch MacBook Pro at WWDC 2009, with what appears to be the same built-in, non-removable battery (or, non-user serviceable, if we're being proper) as in the current unibody 17-incher.
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Could Twittering about your vacation put your home at risk? — Like a lot of people who use social media, Israel Hyman and his wife Noell went on Twitter to share real-time details of a recent trip. Their posts said they were “preparing to head out of town,” that they had …

Computers Key To Air France Crash — It's no secret that commercial airplanes are heavily computerized, but as the mystery of Air France Flight 447 unfolds, we need to come to grips with the fact that in many cases, airline pilots' hands are tied when it comes to responding effectively to an emergency situation.

Compete: US Reach Grew by 8% in May; Twitter Growth Flattens — May stats are out from Compete, and the web analytics company says US traffic to Facebook's main consumer website increased by 8% during the month to 82.9 million uniques. For those keeping track at home …

The Start-up Guru — Paul Graham's business school and investment fund, Y Combinator, has launched 145 companies — for a lot less money than you would think — Of all the things that Paul Graham hates about running a start-up — and there's not a whole lot about it that he likes — the customers bug him the most.
Texas Startup Blog

Major Policy Enforcements Happening on Facebook Platform Ad Networks Tonight — We're still confirming with the parties involved, but we've received multiple reports tonight that two major Facebook Platform ad networks have temporarily suspended operations tonight while they come into compliance …

Full video of WWDC 2009 Keynote with Phil Schiller now available — Full video of today's Phil Schiller hosted Keynote from Apple's World Wide Developer Conference is now available online. — Head over to to watch today's WWDC 2009 Keynote now. — News by company: … Profile pages:

Do Young Venture Capitalists Have an Advantage? — In venture capital, success breeds success. Entrepreneurs and investors tend to knock on the doors of the venture capitalists who have repeatedly grown tiny start-ups into billion-dollar companies. — But are newer, younger venture capitalists actually better at the job?

Voice startup rollup continues: SabSe buys Jaxtr — Another internet voice startup has ceased independent existence: Telecommunication services company SabSe has bought Jaxtr for an undisclosed amount. — Jaxtr, as we've covered over the last few years, has gained more than ten million total users through …

Apple security is ‘struggling,’ researcher says — Laments lack of ‘formal security program’ — Hitachi IT Operations Analyzer - 30-day free trial — A well-known security consultant says Apple is struggling to effectively protect its users against malware and other online threats …