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The reason why AT&T won't support MMS with the iPhone until “late Summer”, tethering info! — We were just told the real reason why AT&T won't be supporting MMS on the iPhone 3G or iPhone 3G S at launch, and you're going to laugh... Technically it will work right away our ninja tells us.
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Sorry, iPhone 3G Owners, I'm Not Sympathetic — If you ask Apple or AT&T how much the iPhone 3G S costs, they'll emphasize two prices: $199 for the 16GB version and $299 for the 32GB one, as Apple does here. It's only in the fine print and disclaimers that they'll explain that only new customers …
PC World, NPR Blogs, Gizmodo, VentureBeat, Edible Apple, The iPhone Blog and MobileCrunch

Why The iPhone 3G S May Be A Sucker's Bet Right Now — The new iPhone 3G S sounds great. It's not a huge update to the iPhone, but it packs a few very important things: More speed, more storage, more battery and a better camera that can do video. It's a no-brainer to upgrade to it …
Apple 2.0, Silicon Alley Insider, Between the Lines, O'Reilly News, Mark Evans, Gear Live, Fast Company, The Buzz Bin, MobileCrunch, Digital Daily, The Business Insider, Daring Fireball, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Gizmodo, Thanks:bbcversus

Four Reasons Why iPhone Owners Hate AT&T — With the iPhone 3G S news now in the wild, the discussion digressed from the announcement of the 3G S itself to AT&T, the iPhone's exclusive carrier in the U.S. (at the moment). Without a doubt, this relationship is where Apple's weaknesses lie.

iPhone 3G users to pay $200 premium for early upgrade to iPhone 3G S
The Apple Core, GigaOM, Macsimum News, MobileContentToday, Webomatica, MacNN, SlashGear, AT&T, Gadget Lab and O'Grady's PowerPage, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Twitter hype punctured by study — Micro-blogging service Twitter remains the preserve of a few, despite the hype surrounding it, according to research. — Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content, a Harvard study of 300,000 users found.
Wendy's Blog, Gadgetell, The Mind of Alex, The Equity Kicker, All About Symbian, Smalltalk Tidbits … and Mashable!

LxLabs boss found hanged after vuln wipes websites — Shocking development in VAserv megahack affair — Free whitepaper - Calculating total power requirements for data centers — The boss of Indian software firm LxLabs was found dead in a suspected suicide on Monday.
Times of India

Palm Pre on Verizon in January — Sprint better market the heck out of the Palm Pre over the next seven months. That's because rival Verizon Wireless will be carrying the touch-screen device in its stores in January, according to a person familiar with the situation. — Associated Press
Everything Pre, Obsessable, Electronista, all things Pre, Crave, GPS Obsessed, Sramana Mitra on Strategy, MobileCrunch and SlashGear

You Call 50,000 Palm Pres Sold A Success? Investors Don't Think So.
eWeek,, Tech Trader Daily, jkOnTheRun, Business Week,, PalmAddicts, Gizmodo, Electronista, and Techgeist

Sprint breaks its sales record with Palm Pre
FierceWireless, Gadgetell, CrunchGear, Pulse2, Between the Lines, Bits and Digital Daily

Compete: US Reach Grew by 8% in May; Twitter Growth Flattens — May stats are out from Compete, and the web analytics company says US traffic to Facebook's main consumer website increased by 8% during the month to 82.9 million uniques. For those keeping track at home …

iPhone 3GS Complete Feature Guide — As expected, the new Apple iPhone 3GS is out. We were right: The photos of the new iPhone were real. Here you have a comprehensive guide to the iPhone 3GS' new features: — Speed — The “S” stands for “SPEED!” And according to Apple …
AppleInsider, eWeek, NEWSFACTOR, MacRumors, CNET News, Hardware 2.0, TechCrunch, Guardian, Apple, PC Magazine, Communications …, GMSV, Boy Genius Report,, Engadget, The Technology Chronicles,, iPhone Buzz, Fast Company, greg hughes, The Nokia Blog, Skype Journal, Gadget Lab, Gearlog, Mobility Today, Crave, Mobile Magazine, WebProNews, VG247, SlashGear, PMP Today, Gizmodo Australia and, Thanks:omfut

Apple backtracks on Safari 4.0 tabs on top, ZFS — Amid all of the new features highlighted Monday in Snow Leopard, iPhone 3.0 and Safari 4.0 were a few unpublicized retractions: Safari 4.0 has lost its “tabs on top” and returned to the old conventional tabs of the previous 3.0 version …

Apple security is ‘struggling,’ researcher says — Laments lack of ‘formal security program’ — Hitachi IT Operations Analyzer - 30-day free trial — A well-known security consultant says Apple is struggling to effectively protect its users against malware and other online threats …

Could Twittering about your vacation put your home at risk? — Like a lot of people who use social media, Israel Hyman and his wife Noell went on Twitter to share real-time details of a recent trip. Their posts said they were “preparing to head out of town,” that they had …

Introducing Android Scripting Environment — The Android Scripting Environment (ASE) brings scripting languages to Android by allowing you to edit and execute scripts and interactive interpreters directly on the Android device. These scripts have access to many of the APIs available …
Google Android News …, Android Phone Fans, Open Gardens and Google Blogoscoped, Thanks:atul

Wolfram|Alpha Update Today — There's new data flowing into Wolfram|Alpha every second. And we're always working very hard to develop the core code and data for the system. In fact, internally, we have a complete new version of the system that's built every day.

Why Apple wins. every. time. — Today there was no reality distortion field. Just a reality field. You want video. Here it is. You want devs to have video. Here it is. You want to edit video in place without loading Quicktime Pro or even knowing what it is. Here it is.

Bartz Continues Torpedoing Yahoo Search — Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz has been talking a lot over the past two weeks about Yahoo and how it competes against Google and Microsoft. Each time she does, I feel like she's digging the hole even deeper for Yahoo's prospects in search.

Firefox 3.5 beta 99 is out — Mozilla has just pushed out a new version of Firefox 3.5 beta, which it's dubbing beta 99. Now, the last public beta was Firefox 3.5 beta 4, so either Mozilla went through 94 builds that they didn't feel like telling you about, or this is pretty close to the final product.
Open Source, gHacks technology news, Mozilla Developer News, and Mashable!

comScore Study: Bing Is Off To A Very Good Start — Internet audience measurement company comScore has released a preliminary study of the performance of Microsoft's new search engine, Bing, during the first week of its public launch. — The study confirms earlier reports that Bing had a very good start …

Fotonauts Emerges From Its Cocoon As Interactive, Web-Based Fotopedia — We've been eagerly awaiting the public beta launch of Fotonauts' encyclopedia for photos, Fotopedia. TechCrunch Editor Erick Schonfeld reviewed the preview of Fotopedia that was released a few weeks ago.

Google Translator Toolkit is a new service that lets you translate documents by editing the translations automatically generated by Google. “Google Translator Toolkit allows human translators to work faster and more accurately, aided by technologies like Google Translate.”

Qik Now Comes Standard on Nokia Phones — If you're interested in streaming video on-the-go, you have a ton of options to choose from. Services like Qik, Kyte, and Flixwagon make it possible to share everything from a birthday to a conference in real-time as long as you have a phone handy.

Writing Microcopy — The fastest way to improve your interface is to improve your copy-writing. — I remember the first time I realized how much even the smallest copy can matter in an interface. It was on an e-commerce project at UIE for which I had created a checkout form that asked for billing information.

The Twitpocalypse is Near: Will Your Twitter Client Survive? — Within the next few days, some applications and mashups based on the Twitter API may behave unpredictably or even crash - at least that's the warning given by Canadian software company WhereCloud's Twitpocalypse website.