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“60 Minutes” freaks out over Conficker. Where's John Hodgman when you need him? — I love “60 Minutes,” but sometimes it just makes you scratch your head. Isn't anyone working there who has any sophistication when it comes to technology? Lesley Stahl just finished a 15-minute freakout …
Computerworld Blogs

The Conficker Worm: What Happens Next? — 60 Minutes: Computer Worm Could Receive New Instructions On April 1 — Page 1 of 4 — (CBS) The Internet is infected. Malicious computer hackers have been creating more and more weapons that they plant on the Internet.

Conficker worm might originate from China — There's been a lot of fuss about the Conficker worm. However, there is a $250,000 question: the origin of the virus. — This is the amount Microsoft is putting out as a reward for any information leading to an arrest related to the case.

Screenshots of Windows 7 build 7070 leak, RC-Escrow coming — Screenshots of build 7070 have leaked, but Microsoft has also already compiled build 7071 and build 7072. Apparently Redmond is getting ready to choose an RC-Escrow build. — Two days ago, details of Windows 7 build 7068 leaked.

Pirate Bay Torrents Spread Via Facebook — With the recent trial out of the way, it seems The Pirate Bay team have had more time for development of the site. Just last week they announced the addition of personal RSS feeds. This week we revealed that they will also offer a new IPRED-busting VPN service.

Pirate Bay on Facebook? Be careful, folks, don't rise to the bait.

Tech savvy teenager takes Lexington transit in new directions — The town of Lexington's transit service is fairly informal. The stops are pretty much wherever you happen to be standing when you see a bus. — But in one regard, the scrappy Lexpress and its six bus routes are ahead …
GPS Obsessed

Follow the Mobile User — This guest post is written by Vic Gundotra, Vice President of Engineering for Google's mobile and developer products. (Prior to Google, he spent 15 years at Microsoft, most recently as their GM of Platform Evangelism.) Vic credits his now-7-year-old with forecasting …

How Microsoft put Apple owners on the defensive — Her name is “Lauren” and she's making the Apple (AAPL) guys nuts. — She's the young, hip, Volkswagen-driving redhead who stars in the latest Microsoft's (MSFT) TV campaign. Told that if she can find a 17-inch laptop for under $1,000 she can keep it …

Mouthy Billionaire Mark Cuban Fined for Using Twitter — The NBA has fined Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, the dotcom billionaire, $25,000 for slagging referees on Twitter Friday. His Twittered response: The league has found a way for Twitter to make money.

Wikipedia: Exploring Fact City — Contributors to Wikipedia have wondered aloud lately if — perish the thought — they are running out of topics. The obvious articles, low-hanging fruit like “China,” “Moses” and “Homer Simpson,” have been written and rewritten hundreds of times.

Watch Out, Hulu: Big Media Getting Ready to Eat its Young — Hollywood and the major record labels have always enjoyed a love-hate relationship with new media, alternating between roses and lawsuits for online entrepreneurs, if you will. Lately, it was looking a little like love was going to win.
New York Times

Huffington Post launches journalism venture — NEW YORK (AP) — The Huffington Post said Sunday that it will bankroll a group of investigative journalists, directing them at first to look at stories about the nation's economy. — The popular blog is collaborating with The Atlantic Philanthropies …