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How Microsoft put Apple owners on the defensive — Her name is “Lauren” and she's making the Apple (AAPL) guys nuts. — She's the young, hip, Volkswagen-driving redhead who stars in the latest Microsoft's (MSFT) TV campaign. Told that if she can find a 17-inch laptop for under $1,000 she can keep it …

Screenshots of Windows 7 build 7070 leak, RC-Escrow coming — Screenshots of build 7070 have leaked, but Microsoft has also already compiled build 7071 and build 7072. Apparently Redmond is getting ready to choose an RC-Escrow build. — Two days ago, details of Windows 7 build 7068 leaked.

Huffington Post launches journalism venture — NEW YORK (AP) — The Huffington Post said Sunday that it will bankroll a group of investigative journalists, directing them at first to look at stories about the nation's economy. — The popular blog is collaborating with The Atlantic Philanthropies …
The Huffington Post

Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries — TORONTO — A vast electronic spying operation has infiltrated computers and has stolen documents from hundreds of government and private offices around the world, including those of the Dalai Lama, Canadian researchers have concluded.
iTnews Australia, F-Secure Antivirus …, Threat Level,, Gizmodo, ThreatChaos, ReadWriteWeb, IN DENVER TIMES, Gawker, Silicon Alley Insider and, Thanks:blogfisher

Pirate Bay Torrents Spread Via Facebook — With the recent trial out of the way, it seems The Pirate Bay team have had more time for development of the site. Just last week they announced the addition of personal RSS feeds. This week we revealed that they will also offer a new IPRED-busting VPN service.

Wikipedia: Exploring Fact City — Contributors to Wikipedia have wondered aloud lately if — perish the thought — they are running out of topics. The obvious articles, low-hanging fruit like “China,” “Moses” and “Homer Simpson,” have been written and rewritten hundreds of times.

Who would you rather trust - the BBC or a blogger? — As the internet imperils newspapers, we need a strong broadcaster, not one being strangled by its managers — Professional journalists in the age of the internet look as doomed as blacksmiths in the age the combustion engine.

Palm Pre beta tester on Twitter, says release date is 4/30 — As I was questing for new Palm Pre news, I stumbled upon this interesting tweet from Jim Van, a very smart guy in the IT field. In his own words: — “Got Pre to work on Twitter, but it's a tad cludgy...”

What a difference a decade makes: Barron's proclaims Amazon best retailer — Reading Barron's cover story on Amazon where the publication loves damn near everything about the e-tailer—the cash flow, the business model, the cloud services, the marketplace for third party sellers and even the Kindle …

Gmail surprise coming Monday — Gmail, everyone's favourite webmail service, turns five next week, and to celebrate, Google's got a present for us all: it's going to announce a big new Gmail feature on Monday. What is it? More storage? GDrive? Read on to see what we know.

If Dell Buys Palm, Smartphone Strategy Set with Palm Pre — During Dell's recent Efficient Enterprise announcement, executives said while Dell used to be viewed as a hardware provider, it is now much more. Dell is also making forays into the smartphone market, and one analyst predicted …

Steel Cage Debate On The Future Of Online Advertising: Danny Sullivan Vs. Eric Clemons — Editor's note: Last Sunday, we published a guest post by Wharton Professor Eric Clemons on “Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet.” The post questioned a basic assumption that many of us in the tech industry hold near and dear.
Online Marketing …, Beyond Search, Marc's Voice, and The Noisy Channel, Thanks:sampad