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H-P Plans to Unveil Smart Phone — Hewlett-Packard Co., aiming to grow its device business beyond corporate users, is preparing to release a new smart phone that will also be marketed to consumers, according to people briefed on the plan. The device will debut in Europe, these people say …

Apple Denies Steve Jobs Heart Attack Report: “It Is Not True” — “Citizen journalism” apparently just failed its first significant test. A CNN iReport poster reported this morning that Steve Jobs had been rushed to the ER after a severe heart attack. Fortunately, it appears the story was false.

First Royalty Rates Set for Digital Music — In a decision closely watched by the music industry, a panel of federal judges who determine royalty rates for recordings ruled on Thursday to renew the current royalty rate for CDs and other physical recordings, while setting rates …

Google No Longer Suggests Directory Submission — While Google has condemned buying and selling links that pass PageRank, they've encouraged listing in paid directories like Yahoo for years. It seems that era may have come to an end earlier today. The following bullet points have been removed …

What's the big deal about WiMax? — Sprint Nextel has made headlines all week as it's started lighting up its first 4G wireless network using a technology called WiMax. But what exactly is WiMax? And how does it fit into the future of wireless? Here's a primer to help you sort it out.

WiMAX networks: we won't single out P2P for punishment

Google Rethinks Its Aversion to Ads — Since its earliest days, Google Inc. has largely promoted its search engine and search-advertising products through word of mouth and partnerships. — But in recent months some of the Internet company's executives have been pushing for the company to overcome its aversion to paid advertising.
TechCrunch, Search Engine Land, Epicenter, MediaFile, Valleywag, BloggingStocks, Gawker and WebProNews

INTERVIEW: Steve Ballmer on the Cloud, Google, data centres and the cult of Apple — Microsoft will out-cloud Google — Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer delivered the keynote speech at his company's London conference “Technologies to Change Your Business: How Customers Are Implementing Tomorrow's Strategies Today”.

Is the link economy really broken? — It happened amid the stream of Twitter messages about the vice-presidential debates between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, so a lot of people probably missed it, but Allen Stern of Centernetworks said something that really caught my eye: “it's clear the link economy is broken.”

Apple TV update 2.2 — Earlier tonight, Apple issued a Security Update for Apple TV. According to Apple, this update (version 2.2) fixes a bug in Apple TV that could allow a “maliciously crafted movie file may lead to an unexpected application termination or arbitrary code execution.”

Nokia's Touch Screen 5800 Nods to iPhone — Boasting many of the iPhone's features, the 5800 XpressMusic handset targets the young by offering a year's worth of free music downloads — The new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic handset certainly looks like an iPhone.

Flickr's iPhone-friendly (beta) redesign — A great deal of Web companies have long since converted their iPhone-optimized sites into native iPhone apps, but not Yahoo's Flickr. Instead, Flickr is just getting around to tweaking its mobile site,—in beta—specifically for iPhones.

Picasa 3 (beta) for Linux — We're proud to announce the public beta of Picasa 3.0 for Linux (just a few days past the end of summer :-) — With version 3, Picasa adds improved Linux desktop integration. For instance, it now uses your preferred file manager, and you can use …

Microsoft's Viral Video Adventure: Seinfeld/Gates vs. I'm a PC — Microsoft recently went on a marketing offensive, launching a $300 million campaign that was unexpectedly divided into two distinct sections. The first, ostensibly designed as a teaser, featured legendary comedian Jerry …

Big Blogger Pay Cuts At b5Media — Toronto based b5Media is changing the way it pays bloggers in its hundreds-strong blog network, according to an email memo sent out to partners by CEO Jeremy Wright and copied below. — Gone are guaranteed payments of “$100-$200/month” plus bonuses for traffic.

Two Online Health Site Operators to Announce a Merger — In a deal that threatens WebMD's dominance in the health care space, Revolution Health Network plans to announce on Friday that it has merged with Waterfront Media, a publisher that owns several health Web sites.

Sprint Finds Bidders for Nextel, but Hurdles Remain — Wireless provider Sprint Nextel Corp., which has been exploring a sale of its Nextel business, has received interest from Latin American carrier NII Holdings Inc. and several private-equity firms, people familiar with the matter say.
GigaOM, Between the Lines, FierceWireless, FierceMobileContent, Electronista and

Nokia shows off new Communicator concept device, adds touch! — During the just-concluded S60 webcast organised by Nokia, the presentation slide showed a concept device that just blew our minds away! The device seems to be an all-touchscreen phone that converts into a Communicator when the ‘pencil box’ form-factor is opened.

SONY'S THIRD GENERATION READER DIGITAL BOOK GIVES READERS A “FEEL” FOR LITERATURE — Sony eBook Store Offers Enhanced Functionality — With the latest edition of Sony's Reader Digital Book, announced today, readers can truly let their fingers do the walking.