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H-P Plans to Unveil Smart Phone — Hewlett-Packard Co., aiming to grow its device business beyond corporate users, is preparing to release a new smart phone that will also be marketed to consumers, according to people briefed on the plan. The device will debut in Europe, these people say …
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INTERVIEW: Steve Ballmer on the Cloud, Google, data centres and the cult of Apple — Microsoft will out-cloud Google — Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer delivered the keynote speech at his company's London conference “Technologies to Change Your Business: How Customers Are Implementing Tomorrow's Strategies Today”.
FierceMobileContent, GottaBeMobile, Phone Scoop, Microsoft, Pocket PC, Brier Dudley's blog, Mobility Site, Engadget and

WiMAX networks: we won't single out P2P for punishment — Sprint's new XOHM WiMAX service—does it hate both lowercase letters and P2P file-sharing? After Sprint switched on the wireless home and mobile broadband service in Baltimore this week, reporters seized on the company's network management policies …

What's the big deal about WiMax? — Sprint Nextel has made headlines all week as it's started lighting up its first 4G wireless network using a technology called WiMax. But what exactly is WiMax? And how does it fit into the future of wireless? Here's a primer to help you sort it out.

Royalty rate doesn't change for Apple, music retailers — The Copyright Royalty Board on Thursday froze the rate that digital-music stores, such as iTunes and RealNetworks' Rhapsody, must pay music publishers. — On Thursday, the three-member board that sets statutory copyright licenses e-mailed …
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Music downloads avoid rate hike — The veiled threat to shut down iTunes if royalty rates on downloaded songs were hiked has been averted. — The Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) opted to keep the status quo and turned down a request to increase royalties from 9 to 15 cents on songs bought online.

Flickr's iPhone-friendly (beta) redesign — A great deal of Web companies have long since converted their iPhone-optimized sites into native iPhone apps, but not Yahoo's Flickr. Instead, Flickr is just getting around to tweaking its mobile site,—in beta—specifically for iPhones.

Big Blogger Pay Cuts At b5Media — Toronto based b5Media is changing the way it pays bloggers in its hundreds-strong blog network, according to an email memo sent out to partners by CEO Jeremy Wright and copied below. — Gone are guaranteed payments of “$100-$200/month” plus bonuses for traffic.

The T-Grid: Nokia's 5800 XpressMusic vs. the iPhone — Give Steve Jobs this: When Apple frets publicly about other companies ripping off the iPhone, it has a point. The iPhone is quickly becoming what the Mac was more than twenty years ago, only more so: A device that sets the style …

Is the link economy really broken? — It happened amid the stream of Twitter messages about the vice-presidential debates between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, so a lot of people probably missed it, but Allen Stern of Centernetworks said something that really caught my eye: “it's clear the link economy is broken.”

SONY'S THIRD GENERATION READER DIGITAL BOOK GIVES READERS A “FEEL” FOR LITERATURE — Sony eBook Store Offers Enhanced Functionality — With the latest edition of Sony's Reader Digital Book, announced today, readers can truly let their fingers do the walking.

Two Online Health Site Operators to Announce a Merger — In a deal that threatens WebMD's dominance in the health care space, Revolution Health Network plans to announce on Friday that it has merged with Waterfront Media, a publisher that owns several health Web sites.

Microsoft gives users six months longer to flee from Vista — Buckling to OEMs? — Never mind that Microsoft has kicked off a hyped ad campaign to convince the public to buy Windows Vista PCs, - it's also given users more time to switch back to Windows XP.

Apple Releases iTunes 8.0.1 (Stability and Bug Fixes) — Apple has released an update to iTunes to version 8.0.1. The update is available in Mac OS X's Software Update and provides the following features: … Apple released iTunes 8.0 on September 9th. iTunes 8 introduced Genius playback …

Skype President Addresses Chinese Privacy Breach — You may have seen some reports in the media about a security and privacy breach in the software provided by our Chinese partner, TOM Online. I'm writing to let you know where we stand, and what we're doing to resolve the problem.

Webroot® Threat Advisory: Hackers Using Real Headlines to Attract Users to Fake Blogs — Top Searches in Google Trends Labs Being Used to Increase Search Listings for Malware Infected Blogs — Webroot, a leading provider of security solutions for the consumer, enterprise and SMB markets …

Sen. Kohl asks for continued Google, Yahoo monitoring — Yahoo Inc's (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) deal to put some Google Inc (GOOG.O: Quote, Profile, Research) ads on its searches may hurt the industry, and warrants monitoring by the U.S. Justice Department even if the agency eventually approves …

Google Rethinks Its Aversion to Ads — Since its earliest days, Google Inc. has largely promoted its search engine and search-advertising products through word of mouth and partnerships. — But in recent months some of the Internet company's executives have been pushing for the company to overcome its aversion to paid advertising.

Sprint Finds Bidders for Nextel, but Hurdles Remain — Wireless provider Sprint Nextel Corp., which has been exploring a sale of its Nextel business, has received interest from Latin American carrier NII Holdings Inc. and several private-equity firms, people familiar with the matter say.

BlackBerry Storm video proves RIM hates confidentiality, or they just want to leak crap — “You're invited to a secret presentation on the upcoming BlackBerry Storm. But just remember, we at RIM don't care about company secrets any more, so you Italians in the audience should feel free …

Polling Web 2.0's Presidential Debate Hubs — In the buildup to this election season's presidential debates, we've seen a number of services launch that aim to enhance the viewers' experience (and hopefully keep them informed). During tonight's highly anticipated Vice Presidential debate we put a few of them in the test.

[CEATEC] NICT, Victor Develop 72-inch 3D Display Viewable with Naked Eye — Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Victor Company of Japan Ltd jointly developed a 72-inch 3D display that can be viewed with the naked eye and exhibited it at CEATEC JAPAN 2008.

Typepad unplanned service outage today — Six Apart's hosted blogging service TypePad was down for one hour today. Typepad is one of the largest blogging platforms in the world, competing with the likes of and — According to our monitoring of …