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Of Course You'll Keep Developing For The iPhone — Developers like Frasier Speirs and Dave Winer are protesting Apple's rejection of some iPhone applications, and saying they will no longer develop on the platform (let's leave aside the fact that as far as I know Winer never developed for the iPhone in the first place).

iPhone: Big trouble in the App Store — Last month, Apple triggered a minor rebellion among iPhone developers when it was revealed that the company was rejecting submissions to its App Store retail outlet without explaining why. — This week the company faces a full-scale revolt.

MySpace Music Already Has Revenue Locked, May Raise Outside Capital At $2 Billion Valuation — Get ready for MySpace Music, because you are going to be hearing a lot about it over the next couple of weeks as it prepares for launch. — The new joint venture, which tosses music rights …

Spore And The Great DRM Backlash — If we can learn anything from the troubled launch of Spore, a videogame many people have been looking forward to for years, it is that binding products with digital rights management (DRM) restrictions hurts more than it helps.

Spore #1 Game - on BitTorrent Indexers — In a DRM firestorm not seen since the Sony rootkit fiasco, EA Games finds itself in the middle of public relations hell. Since the release of the highly anticipated PC game Spore on Wednesday, fans of the game have derided the cumbersome DRM …

One in five employers uses social networks in hiring process — says one third of hiring managers rejected candidates based on what they found — Computerworld) More than one in five employers search social networking sites to screen job candidates …
Trends in the Living Networks,, PC World, Silicon Alley Insider, Webmetricsguru and broadstuff

Possible Layoffs at eBay, Golden Parachutes for Execs — Barrons cites a Wedge Partners report that “the company's business is “deteriorating” and that the company is readying layoffs that could affect 10% of the company's 15,000 employees.” — If there are layoffs, it will be interesting …

LinkedIn To Launch Its Own Ad Network — At a time when most social networks are still trying to figure out how to make money from advertising, one social network is bucking the trend. LinkedIn, the social network for business professionals, has so much demand from advertisers that it will be launching its own ad network on Monday.

CE Spending Looks Dismal - But Macs Set to Hit New All-Time High — The latest ChangeWave consumer survey points to still further declines in consumer spending going forward despite a slight improvement in consumer confidence. But how is the decline in spending affecting key sectors like consumer electronics and PCs?

SiteMeter gets a facelift - and a few other nips and tucks too — Web analytics company SiteMeter has rolled out a major update to its free and premium web stats tracking service. The new version of SiteMeter is full of new charts and graphs that let you see how a web site is performing at a glance.

Google Chrome, a Shell for the Web — “In the long term, we think of Chromium as a tabbed window manager or shell for the web rather than a browser application. We avoid putting things into our UI in the same way you would hope that Apple and Microsoft would avoid putting things …

China's nonstop music machine — Exclusive Baidu is renowned as China's glittering internet success story, and as the start-up that gave Google a bloody nose. It dominates the web in the world's second biggest economy with 70 per cent market share, and on Wall Street carries a market cap of almost $12bn.

EA Terminates Acquisition Discussion With Take-Two — After seven months of back and forth, Electronic Arts (NSDQ: ERTS) has terminated its takeover talks with game publisher Take-Two. It announced in a statement today that “while EA continues to have a high regard for Take-Two's creative teams …
Tech Check with Jim Goldman, CNET News, L.A. Times Tech Blog, PC World and Silicon Alley Insider