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Why iPhone is an ureliable platform — I wouldn't invest in or develop an iPhone app because Apple could decide not to approve it, and if they don't approve it you can't sell it. You can't even give it away. You don't find out if you've been approved until the last step …

Apple to iPhone Developers: Don't Compete With Us? — If Apple really won't allow apps that resemble its own onto the iPhone, it's terrible news for everybody. Including Apple.

Google wants your Hotmail, Yahoo and AOL contacts — A Googling Google reader noticed that their Sandbox iGoogle page had a new link on it today — unfortunately, subsequent attempts to see it were fruitless. He says the link was something like “Find friends that are using iGoogle”, and clicking it took him to an interesting page.

One in five employers uses social networks in hiring process — says one third of hiring managers rejected candidates based on what they found — Computerworld) More than one in five employers search social networking sites to screen job candidates …

Stuck in Google's Doghouse — A few days ago, Dan Savage had his lawyer send a nine-page, 4,000-word letter to the antitrust division of the Justice Department. Mr. Savage, 59, runs, a business-to-business Web site that acts as a directory, listing — and ranking …

Capturing the Moment (and More) via Cellphone Video — STILL keeping in touch with friends by texting? How old-fashioned. Some early adopters of technology are now using their mobile phones to send not typed words or photographs, but live video broadcasts.
Imaging Insider

Spore: Most Pirated Game Ever Thanks to DRM — Spore was without doubt the most anticipated game of the year. The game itself has blown away the people who have played it, but the DRM encouraged thousands to get their copy illegally. Already Spore has been downloaded more than 500,000 times …
CNET News, RealityPrime,, Negative Approach, ReadWriteWeb, TeleRead, Kotaku, videogaming247, Scripting News, Mashable!, Slashdot, Lockergnome, Silicon Alley Insider and Forbes

P2P Is Coming To YouTube — It looks like the idea of a P2P-powered YouTube is finally becoming reality, albeit without any contribution from Google. Singapore-based P2P start-up PPLive, which we previously covered for its hugely successful P2P video platform, is experimenting with a P2P accelerator for Flash video streams.

Internet in the Sky: Surf but Don't Call — “THE nice thing about a long-haul flight is you've got time to do a lot of different things,” said Jack Blumenstein, the chief executive of Aircell. — True. You can read. You can watch the movie or, on a few airlines, enjoy live satellite television.

Office 2007 Reaches a New Low — That's the price I saw earlier today on a big display near the checkout counter at the San Diego Fry's Electronics. I was stunned, since the software lists for $149.99. Fry's might as well be giving it away. Back-to-school specials are fairly common for Office …

PwnageTool and QuickPwn for 2.1 iPhone's released — For iPhone owners who want the benefit of the 2.1 firmware, but also want to run their jail-broken applications, the iPhone Dev Team has just released PwnageTool and QuickPwn for 2.1 devices. Please note: this does NOT work …

HOW MUCH MONEY DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TECHCRUNCH50 FINALIST? — The answer is the zero, of course! Any company with a compelling enough idea can be chosen to present. However, financing plays factor into how well a company performs. Over the previous decade, the amount of money it takes …