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Marissa Mayer talks about Google at 10 — and 20 — She is not nearly as famous as celebrity founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. But, in many ways, Marissa Mayer has become the public face of Google, which was incorporated 10 years ago today. — The Internet giant's first female engineer …

Is Search Really 90% Solved? — Jessica Guynn has an excellent interview with Google's Marissa Mayer today about Google's first ten years (today is arguably Google's tenth birthday). Good stuff in there - Marissa talks about Google's accomplishments in search and advertising …
ben barren

One Bad Apple — Apple is looking like what Microsoft was 10 years ago—a Bigfoot that squeezes smaller competitors. — From the magazine issue dated Sep 15, 2008 — A former lieutenant of Steve Jobs's once told me something surprising about his ex-boss. “Steve is a monopolist at heart,” he said.

Google Chrome Receives Heavy Criticism in Germany — It doesn't get any more “official” than this here. Yesterday, Saturday at around 20:07, Germany's oldest and perhaps biggest prime time news Tagesschau announced the following under the headline “Warning against internet browser"*:

Ad trade group opposes Yahoo-Google search deal — Update at 3:03 p.m. PDT, with comments from the Attorney General from the state of Connecticut, which is one of the lead states in the multi-state antitrust review of the Yahoo-Google deal. — The Association of National Advertisers announced Sunday …

Everyone Needs To Calm Down — I haven't had a lot of time to jump into the big fracas this weekend emerging about TechCrunch50 because the team has been busy organizing the conference, working with the Expert Panelists on scheduling issues and spending hours and hours working with the 52 startups …

O'Brien: What's next for TechCrunch's Michael Arrington?
Loic Le Meur Blog

Law prof warns against coming ISP privacy apocalypse — Anyone who reads Ars knows that we have concerns about ISP monitoring and the deep packet inspection that often goes along with it, but Colorado Law School prof Paul Ohm takes these worries to the next level—then hauls them thirty floors …

The “Feedization” Of The Web (continued) — Back in March 2006 I wrote a post about the “feedization of the web UI” where I observed that I was seeing more and more web UIs that reminded me of the news feeds that are common in the financial markets. I predicted that we'd see more of that in the coming years.

Roku: We Ain't Afraid of No Caps — Sure, most of us can get pretty fired up over the thought of a monthly 250 GB bandwidth cap, but what about the companies that provide online video services? After all, as Om pointed out, the cap isn't about excessive bandwidth usage …

Leadership and Management of Distributed Collaboration, and the Rise and Fall of the Chief Community Officer — Last week I was on a panel at Office 2.0 discussing “who owns community?” Organizational Development was just one topic we explored, and ZDnet has a brief video excerpt.
Between the Lines

Old Web idea of micropayments finally finds a home — NEW YORK - Seventeen-year-old Alexis Corocan spends about $5 a month on clothes, accessories and eyes of various shapes and shades for her online persona on IMVU, a popular Internet hangout. — For 29 cents, for example, she can buy a set of deep gray eyes framed by dark lashes.

Avril's video tops 100 million views — Well, the day has finally come. A video on YouTube has finally topped 100 million views, and for better or worse it belongs to Canada's pop princess, the pride of working-class Napanee, Ontario: Avril Lavigne. The video for her song “Girlfriend” …