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Shoddy Reporting, Invective, and Arrogance. Yeah, I Want Some of That — One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. — As I was growing up, my mother instructed me that, when I got angry or frustrated, to count to ten before saying anything.

Startups: your web site sucks — I visited each website from the list of Demo finalists. — Boy, do they suck. Really, really suck. — Does no one understand how to market themselves? — It's amazing to me that not a single Demo website has learned from the lessons of Gary Vaynerchuk's

At the TechCrunch50, an unfair advantage? — It stands to reason that TechCrunch the blog will have an unfair advantage in covering the TechCrunch50 event. The same team produces both products, and the company has put a gag order on companies accepted to present on stage.
High-Tech PR Blog

Breaking News: Satellite to Gather Exclusive Images for Google Earth Blasts off in California...Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Launch — VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CA — A Delta 2 rocket carrying a GeoEye satellite lifted off at 11:50 a.m. PDT today. The imaging satellite will provide mapping exclusively to Google.

High-resolution satellite launched in California — VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) — A super-sharp Earth-imaging satellite has been launched into orbit from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the Central California coast. — A Delta 2 rocket carrying the GeoEye-1 satellite lifted off at 11:50 a.m. Saturday.

Google Says: We'll Get Own Own Data, Thanks — Not content to lease data from others who have satellites, Google today launched its own satellite into space. Via BeetTv, thanks Andy. — Talk about web meets world....this is yet another indicator of the integration of virtual and physical.

On iTunes 8 and hunches; also iPhone 2.1 for Tuesday — On Friday, we posted a short roundup of what's expected in iTunes 8 thanks to the rumortastic stylings of Kevin Rose. The Pandora-like Genius feature, Genius Sidebar, Grid view, and more are all said to be included.

NBC Dumps Silverlight for NFL Streaming? Hardly — Today, Valleywag tried to string two separate events and some made-up facts together to spin the yarn that NBC was not happy with the performance of Silverlight on, and dumped the technology for Flash for their new NFL streaming site.

Google Planning Offshore Data Barges — In a startling new take on data center engineering, Google has filed a patent for a “water-based data center” that uses the ocean to provide power and cooling. The patent also confirms Google's development of a container-based data center, describing …

Vimeo Launches Vimeo Toys - Interactive Video Discovery — NY-based video hosting service Vimeo has announced the launch of “Vimeo Toys”. Vimeo Toys are discovery applications to check out the latest videos and activity on the Vimeo service. — Vimeo Toys is launching with two apps: Vimeo Land and Pulse.

Wi-Fi Nets Come to Vehicles — You could think of this as the Tarzan protocol for Wi-Fi. The goal is to improve interactive Wi-Fi connections dramatically for moving vehicles. — Dubbed “Vi-Fi,” the protocol lets Wi-Fi clients keep in touch with several access points at once.

iPod nano 4G photo, details [new orig photo] — MacNN can confirm the existence of the fourth-generation iPod nano and has obtained a verified authentic photo of the Apple music player. The device exactly matches claims by Digg founder Kevin Rose of a tall, tapered design and is enclosed …
Engadget, Gizmodo, Cult of Mac, Infinite Loop, Gear Diary, CNET News - Apple, Insanely Great Mac, Tech Blog and iPhone Savior

iPod nano 4G leaked in actual, factual, really-real spy photo
Computerworld Blogs blogs, Gizmodo, Boy Genius Report, TUAW, 9 to 5 Mac, MacRumors and Digg

T-Mobile's First HSDPA Handset Goes Live - As carrier continues to expand its 3G network — When it was announced that the Google Android platform would launch with the HTC Dream on T-Mobile s network, many eyebrows were raised at the choice to go with a carrier that has such a small 3G footprint.