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A Smart Bet or a Big Mistake? — Four years ago, Verizon Communications embarked on an ambitious and expensive plan to run fiber optic cables, which can deliver ultra-fast Internet service and dozens of high-definition video channels along with old-fashioned telephone service, past 19 million homes, roughly half its territory.

A Bear Speaks: Why Verizon's Pricey FiOS Bet Won't Pay Off
Silicon Alley Insider

Apple Is Flailing Badly At The Edges — My first computer, purchased by my parents after nearly a year of begging, was an Apple II+. That was 1982. I was a Windows user for the next 20 years, but went back to Mac when they switched to Intel chips a couple of years ago.

MobileMe: Supplemental 60-day extension eligibility and details — Learn about the 60-day extension to MobileMe subscriptions that Apple is providing to eligible members free of charge. — Note: This article will be updated when all 60-day extensions have been made available.
ReadWriteWeb, Apple, Digital Daily, Data Center Knowledge, Epicenter, One More Thing, DygiScape, WebProNews, TUAW, PC World, Insanely Great Mac, Marketing Nirvana, TechSpot, The Register, GottaBeMobile, WebWorkerDaily, The Apple Core, The iPhone Blog, CrunchGear, MacRumors, AppScout, Gizmodo, MacUser, MacDailyNews and TidBITS

Apple customer satisfaction scores gain at rivals' expense — Apple blew away its PC industry peers in this year's American Customer Satisfaction Index, perhaps because it was the only company that didn't release a Windows Vista PC. — The University of Michigan released its annual ACSI scores Tuesday …
Computerworld, Electronista, Datamation, Hardware 2.0, Between the Lines, InformationWeek, Search Engine Land, WebProNews and MacDailyNews

Google's Satisfaction Soars Propelling E-Business to an All-Time High in Latest American Customer Satisfaction Index — Yahoo! and MSN fall farther behind, says report from ACSI partner ForeSee Results — Customer satisfaction with e-business websites reaches a new high …

Google tops among search sites for customer satisfaction
Search Engine Journal

No artists or labels have complained. The site is not closed indefinitely. Stay tuned. — Beta users of Muxtape For Bands: you are unaffected by this outage.
GigaOM,, AppScout, Silicon Alley Insider, The Outsidr, TechBlog, VentureBeat, webmonkey, Valleywag, Technovia and Gizmodo

RIAA issue prompts Muxtape hiatus
Techdirt, p2pnet, OhGizmo!, BetaNews, PDA,, The Next Web, gHacks technology news, CrunchGear, and Gizmodo

Palm Quietly Unveils the Treo Pro Smartphone — Early this morning, Palm released two official press photos of the Treo Pro along with a short video of the handset in action. The company didn't reveal a whole lot of information other than the following: the Treo Pro smartphone features …

YouTube co-founder looks for his next success — St. Paul Central grad Jawed Karim talks about launching start-ups, being an entrepreneur and Silicon Valley. — Many university students spend summer break painting houses, backpacking through Europe or spending some quality time with Madden 08.

Missing YouTube Founder Flees Facebook Froth In Valley, Seeks …

New SSL policy in Firefox hurting tens of thousands of sites — With Firefox 3, Mozilla has changed the way Firefox handles SSL certificates. This change could scare away visitors from tens of thousands of websites that have expired or self-signed SSL certificates.

Lotame Grabs $13 Million in Funding for New Advertising Idea — Online advertising is the key to the future for companies that want to be successful, but a small firm called Lotame has just raised $13 million in Series B funding to take aim at advertisers and provide a unique way of getting in front of the target audience.

Dell Inspiron 910 customers can choose between XP and Ubuntu — Interesting to see that Dell's answer to the ASUS Eee PC will ship with a choice of either Windows XP or Ubuntu 8.04. — The Dell Inspiron 910 sounds like an interesting machine, and I have to admit that it's the first Dell machine …

ASUS unveil new XP Eee PCs: 1000HD XP, 904HD XP, 901 XP and 900 XP 16G

Can We Please Define Cloud Computing? — Recently, I've been seeing a lot of articles pop up on my feeds and in my reading lists talking about the evils of cloud computing and several damnations of the term as being strictly something from the marketing department.

See it. Love it. Buzz it. — In February, we introduced Yahoo! Buzz as a new way for you to discover, vote for, and share the content and stories that matter most to you. You also got a say in what stories might be read by millions, with the voting power to potentially get your favorite content on the Yahoo! Front Page.

NewsCred Goes Public With Credibility-Based News Source — NewsCred, the news aggregator that ranks stories by the credibility of their source, has launched to the public. Instead of relying on popularity as many social news sites do, NewsCred instead allows users to rate each story …
BBC NEWS, CenterNetworks, ReadWriteWeb,, MediaFile, SitePoint Blogs and Profy

Our Newest Report: Online Advertising VC and M&A Deals In The Last Year — Following our analysis of Social Media Deals, we've pleased to announce our first Online Advertising Deals Report, charting activity in venture capital and mergers & acquisitions from Q107 to Q208.

Mobile handset sales down in 2Q: Market share race has three horses — NPD Group on Tuesday announced its second quarter handset sales tally and 28 million units were shipped to consumers, down 13 percent from a year ago. — According to NPD, second quarter handset revenue was $2.4 billion, down 2 percent from a year ago.

Google Will Offer Services for Bloggers at the Conventions — WASHINGTON — Google Inc. will help set up a two-story, 8,000 square-foot headquarters for hundreds of bloggers descending on the Democratic convention in Denver next week, and it will offer similar services at the Republican convention …

EngrishFunny Is Newest Site In Lolcats Empire — The company behind the popular ICanHasCheezburger site has launched a new website, EngrishFunny, which makes fun of grammatically incorrect variations of English (often found in Asia). Users send in photos of poorly translated or written products, signs, instructions, etc. to the site.