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A post-redesign AOL hits new Web site traffic records — AOL announced on Friday that it posted double-digit growth in March, posting new traffic records for the former high-flying Internet darling. — Page views on AOL's programming sites jumped 35 percent in March, compared to a year ago …

AOL's Web Sites Show Gains in Traffic — A yearlong effort by AOL to transform its content Web sites into crowd-pleasers is beginning to pay off. — Traffic to the sites — including AOL Money & Finance, entertainment, and the male-oriented Asylum — grew 15% to 56.5 million unique U.S. visitors …
Silicon Alley Insider

The Web 2.0 economy hangs in limbo — SAN FRANCISCO—Wednesday night was a wild one. — As part of this week's Web 2.0 Expo, the ubiquitous digital-media blog Mashable enlisted a brand-new social-networking site called to sponsor its all-night bash at a cavernous nightclub called Mighty.
The Real McCrea, Mashable!, Irregular Enterprise,, MarketingShift and Coop's Corner

There is No Web 3.0, There is No Web 2.0 - There is Just the Web

The New Yahoo: Sticky, Viral, And Most Of All, Friendly — Yahoo's CTO Ari Balogh and Chief Architect (Platforms) Neal Sample filled in a few more details today around their new Yahoo Open Strategy (called YOS internally). — Background — Yahoo wants to turn itself …

Skype Tests Software for Mass-Market Mobile Phones — LUXEMBOURG, April 24, 2008 - Following recent moves to extend Skype™ conversations to a wide variety of new mobile and wireless devices, Skype is taking another major step as it continues to merge its internet communications software with mobile phones.
Phone Scoop, The Mobile Gadgeteer, Unwired View,, Skype Journal,, Skype Blogs, jkOnTheRun and

Skype Offers Half Pregnant Java Mobile Phone Client — Skype is now available on many leading mobile phones, although depending on where you live you can't use it to call people. — The java based mobile thin Skype client works on around 50 of the most popular Java-enabled mobile phones from Motorola …

8GB iPhone End-of-Life'd in UK? — RegHardware and Engadget are reporting that the 8GB iPhone has gone “End-of-Life” (EOL) in the UK: — Both suppliers' websites are current flagging the handset as “out of stock” (CW) and - more ominously - “no longer available” (O2).

Mexican Embassy: Official Fired After Getting Caught With White House BlackBerries — Whether he was up to no good or simply desperate to play BrickBreaker, a Mexican press attaché was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans …
The Boy Genius Report,, Engadget, blogs, InformationWeek Weblog and Digg

France to require apartments to come wired — PARIS: The French government said Thursday that it planned to require builders to install fiber-optic cables in new apartment buildings to increase the introduction of fast broadband Internet. — As part of a proposal to be voted on by Parliament …

Microsoft Shows Gains, but Also Weaknesses — Microsoft's pursuit of Yahoo may have run into some bumps, but its big software business is humming along smoothly. — The company reported quarterly earnings Thursday that slightly surpassed Wall Street's expectations, and it provided …
MarketingVOX, Howard Lindzon, Microsoft, Silicon Alley Insider, Microsoft Watch and Business Week

Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables — Over the past six months or so, Asus, Everex, and HP have managed to bring low-cost ultraportable notebooks to market. But dozens of other computer makers have promised to bring out their own mini-notebooks.
Guardian Unlimited, WebGuild, Boing Boing Gadgets, Chris Pirillo, Gizmodo, Engadget and Ubergizmo

News Search - now with RSS — You wanted it, and now you have it. We've incorporated RSS feeds into the browse and search results experience. Subscribe and stay up to date with stories from all categories or for specific searches that you perform. We appreciate all the feedback that you've given us.

Google's ‘Blogger’ under attack by streamlined Anti-CAPTCHA operations for spam — Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker™ technology has discovered that spammers, in their recent tactics, have targeted Google's well-known blog publishing system “Blogger” aka “Blogspot” …

Faster - Why Constant Stress is Part of Our Future — A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran a weekend piece entitled In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop, which focused on the stressful nature of blogging. Using our friend Marc Orchant's death and Om Malik's heart attack as examples …

Five important security apps for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows — Introduction — No matter what OS you use, you need to think about security. But what happens when you don't have time to think? Turn to Ars! — We've got you covered with five freeware or shareware security tools for Linux boxes …

‘Spore Creature Creator’ to see light of day in June — Attention gamers: If you're looking forward to the taking a hands-on role with the forthcoming Spore, you've got work to do starting June 17. — That's when Electronic Arts and Maxis plan to release the Spore Creature Creator …