Top Items:

AOL's Web Sites Show Gains in Traffic — A yearlong effort by AOL to transform its content Web sites into crowd-pleasers is beginning to pay off. — Traffic to the sites — including AOL Money & Finance, entertainment, and the male-oriented Asylum — grew 15% to 56.5 million unique U.S. visitors …
Silicon Alley Insider

A post-redesign AOL hits new Web site traffic records — AOL announced on Friday that it posted double-digit growth in March, posting new traffic records for the former high-flying Internet darling. — Page views on AOL's programming sites jumped 35 percent in March, compared to a year ago …

The New Yahoo: Sticky, Viral, And Most Of All, Friendly — Yahoo's CTO Ari Balogh and Chief Architect (Platforms) Neal Sample filled in a few more details today around their new Yahoo Open Strategy (called YOS internally). — Background — Yahoo wants to turn itself …

The Web 2.0 economy hangs in limbo — SAN FRANCISCO—Wednesday night was a wild one. — As part of this week's Web 2.0 Expo, the ubiquitous digital-media blog Mashable enlisted a brand-new social-networking site called to sponsor its all-night bash at a cavernous nightclub called Mighty.

There is No Web 3.0, There is No Web 2.0 - There is Just the Web

France to require apartments to come wired — PARIS: The French government said Thursday that it planned to require builders to install fiber-optic cables in new apartment buildings to increase the introduction of fast broadband Internet. — As part of a proposal to be voted on by Parliament …

Microsoft Shows Gains, but Also Weaknesses — Microsoft's pursuit of Yahoo may have run into some bumps, but its big software business is humming along smoothly. — The company reported quarterly earnings Thursday that slightly surpassed Wall Street's expectations, and it provided …
MarketingVOX, Howard Lindzon, PR Newswire, Silicon Alley Insider, Microsoft Watch and Business Week

Skype Tests Software for Mass-Market Mobile Phones — LUXEMBOURG, April 24, 2008 - Following recent moves to extend Skype™ conversations to a wide variety of new mobile and wireless devices, Skype is taking another major step as it continues to merge its internet communications software with mobile phones.

Mexican Embassy: Official Fired After Getting Caught With White House BlackBerries — Whether he was up to no good or simply desperate to play BrickBreaker, a Mexican press attaché was caught on camera pocketing several White House BlackBerries during a recent meeting in New Orleans …
Discussion:, InformationWeek Weblog, Engadget, The Boy Genius Report, blogs and Digg

Comprehensive list of low-cost ultraportables — Over the past six months or so, Asus, Everex, and HP have managed to bring low-cost ultraportable notebooks to market. But dozens of other computer makers have promised to bring out their own mini-notebooks.
Guardian Unlimited, WebGuild, Boing Boing Gadgets, Chris Pirillo, Gizmodo, Engadget and Ubergizmo

3G IPhone Due on June 9, Analysts Say — The 3G iPhone will be announced June 9, the likely date of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' keynote at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference, analysts said in research notes on Thursday. — The 3G iPhone will be the “first of an impressive wave of new products” …

Google's ‘Blogger’ under attack by streamlined Anti-CAPTCHA operations for spam — Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker™ technology has discovered that spammers, in their recent tactics, have targeted Google's well-known blog publishing system “Blogger” aka “Blogspot” …

Faster - Why Constant Stress is Part of Our Future — A few weeks ago, the New York Times ran a weekend piece entitled In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop, which focused on the stressful nature of blogging. Using our friend Marc Orchant's death and Om Malik's heart attack as examples …

Opera boosts its anti-phishing defenses — Opera 9.5 Beta 2 has stepped up its security game. The browser has added fraud protection and support for EV SSL (Extended Validation Secure Sockets Layer) certificates to help prevent identity theft. — Opera's move to join the EV SSL crowd leaves Safari …

BTW, teen writing may cause teachers to :( — NEW YORK (AP) — It's nothing to LOL about: Despite the best efforts to keep school writing assignments formal, two-thirds of teens admit in a survey that emoticons and other informal styles have crept in. — The Pew Internet and American Life Project …

‘Spore Creature Creator’ to see light of day in June — Attention gamers: If you're looking forward to the taking a hands-on role with the forthcoming Spore, you've got work to do starting June 17. — That's when Electronic Arts and Maxis plan to release the Spore Creature Creator …

Five important security apps for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows — Introduction — No matter what OS you use, you need to think about security. But what happens when you don't have time to think? Turn to Ars! — We've got you covered with five freeware or shareware security tools for Linux boxes …

Tripit: Email is the new interface! — Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, serial internet entrepreneur — Andy Denmark is one of the founders of TripIt and their VP Engineering. Tripit, The online travel assistant that received $5.1M in funding earlier this week, is a service that helps you manage your trips.