Top Items:

Hulu Launches Private Beta, Makes Very Good First Impressions — Last March NBC Universal and News Corporation announced a joint venture that we initially thought would result in a direct competitor to YouTube. As details emerged, it became clear that the two media conglomerates were not planning …

Hulu Debuts to Meet Foes and Find Friends — The long-awaited and much-derided NBC (GE) and News Corp (NWS) joint venture Hulu will make a somewhat public debut this week, opening up a private beta tonight of its web video service and initiating distribution of its movies, TV shows …
BoomTown,, The Web Services Report, Business Week, Los Angeles Times, GigaOM, VentureBeat and Mashable!

Hulu Readies Online TV, Dodging Jabs — The knives are out for — Hulu is the new-media creation of two old-media rivals, NBC, which is owned by General Electric, and Fox, owned by the News Corporation. Since March, when the broadcasters announced their joint effort to bring free …

No Need to Wait: Hulu Videos Already Available on AOL — If you are among the many who haven't received an invitation to the recently launched private beta of - and probably won't because users can't send their friends invitations - you don't have to keep waiting to get your Hulu fix.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: the Ars Technica review — Introduction — At the end of my Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger review, I wrote this. … That was exactly two and a half years ago, to the day. It seems that I've gotten my wish and then some. Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard has gestated longer …

T-Mobile HTC Shadow Finally Emerges Looking Damn Good (Gallery) [Hands On] — The long-rumored T-Mobile Shadow (aka Juno) officially launches now. It hits stores Wednesday for $200 with voice-plan or $150 with $20-per-month unlimited data plan. (Both require two year contracts.)
Mobility Site

Revival hopes for 3 hinge on Skype, the phone of tomorrow — THE mobile-phone group 3 will tomorrow unveil its long-awaited Skype phone, the first to bring free international calls over the internet to consumers on the go. — It is the latest in a series of moves designed to revive …

The Colbert Nation Quickly Colonizes Facebook — Stephen Colbert's presidential candidacy may be phony, but his supporters are very real. — Late on Oct. 16, immediately after the comedian declared his intentions on his satirical news show "The Colbert Report," supportive groups began to form on the social networking site Facebook.
Smart Mobs

MTV NETWORKS LAUNCHES ONLINE LYRICS INITIATIVE — On Monday, MTV Networks is set to unveil an initiative to connect its television, online, and mobile presences by helping music fans answer that crucial question—"Who the (expletive) sings that song?" — In other words, MTV Networks …

Akamai's New HD Strategy: Show, Don't Tell — Better video quality sounds great and all, but it's not clear there's demand for high-definition content online yet. Akamai (AKAM), in an attempt to sign up customers for its new HD offering, is pounding the pavement itself.

Travel Sales Still Growing, but Numbers of Customers Are Declining — THE online travel category is still rolling along, but there may be trouble ahead. — Like other e-commerce markets, travel is expected to produce double-digit sales growth this year in the United States …

Nintendo grows further from fun and games, closer to the practical and utilitarian — Nintendo's as cagey as tech companies come, but the WSJ is reporting on a recent and unusual high level, high impact strategy presentation where in top 'Tendo execs revealed what's described as a change …
24/7 Wall St.

Apple iPhone launching on Rogers December 7th? — If this leaked shot of a Roger's ad turns out to be legit, we shall see the iPhone hit Canada on December, 7th. It should sell for $499CAD on a 3-year contract, and we're guessing it will be the 8GB model.
TechCrunch, Engadget,, blognation, Alec Saunders .LOG, PalmAddicts, Mashable!, Gadgetell and Gizmodo

Instant Jailbreak for iPhone and iPod touch — A crew of hackers (including hdm/metasploit, rezn, dinopio, drudge, kroo, pumpkin, davidc, dunham, and NerveGas) have introduced a one-touch instant jailbreak for both iPhone and iPod touch. The jailbreak opens your iPhone for full disk access …