Top Items:

Another Yahoo Exec Departs — If Lloyd Braun, former Yahoo exec in charge of juicing entertainment who left under a cloud could poach a few execs from the troubled Internet giant, so can former sales head Wenda Harris Millard, who also left Yahoo earlier this year after a rocky goodbye with management.

Hack Attack : Install Leopard on your PC in 3 easy steps! — Well its been only a day since the Mac OSX Leopard was released officially by Apple and the hackers have managed to create a patched DVD that everyone like you and me can use to install Leopard on PC's without having to buy a Mac.

Apple iPhone launching on Rogers December 7th? — If this leaked shot of a Roger's ad turns out to be legit, we shall see the iPhone hit Canada on December, 7th. It should sell for $499CAD on a 3-year contract, and we're guessing it will be the 8GB model.

Leopard vs. Vista: feature chart showdown — There no doubt, Vista and Leopard are both extremely advanced, feature rich consumer operating systems. But way back in January when Vista launched knew we had little choice but pit the two in a head to head chartngraph Thunderdome competition.

Facebook employees know what profiles you look at [Scoop] — "My friend got a call from her friend at Facebook, asking why she kept looking at his profile," says a privacy-conscious source at a major tech company. Turns out Facebook employees can (and do) check out anyone's profile.

Kremlin Seeks To Extend Its Reach in Cyberspace — MOSCOW — After ignoring the Internet for years to focus on controlling traditional media such as television and newspapers, the Kremlin and its allies are turning their attention to cyberspace, which remains a haven for critical reporting …

After Succeeding, Young Tycoons Try, Try Again — SAN FRANCISCO — Max Levchin is not easily distracted from his work. — A few years ago, Mr. Levchin, one of the young princes of Silicon Valley, bought his first home, a 12-room Edwardian high atop a hill here, for $3.4 million.

How we would like to work with LinkedIn and their upcoming API — I've been a strong proponent of LinkedIn and find great utility in it. I've also complained vocally about all the things I wish it did, but doesn't. I guess that's what happens when you gain the kind of traction …
Insider Chatter

Liveblogging A Startup — Charlie O'Donnell and his partner Alex are doing something that is quite brave. They are liveblogging their startup, Path 101. I am sure there is some stuff that they aren't blogging, but when you are posting your monday meeting agendas, you are putting it out there.

Microsoft blocks FairUse4WM v2 after 3 months of DRM free music — Just over a year ago when hacker "Viodentia" wrote FairUse4WM and broke Microsoft's Windows Media DRM scheme wide open, Microsoft responded with record urgency in a mere 3 days. But when Viodentia came back as "Divine Tao" …
Download Squad

Some Leopard upgraders see 'blue screen of death' — 'Archive and Install' option fixes the problem; users blame APE — A significant number of Mac owners upgrading to Leopard on Friday reported that after installing the new operating system, their machines locked up, showing only an interminable …

Apple Leopard and SIP—Not Happening — SIP and Leopard are like oil and water as of the general release version of the new Apple OS dubbed Leopard. — After years of peaceful coexistence with the VoIP world the new OS and SIP based applications that I'm using on my Mac Book Pro Core 2 Duo just aren't working.

Rumor: Leaked screens show IPTV and Fall update [update] — Update: We just learned that Aaron just got his 360 back from Microsoft repair this week. We also know that his dash version isn't any different than the one that is already out (2.0.5787.0) leading us to believe that his 360 doesn't have the Fall update.
Discussion:, DigitalBattle, Joystiq, istartedsomething, Kotaku,, The Boy Genius Report and Digg