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Adobe Raises The Stakes For Web Documents With Buzzword and Share — The list of companies offering free, Web-based word processors just got longer. Today, Adobe is entering the Webtop game (watch out, Microsoft Office) with its announcement that it will purchase Boston-based startup Virtual Ubiquity, the company behind Buzzword.
PC World,, InfoWorld, Between the Lines,, The Universal Desktop, TechBizMedia and

Adobe joins rest of industry in going for Microsoft's throat — Adobe tonight is announcing that they've bought Virtual Ubiquity, makers of the very cool BuzzWord (which is now open for public trials). For the details, go and see TechCrunch's post cause I'm too lazy to write up all the news word-for-word …

Adobe to Acquire Virtual Ubiquity — For immediate release — Collaborative Online Word Processor, Buzzword, builds on Adobe AIR Momentum — ADOBE MAX 2007, CHICAGO — October 1, 2007 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement …

Microsoft finally unveils its answer to Google Docs — After months of speculation about what it would do to stave off potential encroachments on its Office turf by Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Microsoft has spelled out its strategy: Office Live Workspace. — Office Live Workspace is …
Read/WriteWeb, InfoWorld, New York Times, PC World: Techlog, LiveSide, I4U News, Technology Live, AccMan and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check

Microsoft Helps Businesses Achieve More with Better Connected Computing — Q&A: Jeff Raikes, president of Microsoft's Business Division, outlines how the company's new services offerings and investments help overcome the challenges of information overload, as well as connecting …

Techmeme Leaderboard To Launch, Attacking Technorati's Last Stronghold — Blog search engine Technorati's founding CEO is gone, its traffic party has ended and its core search functionality is under long term fire from competitors like Google Blog Search, and Sphere (among others).

Radiohead's New/Old Business Model: Free Music — Alterna-band Radiohead will give away its new album via digital download. The band is ostensibly giving fans the chance to pay what they think "In Rainbows" is worth; in practice that means they're willing to take almost nothing …

Radiohead Fans to Name Their Price for New Album

Day 76: The Yahoo Revival Meeting (Starring His Digital Holiness Steve Jobs)! — What do you do when you want to inject a little inspiration into a company that needs a lot of it? — Do you hold an all-day meeting of top execs where you actually outline specific goals and exhibit better leadership?

Think Different: Think Again, Apple — I shed a tear while watching the video after the jump. Watch ^ first then the subsequent one. Awesome. — This entry was posted on Sunday, September 30th, 2007 at 10:26 pm and is filed under Tags: apple, think different, video, YouTube.

At Starbucks, Songs of Instant Gratification — Like that song you hear playing at Starbucks, but just cannot wait until you get to a computer to download the song? — Starting tomorrow at certain Starbucks stores, a person with an iPhone or iTunes software loaded onto a laptop can download …

A day on the Surface: a hands-on look at Microsoft's new computing platform — New paradigms — It's not often that one gets a chance to attend a demonstration of a new method of human-computer interaction. Having been too young to witness the development of the command line in the 1950s …

Use My Photo? Not Without Permission — THIS is no "star is born" story for the digital age, though at first it may seem like one. — One moment, Alison Chang, a 15-year-old student from Dallas, is cheerfully goofing around at a local church-sponsored car wash, posing with a friend for a photo.
Wikipedia Blog

Silicon Valley CEOs offer their predictions — As we look back at what is widely considered to be the founding of Silicon Valley 50 years ago, we asked the CEOs of today's technology companies to share their greatest hope - and their greatest fear - for the future.

iPhone protest vid uses Apple's own words to support the "crazy ones" — A lot of people out there aren't too happy with Apple right now. Some of them express their displeasure with expletive-filled tirades in the comments section of any pertinent blog post they can find.