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Adobe Raises The Stakes For Web Documents With Buzzword and Share — The list of companies offering free, Web-based word processors just got longer. Today, Adobe is entering the Webtop game (watch out, Microsoft Office) with its announcement that it will purchase Boston-based startup Virtual Ubiquity, the company behind Buzzword.

Adobe joins rest of industry in going for Microsoft's throat — Adobe tonight is announcing that they've bought Virtual Ubiquity, makers of the very cool BuzzWord (which is now open for public trials). For the details, go and see TechCrunch's post cause I'm too lazy to write up all the news word-for-word …

Adobe Acquires Virtual Ubiquity - Enters Web Office Fray — Adobe has acquired Waltham, Mass.-based Virtual Ubiquity for an undisclosed sum, and in doing so has officially entered the web office fray. Virtual Ubiquity are the creators of Buzzword, an online, collaborative word processing application powered by Adobe's Flex framework.

Microsoft finally unveils its answer to Google Docs — After months of speculation about what it would do to stave off potential encroachments on its Office turf by Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Microsoft has spelled out its strategy: Office Live Workspace. — Office Live Workspace is …

Adobe Unleashes Media Player to the Public — Adobe will today release to the public for the first time their Adobe Media Player on the Adobe Labs site. It will be released as a public beta, with a final version scheduled for the first half of next year. We first covered AMP when it was announced …
PC World

MICROSOFT, ADOBE LAUNCH DOCUMENT SHARING SERVICES — Microsoft and Adobe are announcing, at exactly the same time, competing services for sharing documents from your computer. Adobe's Share converts all shared documents to Flash, so you can embed them in any Web page.

ADOBE'S NEW WORD PROCESSOR: GORGEOUS BUT UNDERPOWERED — Adobe has acquired Virtual Ubiquity's BuzzWord, a Web-based Flash word processor (news story). There are a lot of online productivity suites and apps right now—see Google, Zoho, ThinkFree, for example. What does BuzzWord offer?
The Universal Desktop

Techmeme Leaderboard To Launch, Attacking Technorati's Last Stronghold — Blog search engine Technorati's founding CEO is gone, its traffic party has ended and its core search functionality is under long term fire from competitors like Google Blog Search, and Sphere (among others).

Apple Users Talking Class-Action Lawsuit Over iPhone Locking — You bought the iPhone, you paid for it, but now Apple is telling you how you have to use it, and if you don't do things they way they say, they're going to lock it. Turn it into a useless "brick." Is this any way to treat a customer?

Third Internet Tablet a slider - Confirmed! — Remember the photo above from Engadget? Click that link for more of them. Well - there's now a VERY good chance that it could be an early prototype of the third Internet Tablet. So this whole post was probably wrong.

No Indie Digital Agency Is Safe From Sir Martin — WPP Closing in on Blast Radius Acquisition — NEW YORK ( — Martin Sorrell's gone from wire shopping carts to digital-ad baron. — WPP Group, one of the most aggressive holding companies when it comes to snapping up digital-technology firms …

Breaking: How to Unbrick an iPhone (Confirmed: Apps Are Back, but Unlocked Phones Still Can't Call) — Only three days after Apple killed it, the JesusPhone walks again, but it doesn't talk again: By downgrading your firmware from 1.1.1 to 1..2 using the method below, all iPhones can get use …

Bay And Bessemer Add $25 Million In Monetary Muscle Behind — Bay Partners and Bessemer Venture Partners have teamed up with Salesforce to invest $25 million in businesses building on the recently announced application platform over the next three years.
VentureBeat pioneers change to charging —, the internet arm of the Financial Times, will on Monday announce an innovative charging system and a major expansion of the site, fuelling debate about newspapers' online business models. — Newspapers have until now chosen between offering their content free …

Ginormous RAZR 2 crashes into Mercedes, film at eleven — They sure do look beautiful flying in formation during their annual migration, but when one of Illinois's rare Aves Razeruses crashes and burns on a busy Moscow street corner, well, it's never a pretty sight. Check out another pic of the carnage after the break...

PlayStation 3 getting holiday makeover: $399 PS3 rumor has legs — Sony clearly doesn't have an issue with trying a few different pricing levels for its flagship PlayStation 3. The PlayStation 3 debuted with both a $500 and $600 pricetag, but since that time much has changed.

What If Facebook Taketh Away? — An interesting feature story on Wired News, about the emerging ad networks built on Facebook's platform, and how their future is heavily reliant on FB's continued tolerance of them. There are at least eight companies: Lookery, fbExchange, Cubics, Social Media and a new addition, Appfuel.