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Facebook To Launch Friend Grouping. Competition Can Suck. — So Facebook will finally allow users to group friends and control information flow based on friend type. For guys like Robert Scoble, who have 5,000 friends (the limit), this may be a way to finally sort through the real friends from the fans.
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Facebook's Killer Feature Coming Soon — Back in August I suggested that if Facebook allowed you to place your friends in specific groups (e.g. professional, social, family, etc) and assign custom privacy settings, LinkedIn would be doomed. While Facebook is going to have to work toward putting …

Why Does Facebook Make Young Men Swoon? — In debunking Fortune's David Kirkpatrick love letter to Mark Zuckerberg, I noted yesterday that the 23 year old ex-college student's most valuable attribute is the ability to make grown men swoon. — Today, we see that young men are far from immune to the Facebook love bug!

iPhone 1.1.1 "bug" unleashes music over Bluetooth — The iPhone 1.1.1 update has a hidden little surprise for y'all: Bluetooth audio streaming is now available off of your iPhone for whatever you darn please, meaning you can finally listen to music from the phone wirelessly.

Breaking: Reports of 1.1.1-to-1.0.2 iPhone downgrades trickling in — Remember that bit where I said upgrading from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2 was a one-way trip? Looks like I spoke prematurely. Tonight, reports are trickling in about successful 1.1.1-to-1..2 iPhone firmware downgrades using …

How using Skype disrupted my hotel Internet connection and locked me out — UPDATE: I have now posted some additional thoughts about this issue. — It's been a frustrating time here at the hotel in Ontario, CA, where all I've been trying to do is use the Internet connection.

What If Facebook Taketh Away? — An interesting feature story on Wired News, about the emerging ad networks built on Facebook's platform, and how their future is heavily reliant on FB's continued tolerance of them. There are at least eight companies: Lookery, fbExchange, Cubics, Social Media and a new addition, Appfuel.

The Unsung Heroes Who Move Products Forward — AT first blush, the iPhone from Apple, the new microprocessor family from Intel and the ubiquitous Google search engine have nothing in common. One is a gadget, one is an electronic part and one is a service.

Learning from Bill Gates & Steve Jobs — It's been almost two years since I wrote this post comparing the approaches to presentation by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Since PowerPoint 2007 has been out quite a while now I wondered if Bill Gates' visuals and delivery have improved along with the software.

Ginormous RAZR 2 crashes into Mercedes, film at eleven — They sure do look beautiful flying in formation during their annual migration, but when one of Illinois's rare Aves Razeruses crashes and burns on a busy Moscow street corner, well, it's never a pretty sight. Check out another pic of the carnage after the break...

IPhone: iPhone Re-Reviewed (Verdict: Don't Buy) — It's about 3 months after the iPhone launch, and happy with the improvements, I was planning to change our "Wait" verdict to a full-on and rabid "Buy". That wasn't because of Apple, but because of the cool apps being offered by independent developers.

Vista SP1: Create a recovery disc — One of the new administrative tools Windows Vista Service Pack 1 provides is the ability to create a recovery disc. At first, the name might fool you into thinking the type of discs system manufacturers provide to you when you purchase a new computer …

Selling your soul is clearly worth the money (Novell) — I am hesitant to even mention Novell at this point but I saw this article "Novell credits Microsoft for soaring Linux sales" wherein Novell gushes about how well they are doing thanks to their satanic pact with Microsoft.
The Open Road

Verizon's Juke, Pearl, Venus and Voyager get outed — Apparently due to launch in a couple of weeks, Verizon is prepping a phone blitz of fairly epic proportions. The new Samsung Juke, BlackBerry Pearl, LG Venus and LG Voyager are due for simultaneous arrival on the market, and are sure to turn heads.

Note to Apple: Stop thinking Like a Phone Company — As we all know by now, the latest software update to the iPhone may in some cases turn it into a useless brick—if you happen to have put hacked software on it or unlocked it (ahem, John) in order to make it work on a non-AT&T carrier (such as T-Mobile, in the U.S.).