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Google and the wires torpedo newspapers — A fascinating announcement from Google about an arrangement with four of the world's major wire services that will see their content featured more prominently on Google News. As far as I can tell, this deal has one major loser: namely …
Publishing 2.0, William M. Hartnett, WinExtra, MediaVidea, Smalltalk Tidbits …, Techdirt, Mashable!, Lost Remote, WebProNews and Googling Google

Google Shift on Handling of News — SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31 (Reuters) — Google is playing host to articles from four news agencies, including The Associated Press, the company said Friday, setting the stage for it to generate advertising revenue from Google News.

NBC 'DISAPPOINTED' IN NOT NEGOTIATING NEW ITUNES PACT — We are also disappointed in not being able to successfully negotiate a new iTunes agreement with Apple. We're hopeful that we can reach a resolution before the existing contract expires. However, we felt it important to set the record straight.
Paul Thurrott's Internet Nexus, Infinite Loop, The Macalope, 901am, Profy.Com and The Technology Chronicles

NBCU's Response: Never Asked To Double Price; Shows Will Be On iTunes Through Early December — This is beginning to sound like a Jane Curtain-Dan Akroyd skit ... NBC Universal (NYSE: GE) never asked to double the wholesale price and insists NBC shows will be sold by the iTunes Store through early December.

An Open Letter to NBC re: Leaving Apple's iTunes Store
The Macalope

Journalism is Burning Or How Breaking News is Broken — On a day when Alan Mutter told us at Radar about his blog post on the ten-year low for ad sales in print newspapers, — I had the thought that most of a newspaper is a waste of print. Much of it goes unread and all of it is thrown away.

Storm Worm Dwarfs World's Top Supercomputers — The network of compromised Microsoft Windows computers under the thumb of the criminals who control the Storm Worm has grown so huge that it now has more raw distributed computing power than all of the world's top supercomputers, security experts say.
Geek Speaker

Google Earth Flight Simulator — Some time last week, Google expanded Google Earth with Google Sky. As fascinating as Google Sky is, that's not the focus of this post. Along with the latest update comes a hidden feature of which I cannot seem to find any other information about.

Who Founded Facebook? A New Claim Emerges — Mark Zuckerberg is considered the founder of Facebook, the popular social networking Web site estimated to be worth upward of $1 billion. — Three Harvard classmates, the founders of ConnectU, have long claimed that Mr. Zuckerberg stole the idea from them …
Zoho Blogs, All Facebook, TechCrunch, Mark Evans, Insider Chatter, Pronet Advertising, Zoli's Blog, Mashable!, muhammad.saleem's … and Techomical

Do the Mash (Even if You Don't Know All the Steps) — POP music has its mash-ups that combine tunes and vocals from different songs. YouTube viewers do it, too, mixing together segments from various music videos. — Now mash-ups are poised to hit the mainstream, and to spread well beyond music.

Microsoft Allegedly Bullies and Bribes to Make Office an International Standard — Sunday is an important date for Microsoft's future. — It's the deadline for votes on whether Microsoft's office document format, Office OpenXML, will be approved as an international standard by the International Standards Organization, or ISO.

Code to unlock iPhone cracked — LOS ANGELES (CNN) — A group of anonymous software developers said they will soon start selling a program that will allow iPhone owners to use the hugely popular device on cell phone systems around the world and not just with AT&T.

Hey, Who's He? With Gwyneth? The Google Guy — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — The gallery of photos lining a hallway at Google's headquarters here is filled with the faces of luminaries who have visited the company: Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, the Dalai Lama, Muhammad Ali and Jane Fonda.

Update On It's Done, Possibly Moving To Big AOL Layoffs Coming. — We've gotten an update on the controversial post we wrote earlier this month on the possible shutdown of the fourteen-month-old old Digg-clone Netscape. Too many AOL execs have had their eye …

How Long Before You Purge? Apparently Never for the Gap — One of the most discussed topics in my Internet marketing career has been around purging customer/user email lists. When we create a new customer database, this is always one of the topics I spec: how long before we purge.