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Google Earth Flight Simulator — Some time last week, Google expanded Google Earth with Google Sky. As fascinating as Google Sky is, that's not the focus of this post. Along with the latest update comes a hidden feature of which I cannot seem to find any other information about.
MAKE Magazine, Lost Remote, TechCrunch,, ParisLemon, Kotaku, Google Blogoscoped, Googlified and Mashable!

Google Earth Easter Egg: Flight Simulator — Apparently, the latest version of Google Earth has an easter egg: a flight simulator. It's not quite like Microsoft Flight Simulator, but it's a promising start. — How to see this feature. Make sure you have Google Earth 4.2.

Who Founded Facebook? A New Claim Emerges — Mark Zuckerberg is considered the founder of Facebook, the popular social networking Web site estimated to be worth upward of $1 billion. — Three Harvard classmates, the founders of ConnectU, have long claimed that Mr. Zuckerberg stole the idea from them …
Insider Chatter, Zoho Blogs, Zoli's Blog, All Facebook, Mark Evans, muhammad.saleem, TechCrunch, Mashable!, Techomical and New Scientist Technology Blog

Code to unlock iPhone cracked — LOS ANGELES (CNN) — A group of anonymous software developers said they will soon start selling a program that will allow iPhone owners to use the hugely popular device on cell phone systems around the world and not just with AT&T.

Update On It's Done, Possibly Moving To Big AOL Layoffs Coming. — We've gotten an update on the controversial post we wrote earlier this month on the possible shutdown of the fourteen-month-old old Digg-clone Netscape. Too many AOL execs have had their eye …

Hey, Who's He? With Gwyneth? The Google Guy — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — The gallery of photos lining a hallway at Google's headquarters here is filled with the faces of luminaries who have visited the company: Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, the Dalai Lama, Muhammad Ali and Jane Fonda.
Google Blogoscoped

On the Internet, A Tangled Web Of Classified Ads — With So Many Sites, Sifting Is Difficult — A few years ago, a classified ad for Andrew Davis's 2001 Mitsubishi Montero SUV might have been limited to two lines of descriptive shorthand: A/C, pwr pkg, 6cyl AT, 2wd, $9k firm.

Ross Levinsohn And Jonathan Miller To Announce New Buyout Fund Next Week — This news has been simmering for a while. When Ross Levinsohn (pictured left) resigned as the President of Fox Interactive Media late last year it was rumored that he intended to raise a large fund to acquire Internet startups.

NBCU's Response: Never Asked To Double Price; Shows Will Be On iTunes Through Early December — This is beginning to sound like a Jane Curtain-Dan Akroyd skit ... NBC Universal (NYSE: GE) never asked to double the wholesale price and insists NBC shows will be sold by the iTunes Store through early December.

Google News to publish agencies' copy — Jemima Kiss — — Google today announced that it had struck deals with four major international news agencies that will see its Google News site become a publisher of their news stories. — From 6pm UK time today …

Storm Worm Dwarfs World's Top Supercomputers — The network of compromised Microsoft Windows computers under the thumb of the criminals who control the Storm Worm has grown so huge that it now has more raw distributed computing power than all of the world's top supercomputers, security experts say.

Less is more for Ruby on Rails, inventor says — (InfoWorld) - Don't expect much to be added to Ruby On Rails this year. When David Heinemeier Hansson gives an update on version 2.0 of his Web application framework at its user conference in September, he's as likely to talk about what's coming out as what's going in.

Jamendo: Download Thousands of Free and Legal Music Albums — Jamendo is a great place for artists to publish their creative works and make it available to a wide audience. Users of the site can download these albums for free and donate directly to the artist if they like what they hear.

Know Your Rights: What to do when the RIAA comes calling — Know Your Rights is Engadget's new technology law series, written by our own totally punk copyright attorney Nilay Patel. In it we'll try to answer some fundamental tech-law questions to help you stay out of trouble in this brave new world.