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Vonage Holdings Corp. Reports Second Quarter 2007 Results — HOLMDEL, N.J., Aug. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Vonage Holdings Corp. (NYSE: VG - News), a leading provider of broadband telephone service, today announced results for the quarter ended June 30, 2007.

Hey, Maybe Vonage Isn't Dead Yet — Vonage released its second quarter financial results today (I've embedded the release below with the new Zoho Viewer that launched last night). And while the stock continues to slide, revenues are way up and losses are slowing.

Vonage flounders amid slowed subscriber growth — Internet Protocol telephony player Vonage is still hanging on, but the company, which has been mired in a nasty patent battle with Verizon Communications, is struggling to say afloat as it struggles to sign up new customers.
TechSpot News

US 3G Nokia N95 Getting Battery Upgrade! — I received this in my inbox recently, and had to wait a few days to share. This is the official sales flyer for the US 3G Nokia N95. There's several really HOT parts about it that I'm really excited about. — The first is that the thing finally has US 3G - HSDPA even.

Coming Soon, Nokia N95 with US 3G Support
jkOnTheRun, Engadget,, The Mobile Gadgeteer, Mobility Site and IntoMobile

Update: Porn company Perfect 10 sues Microsoft — (InfoWorld) - A publisher of nude model photography is suing Microsoft for putting links and images of the company's content in search results taken from other Web sites that are illegally reproducing the material.

Perfect 10 Invites Microsoft to Join Google & Amazon in Copyright Claim — After pretty much having their case against Google & Amazon knocked down, Perfect 10 is back with a claim against Microsoft. It seems the company is intent on getting someone to cough up money for what it claims …

Blockbuster Acquires Movielink — The video rental chain Blockbuster said yesterday that it had acquired the Internet movie provider Movielink to offer video downloading services to customers. — Blockbuster is also acquiring rights to show the films of Movie- link's owners …
The Register, VentureBeat, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Gizmodo, Digital Daily, Valleywag, NewTeeVee and Todd Watson

Equity Firm Invests in NBC Universal-News Corp. Online Venture — The joint venture between NBC Universal and the News Corporation to bring their television shows and movies onto the Internet still lacks a Web site. It still has no name. It also has yet to announce a clear mission …
NewTeeVee, Guardian, Insider Chatter, Epicenter, IP Democracy,, TechCrunch, Silicon Alley Insider, alarm:clock, VentureBeat, and Contentinople

FOUNDATIONS ARE CRUMBLING BUT NEW ONES ARE BEING FORMED (Terry) — The first story in this morning's MediaDailyNews jolts like a cold splash of water on a hot face. Nielsen has released new data from its "engagement panels," and it's not good for the status quo.

FINAL UPDATE: Outage — Service to has been restored and all applications are now fully operational. The issue occurred during preventative maintenance of one of our data centers when a human error caused an electrical overload on the systems. This caused and other applications to go down.
Computerworld, Netcraft, Between the Lines, Epicenter, Ryan Naraine's Zero Day and Data Center Knowledge

Improved Web Uploading — Also available in: , Français, Deutsch, Español, Português — Here at Flickr, we want to make sure your photos arrive safely, efficiently, and with style. That why we've dumped our dusty old web upload form, and replaced it with a super-duper, sexy-ified, shiny new web uploader.

An Entire Bookshelf, in Your Hands — WHEN Paul Biba, a lawyer in Bernardsville, N.J., finds himself stuck waiting, he likes to pull out his Nokia E61i cellphone and read one of the 20 or so books he usually stores on it. — The virtual bookshelf in his pocket currently has science fiction like …

What's Behind Apple's iWork? — Microsoft's Office still dominates the market, but Apple's new software may signal a tectonic shift in the two behemoths' uneasy alliance — It's hard not to wonder if the relationship between Cupertino and Redmond isn't a bit more strained these days.

Great strides made in search engine privacy, says report — "Privacy" is the name of the game among US search engines these days, and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) is pleased with the progress that has been made so far. In a report released yesterday, titled …
The Technology Liberation …