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Blockbuster Adds Film Downloading With Movielink Deal — Movie-rental chain Blockbuster Inc. secured a foothold in the small but potentially significant online movie downloading business by acquiring Movielink LLC, a downloading service owned by the major Hollywood studios.

Blockbuster Acquires Movielink — The video rental chain Blockbuster said yesterday that it had acquired the Internet movie provider Movielink to offer video downloading services to customers. — Blockbuster is also acquiring rights to show the films of Movie- link's owners …
Todd Watson

Blockbuster Buys Movielink, As Expected — So the deal is done, after long and hard months of negotiation and trying to get the studios on board: Blockbuster (NYSE: BBI) has an online strategy on the cheap: it has bought online movie service Movielink. The price was not disclosed …

Google News Hypocrisy: Walled Off Content — TechMeme founder Gabe Rivera makes an interesting observation on the Google News story all over the blogosphere today. … Google crawls news sites and grabs their content for republishing on Google News. They rely on the willingness of those news sites to get distribution on Google.

Q&A On The New Google News Comments
Compiler, MediaVidea, SEO, Screenwerk, CNET, E-Media Tidbits, Read/WriteWeb, Online Media Cultist, Natural Search Blog and digg

Equity Firm Invests in NBC Universal-News Corp. Online Venture — The joint venture between NBC Universal and the News Corporation to bring their television shows and movies onto the Internet still lacks a Web site. It still has no name. It also has yet to announce a clear mission …

Microsoft spices up the IT image — Decrease Increase - — Submit comment: — SHE doesn't have any IT qualifications - in fact she's a university drop-out - but that hasn't stopped software giant Microsoft hiring former Miss Australia Erin McNaught to sex up the computer industry's geeky image.

BitTorrent Addresses Closed Source Issues — BitTorrent gained prominence in the file-sharing community largely due to its open source nature. What began as an unknown file-sharing client quickly diversified into a vast collection of applications. Developers were able …

DESKTOPTOPIA IS A CURE FOR THE COMMON DESKTOP BACKGROUND — For about the longest time, the background on my Mac had been fairly dull—a Manhattan cityscape plucked from the selection at DesktopNexus. I want my desktop patterns to look good, but I'm not one to put a whole lot of thinking power into it …

Fake iPhone cut & paste demo loves you — Ok, we can officially and finally put this debate to rest: yes, Apple really could use its multi-touch input system to enable users to friggin' copy / paste text in the iPhone. And to prove it, the usual random internet dude (lonelysandwich) …

Upcoming change to the top ad placement formula — Advertisers often aim for top placement because they find that their ads perform the best when they appear above Google search results. Since these ads must meet or exceed a top placement quality threshold, our users receive high quality ad results …

Coming Soon, Nokia N95 with US 3G Support — After a long morning at Cupertino on Tuesday, I spent much of the afternoon taping The GigaOM Show for this week. We invited Blake Krikorian, CEO and co-founder of Sling Media, to come on and talk about all things newteevee.

A House That's Just Unreal — FROM the roof deck of Sherman Ochs's Mexican-style villa atop a breezy bluff, the entire island of Jalisco, population about 20, spreads out below. It is a picturesque place of palm trees, lush lawns and near-cloudless skies.

PCI-SIG announces 8GT/s transfer rate for PCIe 3.0 — The PCI-SIG (Special Interest Group), which controls the PCI spec, announced the finalization of the transfer rate for the upcoming PCI-Express 3.0 specification, currently expected to debut in late 2009 or 2010.

T-Mobile planning VoIP service? — Recommend article: — Chicago (IL) - A new wireless broadband router popped up on the FCC website today, indicating the Linksys and T-Mobile are working together on expanding the T-Mobile Hotspot@Home service from a cellphone to multiple home phone lines.

Too much security can be overbearing: Microsoft — TECH.ED | When does too much security become, well, too much? According to Steve Riley, senior security strategist at Microsoft, it becomes too much when the cost of mitigating the risk outweighs the cost of that which you are trying to protect.