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Facebook Launches Facebook Platform; They are the Anti-MySpace — Facebook is holding a massive press/developer event today in San Francisco to officially launch Facebook Platform. 750 or so people are here. — A number of third party applications will also be announced, including Microsoft …
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Exclusive: Facebook's new face — The social networking company now wants to become a place for anyone to build applications for social computing. Fortune got an inside look. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Facebook may turn out to be a lot more important than any of us thought.
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Facebook Expands Into MySpace's Territory — With an ambitious strategy for expansion, Facebook is getting in MySpace's face. — Facebook, the Internet's second-largest social network, was originally popular on college campuses, but over the last year it has opened its dorm-room doors to all …

FACEBOOK PRESS CONFERENCE—LIVE! — Facebook is making a major platform announcement today at 3:00 PM PDT. We'll be at the press conference and, unless there's a clamp on video rights during the event, we'll be streaming it live, using Veodia (preview) technology. … See more Facebook coverage on Webware.

Facebook: The social Web utility company — The suspense is nearly over. In about an hour, Facebook will lift the veil on its plans to turn its social networking site into a platform that its makers hope becomes a pervasive ecosystem. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls this latest interation …

Facebook Platform: 30+ Awesome Applications for Facebook — The Facebook Platform, which goes live today, means you can use lots of cool new applications within Facebook. We've tested most of them, as well as gathering together all the announcements made today.

Live at the Facebook Launch — Mark Zuckerberg is channeling Steve Jobs here at Facebook's big launch day. A giggle just went through crowd at his presentation of the three key elements of his announcement, complete with choreographed hand gestures and reiteration: "deep integration, mass distribution, and new opportunity."
B.Mann Consulting

Facebook aims to be Social OS — Facebook's platform strategy will be announced today in San Francisco. In discussions with multiple sources involved with the launch, we've come to see the platform as a highly ambitious idea, approaching the idea of Facebook being an operating system with other web apps riding on top of it.

Facebook's plan to hook up the world — The company's boy-wonder CEO wants to take social networking out of the dorm room and make it a platform for new businesses, reports David Kirkpatrick in a Fortune exclusive. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Imagine that when you shopped online for a digital camera …

Facebook Spins Out Widgets; Spins Everyone — The big grand announcement Facebook was supposed to make this week came: it is launching widgets. Yep. Did WSJ get spun with a deliberate leak to hype this up? Probably not, but if they can spin us, we can spin conspiracy yarns as well.

MyBlogLog Gets Into Tagging — MyBlogLog, a distributed social network which was acquired by Yahoo earlier this year, will launch a tagging feature later this evening that will allow users to add descriptive tags to the people and blogs (called "communities") on the service.

All About Tags — By now you've seen our newest feature, tagging, on MyBlogLog. We have had FAR too much fun this week tagging each other, so I hope you enjoy it at least half as much as we have. — Some people have suggested that tags, while well-known to the tech savvy, are still unfamiliar to many web users.

The Final Days of Google — Back in the 1990s Bill Gates said the company that would eventually beat Microsoft probably had yet to be founded, by which he meant that Microsoft was in such a strong position that only something truly disruptive — a whole new business — would have a chance to unseat Redmond.

To keep crash videos off Net, Turnpike limits access — In an effort to keep images of horrific car crashes from being posted on the Internet, the head of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority yesterday adopted a policy limiting the number of employees allowed to make copies of videos captured by highway surveillance cameras.

RESTful Web Services — RESTful Web Services, by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, was published this month. I interviewed the authors yesterday for an upcoming ITConversations show, but I also want to spell out here why I think it's such an important book. — In the realm of IT you could hardly pick a more controversial topic.

I.D.: Touchless Cellphone Concept From A Parallel Universe — This is the latest scifi-slash-absurd design concept from branko Lukic. The Tarati is a phone with no keys, you pass your fingers through the keyholes to dial. Lukic describes it best: … Reach out and touch someone, eh?

You might be digitzing books on the Web without knowing it thanks to this stealthy anti-spam technology — You know those pesky but necessary CAPTCHA boxes whose squiggly letters and digits you need to retype to make use of certain parts of sites such as Yahoo, Wikipedia and PayPal?