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Facebook Launches Facebook Platform; They are the Anti-MySpace — Facebook is holding a massive press/developer event today in San Francisco to officially launch Facebook Platform. 750 or so people are here. — A number of third party applications will also be announced, including Microsoft …
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Exclusive: Facebook's new face — The social networking company now wants to become a place for anyone to build applications for social computing. Fortune got an inside look. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — Facebook may turn out to be a lot more important than any of us thought.

Facebook: The social Web utility company — The suspense is nearly over. In about an hour, Facebook will lift the veil on its plans to turn its social networking site into a platform that its makers hope becomes a pervasive ecosystem. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls this latest interation …

FACEBOOK PRESS CONFERENCE—LIVE! — Facebook is making a major platform announcement today at 3:00 PM PDT. We'll be at the press conference and, unless there's a clamp on video rights during the event, we'll be streaming it live, using Veodia (preview) technology. … See more Facebook coverage on Webware.

Facebook aims to be Social OS — Facebook's platform strategy will be announced today in San Francisco. In discussions with multiple sources involved with the launch, we've come to see the platform as a highly ambitious idea, approaching the idea of Facebook being an operating system with other web apps riding on top of it.

A Makeover for Facebook, and a Growing Audience — With an ambitious strategy for expansion, Facebook is getting in MySpace's face. — Facebook, the Internet's second-largest social network, was originally popular on college campuses, but over the last year it has opened its dorm-room doors …

Live at the Facebook Launch — Mark Zuckerberg is channeling Steve Jobs here at Facebook's big launch day. A giggle just went through crowd at his presentation of the three key elements of his announcement, complete with choreographed hand gestures and reiteration: "deep integration, mass distribution, and new opportunity."

Facebook Aims to Socialize All Online Services
Between the Lines

Wal-Mart to Sell Dell Desktops in Stores this June — Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Dell, Inc. announce that the two companies will partner to sell Dell Computer desktops in Wal-Mart stores nationwide, beginning June 10, 2007. The agreement includes the launch to two Dell products offered …

HD DVD, Blu-ray "Managed Copy" coming later this year — The managed copy spec that will allow users to make copies of HD DVD and Blu-ray movies is finally nearing completion. MPAA head honcho Dan Glickman recently said that the AACS support behind managed copy would be ready before the end of the year …

Closing the book on Apple's Mac mini — Even while at the top of its game, Apple Inc. can seemingly find faults with just about anything, including a bit of itself. The Mac maker is constantly evaluating the market segments in which it wishes to participate and those which it does not.

RESTful Web Services — RESTful Web Services, by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby, was published this month. I interviewed the authors yesterday for an upcoming ITConversations show, but I also want to spell out here why I think it's such an important book. — In the realm of IT you could hardly pick a more controversial topic.
Alex Barnett blog

N.J. Sues YouTube over Deadly Crash Footage — The New Jersey Turnpike Authority is suing several video sites, including YouTube, for infringing on the copyright of car crash footage recorded on the turnpike, eWEEK has learned. — The footage in question was recorded by a NJTA video camera.

Why Are CC Numbers Still So Easy To Find? — Frequent Slashdot contributor Bennett Haselton gives the full-disclosure treatment to the widely known and surprisingly simple technique for finding treasure-troves of credit card numbers online. He points out how the credit-card companies …

THERE'S A HOLE IN YOUR TWITTER — You know Twitter, yeah? And you know how people love it because they can stay in touch with their friends and communicate privately what they're up to? — Well. If you use it like this and are happily twittering away about people you work with …
Unit Structures, Guardian Unlimited, Twitterati, This Old Network and Drew B's take on tech PR

Why I am leaving AOL — It's not because they got rid of my old Autoblog logo and it's not an April Fool's joke involving Twitter this time. — About a year ago an old friend of mine asked me if I wanted to be involved in a comic book publishing company with him. We discussed it off and on and I was hooked.

Verizon Claims Vonage's Appeal Isn't So Obvious — Verizon today urged a federal appeals court to reject Vonage's contention that a recent Supreme Court decision on obviousness justifies the reversal of a $58 million infringement judgment against the Internet telephony company.