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We're expecting — Well, we tried to keep it a secret as long as we could, but to be honest, we've been dying to tell you about the bun we've got in the oven. We'll soon be welcoming a new addition to the Google Docs & Spreadsheets family: presentations. — First of all, we want to welcome the team from Tonic Systems to Google.
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Google presentation app on the way — In an interview with John Battelle at the Web 2.0 Expo today, the Google CEO announced that a presentation application that is part of the Google Docs and Spreadsheets is forthcoming, completing the basic "Office" suite. — "We don't think its a competitor to Microsoft Office," Schmidt said.

Live Blogging the Expo Day 2 Keynote (Part 2) - Google announcing Power Point feature — I'm updating this as Eric talks, but the big news is that Google is announcing slide show features for Google Docs and Spreadsheets. — Bill Tancer of Hitwise and David L. Sifry of Technorati talked …
Blog World Expo Blog, Download Squad, Search Engine Journal, InsideGoogle and SearchViews

Web 2.0 Expo: Eric Schmidt Interview — Schmidt starts off by announcing a presentation feature for Docs & Spreadsheets. John Battelle points out that this completes the Office suite, so he asks is it now a competitor to MS? Schmidt says no, because it doesn't have the same or all of MS Office's functionality.

Google's Office Suite Complete: Google "PowerPoint" Confirmed — There's no need for further speculation: Today at the Web 2.0 Expo Google CEO Eric Schmidt confirmed (here also) that Google will soon launch a PowerPoint clone, completing their basic office suite (they already have Word and Excel covered).

Yahoo! Reports First Quarter 2007 Financial Results — Revenues - $1,672 Million — Operating Income - $169 Million — Operating Income Before Depreciation, Amortization and Stock-Based Compensation Expense - $460 Million — SUNNYVALE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO …

Yahoo Q1 '07 Earnings: Live Coverage — Yahoo (YHOO) has announced first-quarter earnings, and the stock is down nearly 7 percent in after-hours trading. I blogged the earnings call live as it happened. — 3:00 p.m. Pacific: CEO Terry Semel, who seems to have woken up a bit towards the end …

Yup, those Yahoo Panama expectations were too high
IP Democracy

Time Warner to Explore Reducing Cable Stake — Inside Time Warner Inc., senior executives are considering what was once unthinkable: whether the world's biggest media company should substantially reduce its cable-TV holdings over time. — Cable has been a core part of the company …

Open Letter: A Lesson Learned Twittering — The following is an open letter to Jim Louderback, Editor-in-Chief of PC Magazine, as well as any of the several hundred employees who work for Ziff Davis Media.

EXCLUSIVE: PC Magazine Considers Edelman Boycott — If there's one thing that characterizes the current social media explosion, it's the rush to push the limits. It's absolutely exhilarating... well... that is, until the Gods push back. — This is about the Gods pushing back.

Is Microsoft's Cloud OS actually a Cloud DB? — Microsoft officials have used "Cloud OS" as shorthand to refer to the Windows Live Core, or the platform that will power Microsoft's current and forthcoming datacenter-based family of services. — But what, exactly, is Microsoft's Cloud OS?

What is Microsoft's CloudDB? — It appears that Microsoft is working on a clone of Google's BigTable codenamed Blue/CloudDB. — Mary Jo Foley reports that "CloudDB is a file-system-based storage system ... 'Blue' also seems to refer to the query processor that builds on top of the cheap …

Faster, Simplified Online Customer Checkout — Yahoo! PayPal Checkout Program Launches — Imagine a customer in a busy store, perhaps a grocery store. They walk in to find one or two items, a store worker points them to the product they want. As they head for the check out counter, one opens up just for them.

Intel Names Winners Of Million-Dollar PC Design Challenge — Move Over Big, Beige Box, Home PCs are Getting a Makeover — Intel Corporation today announced the winners of the USD$1 million Intel® Core™ Processor Challenge, a contest designed to spur industry innovation in new …

Quanta may be developing PDA handset for Dell — Quanta Computer is developing a PDA handset for Dell, and the new model is expected to be launched in the fourth quarter of this year, according to industry sources. — Quanta said it would not comment on any issue concerning individual clients.

Could Vonage Sprint to an Exit? — Vonage Holdings Corp. (NYSE: VG - message board) is in talks with Sprint Nextel Corp. (NYSE: S - message board) about a way to resolve that carrier's patent lawsuit against the VOIP provider, Light Reading has learned. And one source says a Sprint buyout of Vonage is on the table.
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Apple seriously considering iPhone rebate, subsidy - report — Several recent developments on Apple's iPhone strategy have compelled one analyst to raise his estimates and price target on shares of the company, such as word that the iPod maker is seriously considering a move to subsidize …