Top Items:

Time Warner to Explore Reducing Cable Stake — Inside Time Warner Inc., senior executives are considering what was once unthinkable: whether the world's biggest media company should substantially reduce its cable-TV holdings over time. — Cable has been a core part of the company …

Can the Web Replace Time Warner Cable? — The Wall Street Journal's Matthew Karnitschnig has this piece today that says Time Warner is thinking of lowering its investment stake in Time Warner Cable because, in part, the Internet is emerging as a "viable venue for watching TV."

We're expecting — Well, we tried to keep it a secret as long as we could, but to be honest, we've been dying to tell you about the bun we've got in the oven. We'll soon be welcoming a new addition to the Google Docs & Spreadsheets family: presentations. — First of all, we want to welcome the team from Tonic Systems to Google.
Google Blogoscoped, Google Operating System, Reuters, Between the Lines, InsideGoogle, and Search Engine Land

Live Blogging the Expo Day 2 Keynote (Part 2) - Google announcing Power Point feature — I'm updating this as Eric talks, but the big news is that Google is announcing slide show features for Google Docs and Spreadsheets. — Bill Tancer of Hitwise and David L. Sifry of Technorati talked …

Internet Names the Wrong Killer — In the absence of any official information from police on the identity of the Virginia Tech killer, internet sleuths claiming to be in-the-know have been calling attention — on message boards and online aggregators like Digg — to the LiveJournal blog of a particular 23-year-old gun nut in Virginia.

Journalists look to bloggers for Virginia Tech story
Discussion:, Los Angeles Times, Beet.TV, Bloggers Blog, ...paul and Silicon Valley Watcher

Another Sad but Seminal Day for CitJ
Telegraph Blogs, Things That,, VentureBeat, The Indiepub Blog and odd time signatures

Open Letter: A Lesson Learned Twittering — The following is an open letter to Jim Louderback, Editor-in-Chief of PC Magazine, as well as any of the several hundred employees who work for Ziff Davis Media.

EXCLUSIVE: PC Magazine Considers Edelman Boycott — If there's one thing that characterizes the current social media explosion, it's the rush to push the limits. It's absolutely exhilarating... well... that is, until the Gods push back. — This is about the Gods pushing back.

Intel Names Winners Of Million-Dollar PC Design Challenge — Move Over Big, Beige Box, Home PCs are Getting a Makeover — Intel Corporation today announced the winners of the USD$1 million Intel® Core™ Processor Challenge, a contest designed to spur industry innovation in new …

Intel confirms programmable, multi-core chip — IDF Intel claims to have ended the GPGPU era before it even started with the revelation of a new multi-core processor design called Larrabee. — At the Intel Developer Forum today, Intel server chip chief Pat Gelsinger confirmed the long rumored Larrabee chip.

Adobe Unveils Next Generation Internet Video Solution — For immediate release — Adobe Media Player Enables Distribution, Viewing and Monetization of Video Content — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the Adobe® Media Player™ at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) trade show.

Schmidt says YouTube 'very close' to filtering system — update LAS VEGAS—Google is very near enacting a filtering service that would prevent copyright content from being uploaded to video-sharing site YouTube, CEO Eric Schmidt said Monday. — Schmidt made the comments to about 300 people …

Be funny or die: Will Ferrell enters the world of user-submitted video — Comedian Will Ferrell and partner Adam McKay quietly launched their newest contribution to the pool of ever-growing video sites last week, called, which allows users to upload their own comedy videos to the site to be voted on by other viewers.

The Death of Web Radio? — On April 16, right in the midst of the NAB2007 broadcasters conference, the Copyright Royalty Board upheld its earlier decision to impose higher royalty rates on Web radio stations. The stations will have to cough up these royalty payments …
BetaNews, Copyfight, Mark Evans, WebProNews,,, Techdirt, The Blogging Times, SearchViews and Ars Technica

Idiots killed the radio stars
Associated Press

Could Vonage Sprint to an Exit? — Vonage Holdings Corp. (NYSE: VG - message board) is in talks with Sprint Nextel Corp. (NYSE: S - message board) about a way to resolve that carrier's patent lawsuit against the VOIP provider, Light Reading has learned. And one source says a Sprint buyout of Vonage is on the table.
Discussion:, CrunchGear, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, VoIP Watch and

Apple seriously considering iPhone rebate, subsidy - report — Several recent developments on Apple's iPhone strategy have compelled one analyst to raise his estimates and price target on shares of the company, such as word that the iPod maker is seriously considering a move to subsidize …

Enter the Netvibes Universe — Today we're introducing something that will change, and improve, the way you use Netvibes: the Netvibes Universe. — Personal Universes — Soon, every single Netvibes user will be able to create a personal Netvibes Universe, that is …
Deep Jive Interests, Read/WriteWeb, Epicenter, CyberNet Technology News and

Google Reader Theme — I've been dugg so the site is taking a right old thwacking at the moment. Thankyou to Jez at Segpub for helping me out with the load! — I've been using Flickr as a bit of testbed for a new site theme I've been working on for Google Reader.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Google Operating System, UNEASYsilence, The Apple Blog and digg

Russell Beattie's Back With A New Project — Mowser — Russell Beattie's been busy since he quit blogging last year, he's just been a little more quiet about it. However, he's announced a new project, Mowser. It's a combination of a transcoder (so mobile users can visit full HTML sites) …
The All New Ewan's Musings