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Digg Lets Banned Domains Back In — It seems Digg has unbanned a list of sites by letting them back in. From what I have noticed here are the sites that have been allowed back in.

Digg Upgrades Spam Armor, Unblocks Sites — Digg has started to unblock many sites that were previously banned for "bad behavior," which usually consisted of a suspiciously high number of stories making it to the home page. If too many stories were buried by people voting it down …
The Blog Herald

Police, school get failing grade in sad case of Julie Amaro — Imagine you know next to nothing about computers. You're a substitute teacher for a seventh grade class. There's a computer in the classroom and, knowing you're going to be sitting there for a while, you ask a fulltime teacher if you can use it.
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MyBlogLog Snafu, Identity and Resurrection — MyBlogLog, Flickr's sister company at Yahoo, has gotten dinged for banning a community member who exploited a security hole, and then posted instructions of how to use the exploit to impersonate other MyBlogLog members, providing names of several members to use.
The MyBlogLog Blog

The Old Boys Club is for Losers — A few months ago, I spent a lot of time trying to show the tech community I belong to that diversity is essential to our survival. Not just to the Web 2.0 world being healthy and thriving, but as a matter of life and death.

Study: Consumers not willing to pay $500 for iPhone — San Francisco (IDGNS) - Consumers aren't willing to pay what Apple may ask for the iPhone, but if the price drops they'll switch their mobile service to AT&T in order to get it, according to results of a survey released Thursday.

Nintendo's Wii a hit with the geriatric set? — No, we don't expect the vast majority of elderly folks kickin' it in a retirement home to honestly show any interest in video games (right?), but apparently, the Wii's at least making some minor strides in getting the geriatric set up and active with virtual sports.

Apple TV: Why It Matters — The real battle for the digital living room is about to begin. — At CES in early 2005, I hosted a Super Session panel entitled "The Battle for Control of the Digital Living Room" in which executives from Best Buy, Charter Communications (Paul Allen's cable company) …

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are: Boycott the RIAA in March — Alright, we've been following the RIAA's increasingly frequent affronts to privacy and free speech lately, and it's about time we stopped merely bitching and moaning and did something about it.

Social Media Monitoring Firm Cymfony Being Bought By Taylor Nelson Sofres — You're reading it here first: Cymfony, the social media market intelligence and research firm based out of Watertown, MA, is being bought by UK-based research giant Taylor Nelson Sofres, has learned.

A magazine I would love to read — There's a magazine that I'd love to read if someone published it (yes, the print kind). Of course, it's about the Internet. It's about the stack that makes up the Internet, the platform or, as many people are calling it, the Internet Operating System.

Computing award goes to female for first time … (AP) — One of the most prestigious prizes in computing, the $100,000 Turing Award, went to a woman Wednesday for the first time in the award's 40-year history. — Frances E. Allen, 74, was honored for her work at IBM Corp. on techniques …
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Microsoft and free software movement tag-team the Supreme Court — On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Microsoft v. AT&T concerning liability for patent infringement for the distribution of software outside of the United States. Although the case is officially …
The Technology Liberation …

Second Life Sketches: Please stop doing that to the cat — The following is an independent opinion column, and is not connected with Reuters News. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not endorsed by Reuters. — It's not often you come home to find people having sex in your house.

Talking Exchange 2007 SP1... We're wrapping up our Beta of Exchange 2007 SP1 (to be released through TechNet plus this April), and as always we wanted to discuss it publicly here first. We are targeting final release with Longhorn Server 2nd half of this year.

Company Claims To Have Patented The Concept Of An MP3 Player; Sues Everyone — from the aren't-patents-great? dept — A "company" which just so happens to be located in every patent troll's favorite city for patent lawsuits, Marshall, Texas (and which "shares" an office with its lawyer) …

Google Apps Doesn't Compete — The blogosphere has been abuzz with gushing commentary about Google Apps. Some of it is about how Google is now taking on Microsoft head to head. This couldn't be more wrong. — Google Apps is a completely different beast than Office even though …