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Advertisers may see high CPC and spend amounts — Some of our adCenter advertisers are seeing high cost-per-click (CPC) and spend amounts in their accounts. I will update this post with more information as soon as I have it, but I wanted to let you know that this issue is now resolved …
All about Microsoft

Microsoft adCenter CPC Costs Spike: Known Bug — Fixed: The adCenter representative has notified us via the two forums and the adCenter blog that the overcharging has been fixed and that they are now working up a plan to reimburse advertisers. — Update: This is a very serious issue.

Police, school get failing grade in sad case of Julie Amaro — Imagine you know next to nothing about computers. You're a substitute teacher for a seventh grade class. There's a computer in the classroom and, knowing you're going to be sitting there for a while, you ask a fulltime teacher if you can use it.
Download Squad

Google Apps Doesn't Compete — The blogosphere has been abuzz with gushing commentary about Google Apps. Some of it is about how Google is now taking on Microsoft head to head. This couldn't be more wrong. — Google Apps is a completely different beast than Office even though …
SeekingAlpha Software Stocks

MP3 Patents in Upheaval After Verdict — Microsoft was ordered by a federal jury yesterday to pay $1.52 billion in a patent dispute over the MP3 format, the technology at the heart of the digital music boom. If upheld on appeal, it would be the largest patent judgment on record.

Microsoft takes $1.52 billion hit in MP3 patent case
Mike Davidson

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are: Boycott the RIAA in March — Alright, we've been following the RIAA's increasingly frequent affronts to privacy and free speech lately, and it's about time we stopped merely bitching and moaning and did something about it.

Skype petitions FCC for open cellular access — Skype petitioned the Federal Communications Commission earlier this week to force U.S. mobile operators to loosen controls on what kinds of hardware and software can be connected to their networks. — In a document dated February 20 …

The Old Boys Club is for Losers — A few months ago, I spent a lot of time trying to show the tech community I belong to that diversity is essential to our survival. Not just to the Web 2.0 world being healthy and thriving, but as a matter of life and death.

Talking Exchange 2007 SP1... We're wrapping up our Beta of Exchange 2007 SP1 (to be released through TechNet plus this April), and as always we wanted to discuss it publicly here first. We are targeting final release with Longhorn Server 2nd half of this year.

Netvibes2Go - All Mobile Net in One Place — I have almost never used Mobile Internet services on my cellphone. With the dismal navigation interfaces on the phones, Mobile Internet was just too hard for me. Until I tried Netvibes2Go. Now I use it almost every day.

Microsoft and free software movement tag-team the Supreme Court — On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Microsoft v. AT&T concerning liability for patent infringement for the distribution of software outside of the United States. Although the case is officially …
The Technology Liberation …

MyBlogLog Bans Blogger; Backlash Begins — Yahoo!'s recent addition MyBlogLog is making news again — and not for another security exploit (that was last weekend) or spammer gaming. Well, it is related to those two topics — Shoemoney, a notable blogger in the affiliate marketing world …

Emotion robots learn from people — Making robots that interact with people emotionally is the goal of a European project led by British scientists. — Feelix Growing is a research project involving six countries, and 25 roboticists, developmental psychologists and neuroscientists.

3G iPhone could arrive overseas by early 2008 — Even though its vanguard cellphone isn't yet out the door, Apple is allegedly preparing a quick follow-up model with 3G wireless installed. — After threatening to drop a large-scale cellular service contract based on concerns …

How Google Has Helped Build Brand Advertising Online — Sales Chief Tim Armstrong: Advertise All Your Products, All the Time — NEW YORK ( — Google's VP-advertising sales, Tim Armstrong, touted his company's ability to court brand advertisers during a question-and-answer session …

Social Media Monitoring Firm Cymfony Being Bought By Taylor Nelson Sofres — You're reading it here first: Cymfony, the social media market intelligence and research firm based out of Watertown, MA, is being bought by UK-based research giant Taylor Nelson Sofres, has learned.

10 company name types on TechCrunch: Pros and cons — Every once in a while The Name Inspector likes to step back and look at the big picture. This post illustrates ten name categories that account for all the names in the TechCrunch company/product index. Well, almost all of them.

Web TV's top-rated acts — Two-minute YouTube clips were just the start. As television comes to the Internet, dozens of companies are gunning to become the networks of tomorrow, reports Business 2.0 Magazine. — (Business 2.0 Magazine) — Wayne's World, it's not.
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