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Wal-Mart and Studios in Film Deal — Wal-Mart Stores may have lost the online DVD rental battle, but it has no plans to lose the higher-stakes video downloading war. — Today the company will introduce a partnership with all of the six major Hollywood studios — Walt Disney, Warner Brothers …

Wal-Mart to launch video downloads — NEW YORK — Hollywood's love affair with DVDs will face its biggest test beginning Tuesday as Wal-Mart unveils a movie and TV-show download service with participation by all major studios. — The retailer that accounts for 40% of all U.S. DVD sales …

Discover your links — You asked, and we listened: We've extended our support for querying links to your site to much beyond the link: operator you might have used in the past. Now you can use webmaster tools to view a much larger sample of links to pages on your site that we found on the web.

Google Releases New Link Reporting Tools — For years, Google's link: command (and see here) has deliberately failed to show all the links to a website. This came out of Google's fear that site owners simply wanted the data to try and manipulate rankings — which was pretty true.

What We Really Sell to Our Customers is Control — Back in the early days of Red Hat, Bob Young, one of the founders and the first CEO, used to say, "What we really sell to our customers is control." His argument was that one of the benefits of open source software is freedom from vendor lock-in.

Breaking the Chains — We all have an old friend from high school or a cousin who sends us obnoxious chain e-mails (you know, the ones that end with "Please tell everyone you know, so that people can be aware ..." or some such). Perhaps you find these to be a nuisance but of limited harm.

2000 Bloggers Gaming Technorati and Google — There's a crazy meme going on which has the potential of turning Technorati ranks upside-down. Now, that may sometimes be good, giving fresh views more visibility, like Seth Godin or Steve Rubel's recent initiatives.

Vista Performance Shootout: Upgrade Vs. Clean Installation — Windows Vista's been out for a few days, and people all over the Internet are alternately singing its praises and berating all who even dream of installing it; you could probably spend a sleepless month reading the content that's …

Microsoft raises support fees for Windows, Office
Ars Technica Tastes Stale, Flat — So what do you get when you bring a macrobrewer's mentality to the microcontent world? How about tired sketch comedy cliches, prehistoric treatment of women and more product placement than one can reasonably stomach. — In a desperate attempt to be edgy …

I hate Macs — Unless you have been walking around with your eyes closed, and your head encased in a block of concrete, with a blindfold tied round it, in the dark - unless you have been doing that, you surely can't have failed to notice the current Apple Macintosh campaign starring David Mitchell …

Are Social Networks Just a Feature? — Social networks are now cropping up like mushrooms after a monsoon, most of them slight variations on the MySpace-Facebook model. Unfortunately that trend has pigeonholed the notion of social networks into a web-page paradigm, a virtual Rolodex …

Microsoft declines to intercede in Russian software piracy case — PARIS: Microsoft on Monday rebuffed a public appeal by Mikhail Gorbachev for its chairman, Bill Gates, to intervene on behalf of a Russian school principal charged with software piracy. — The case of Alexander Ponosov …

Gorbachev Asks Bill Gates To Save Russian Teacher From Siberia …
Channel 9

New AMD Opterons, Price Cuts Tomorrow — More high end server components on the way — Tomorrow AMD is expected to release its new x220-series and x218 HE-series Opteron processors. Both series are 90nm revision "F3" stepping dual-core processors. — Like other Opteron families …

Web Developers: 13 Command Line Tricks You Might Not Know — Below is a list of command line tricks I've found to be very useful in web development that a surprising number of web developers don't know about. — 1. ln -s /some/destination name_of_link — This is pretty straightforward …

Swatch Infinity Concept PMP Watch — If you're looking for something a little less puzzling than the Rubik's Cube MP3 player, how about a nostalgic yet modern Swatch watch PMP? The imaginary brainchild of designer Pierre Merlet, the Swatch Infinity is a bracelet-style digital watch …

Brilliant New Startup: Useless Account — The trick to any good humor or hoax site is an attention to detail and a seriousness about your work. Useless Account is the best recent example I've seen. It's clear, for example, that more work has gone into this joke than many of the startups we see every day.

Polymer Vision unveils "Cellular-Book" with rollable display — Phillips spin-off Polymer Vision looks to be making fast work on its most recent promise to commercialize its foldable display this year, with the company set to officially unveil the first product to use the would-be paper killer at next week's 3GSM conference in Spain.

Deal ends Beatles' Apple battle — Technology giant Apple has reached a deal with the Beatles to end the dispute over the use of the Apple name. — Apple Inc will now take full control of the Apple brand and license certain trademarks back to the Beatles' record company Apple Corps for continued use.

Israel's Gigya Raises $4M From Benchmark For Rich Email — E-mail start-up Gigya has raised $4N from Benchmark Capital in its first round. Gigya was founded in November 2006 by several former employees of big league adware company Hotbar, which was bought by 180solutions.