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Wal-Mart and Studios in Film Deal — Wal-Mart Stores may have lost the online DVD rental battle, but it has no plans to lose the higher-stakes video downloading war. — Today the company will introduce a partnership with all of the six major Hollywood studios — Walt Disney, Warner Brothers …
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Wal-Mart to launch video downloads — NEW YORK — Hollywood's love affair with DVDs will face its biggest test beginning Tuesday as Wal-Mart unveils a movie and TV-show download service with participation by all major studios. — The retailer that accounts for 40% of all U.S. DVD sales …

Wal-Mart to sell movies, TV shows online — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is launching its long-awaited online movie download store, entering a market that has yet to catch on with consumers but is expected to grow rapidly. — A "beta" version of the online video store, set to debut Tuesday …

Breaking! Wal-Mart First to Offer Digital Movies From All "Big Six" Studios — Interrupting my sleep and scoring a major coup in digital distribution—one not even his Jobsness has pulled off (yet)—Wal-Mart has become the first (and thus far, only) digital distributor to go into business …

Wal-Mart signs big 6 studios for movie downloads

Discover your links — You asked, and we listened: We've extended our support for querying links to your site to much beyond the link: operator you might have used in the past. Now you can use webmaster tools to view a much larger sample of links to pages on your site that we found on the web.

IAC Reports Q4 Results — IAC (Nasdaq: IACI) released fourth quarter 2006 results today, reporting $1.8 billion in revenue, an 8% rate of growth over the prior year, and $268 million in Operating Income Before Amortization, reflecting slight growth. Adjusted EPS was $0.67, compared to $0.50 in the year ago period.
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IAC Profit Declines 98% on Writedown of Coupon Unit (Update3) — Feb. 6 (Bloomberg) — IAC/InterActiveCorp, the Internet and media company assembled by billionaire Barry Diller, said fourth-quarter profit fell 98 percent after the company wrote down the value of its entertainment coupon division.

Gorbachev to Gates: Show software 'pirate' mercy … MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) — Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on Monday asked Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to intercede on behalf of a Russian teacher accused of using pirated software in his classroom.

Breaking the Chains — We all have an old friend from high school or a cousin who sends us obnoxious chain e-mails (you know, the ones that end with "Please tell everyone you know, so that people can be aware ..." or some such). Perhaps you find these to be a nuisance but of limited harm.

Kodak plans to sell inkjet printers with cheaper ink — Struggling photo giant Eastman Kodak is launching a new line of inkjet printers aimed at luring digital shutterbugs back to Kodak paper. The pitch: cheap ink. — Kodak's ink will sell for about $25 when the printers hit stores in March.

User Generated Commercials for Doritos Break into the Top 10, According to TiVo — Bud Light Reclaims Throne with Top Two Commercial Spots — TiVo Subscribers Able to Download The Big Game's Most Popular Commercials Immediately Following The Game — TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO) …

Andy Hagans' Ultimate Guide to Linkbaiting and Social Media Marketing — Is anyone else sick of link baiting yet? I sure am. It's dominating talk on all the SEO forums and conferences; it's gumming up the works of all of my favorite social bookmarking sites; and it's forcing me get off of my lazy rear and make good content.

What's Wrong With You? — Seriously. Microsoft pulls out the annoying with its WHATS WRONG WITH U campaign aimed at Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. A click on the English language Korean version pulls up the following question: … Select from these choices: — GREAT JAPANESE GAMES

Helio hits 70,000, 100K by next quarter — Helio, the MVNO backed by $440 million from Earthlink and South Korean mobile company SK Telecom, is finally ready to give some subscriber numbers. Because the company is backed by public companies, the announcement is partly as a result of the fact …

Hacking Skype: 25 Tips to Improve Your Skype Experience — How versatile is your Skype? Ours can podcast, translate French, take conference calls from 15 people, and tutor calculus. — HACKING SKYPE: 25 TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR SKYPE EXPERIENCE — How versatile is your Skype?

Destroying The MPAA's Claims On The Canadian Camcording Epidemic — from the let's-try-that-again dept — Over the last few weeks, we've noted that the MPAA is on a new publicity campaign to make Canadian laws stricter when it comes to people caught videotaping movies in the theater with camcorders.

Krillion Joins the Online Shopping Space — The local online shopping space is quickly crowding up. Given the vast majority of online product research that ends in offline purchases (about 75 percent according to comScore), we've seen a few companies develop over the last 18 months in order to lead and track offline conversions.

New AMD Opterons, Price Cuts Tomorrow — More high end server components on the way — Tomorrow AMD is expected to release its new x220-series and x218 HE-series Opteron processors. Both series are 90nm revision "F3" stepping dual-core processors. — Like other Opteron families …

Will Vista Run Your Games: The Final Word — It seems as though we have been writing about Windows Vista in the future tense forever. Nobody will deny that Microsoft has taken an unusually long time to build its latest OS and that some features had to be cut along the way.

Greenplum, and the Web 2.0 server — Greenplum, a San Mateo company offering businesses an affordable way to sort though hundreds of terabytes of data to become more intelligent about their customers' habits, has raised $19 million in financing. — Greenplum is significant because it says it provides …