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iPhone - the roach motel business model — Randall Stross has a great op-ed in today's New York Times about how Apple's iPhone comes chock-full of DRM that will restrict your freedom and your consumer choice. He makes the great point that although Apple claims it adds its DRM …

Want an iPhone? Beware the iHandcuffs — STEVE JOBS, Apple's showman nonpareil, provided the first public glimpse of the iPhone last week — gorgeous, feature-laden and pricey. While following the master magician's gestures, it was easy to overlook a most disappointing aspect …
Computerworld Blogs, Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life, TeleRead, Paul Mooney, Connecting the Dots and Slashdot

Four stories on why iPhone third-party apps matter, from a long-time Treo user — I mentioned earlier how disappointed I am to see that the iPhone will not support installation of third-party applications unless those apps are approved by Apple, and presumably distributed by Apple or Cingular.

Findory rides into the sunset — launched on January 2, 2004. The website just passed its three year anniversary and, including the early work on the ideas behind Findory, Findory has been in my life for nearly four years. — In the last few months, I have been evaluating new directions for Findory.
Publishing 2.0, Don Dodge on The Next …, Read/WriteWeb, InsideGoogle, Web X.0, Tinfinger, TechCrunch and GigaOM

Hollywood Asks YouTube: Friend or Foe? — Did you miss Eminem's hit movie "8 Mile"? You're in luck: Many of its rap battles and other major scenes are available for viewing on YouTube, the video-sharing Web site owned by Google. Indeed, until recently, the entire film was there …

24-Hour Newspaper People — Like a lot of modern newspaper people, I have a blog. — For those of you who don't have a blog yet, think of one as a large yellow Labrador: friendly, fun, not all that bright, but constantly demanding your attention. — Having a blog (mine …

Weebly offers free, easy Web site creation — Weebly, a start-up that lets you easily create Web sites with the latest Web 2.0 tools, has raised seed cash from YCombinator, and moved to San Francisco. — The company is just three people from State College, PA. Co-founder David Rusenko …

Anywhere the Eye Can See, It's Likely to See an Ad — Add this to the endangered list: blank spaces. — Advertisers seem determined to fill every last one of them. Supermarket eggs have been stamped with the names of CBS television shows. Subway turnstiles bear messages from Geico auto insurance.

AOL Announces Recommended All Cash Offer for TradeDoubler — Appealing Offer Combines Attractive Premium with Long-Term Vision for TradeDoubler — Acquisition to Enhance AOL's Online Advertising Business in Europe — NEW YORK, DULLES, Va. and STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall …

Ambient video awareness and visible conversations — A few years ago Marc Eisenstadt, chief scientist with the Open University's Knowledge Media Institute, wrote to tell me about a system called BuddySpace. We've been in touch on and off since then, and when he heard I'd be in Cambridge for the Technology …

Read/Write Intranet Idol — I believe that 2007 is the year when companies will start to understand that they need a read/write Intranet. Here is a list of some of the start-ups and large companies that produce systems that could be used to build a read/write Intranet.

First HD-DVD Movie Leaked Onto BitTorrent — The HD-DVD has been cracked, and high definition content is now being distributed freely over BitTorrent. We all knew this would happen sooner or later, looks it was "sooner". The first HD-DVD to be uploaded to BitTorrent is Serenity, the Firefly movie.

RSS Tools and Services - The Best Picks From Sharewood — RSS tools and services play an increasingly important role in the effort to effectively aggregate, syndicate, market and distribute online content. — Photo credit: Eric Ejk — Thanks to RSS feeds, many of your readers need …