Top Items:

Want an iPhone? Beware the iHandcuffs — STEVE JOBS, Apple's showman nonpareil, provided the first public glimpse of the iPhone last week — gorgeous, feature-laden and pricey. While following the master magician's gestures, it was easy to overlook a most disappointing aspect …

iPhone - the roach motel business model — Randall Stross has a great op-ed in today's New York Times about how Apple's iPhone comes chock-full of DRM that will restrict your freedom and your consumer choice. He makes the great point that although Apple claims it adds its DRM …

Findory rides into the sunset — launched on January 2, 2004. The website just passed its three year anniversary and, including the early work on the ideas behind Findory, Findory has been in my life for nearly four years. — In the last few months, I have been evaluating new directions for Findory.

Apple legal throw their weight around... Can you believe it... yesterday, in this topic, I posted a link to a post on XDA-Developers, where an enterprising member had created a Pocket PC today screen to mimic the Apple iPhone. — It's worth pointing out I just posted a link and a screenshot …

Enough already with the iPhone hand wringing! — My god, this is getting out of control. It seems like every Apple announcement provides an oppurtunity for self professed pundits to extrapolate how Apple action X equates to something bad Y. Usually this revolves around Apple's crippling of the device for whatever reason.
Disruptive Thoughts

Details of Google's Latest Security Hole — I've now received confirmation from Google's Security Team that the latest vulnerability Philipp posted about has been fixed. After carrying out some investigations of my own, I believe this is the case - so I'm going to share with you what the problem was and how I was able to exploit it.

Mad Catz readying its own Wiimote / nunchuck? — If you've managed to secure yourself a Nintendo Wii, and have managed to stay relatively safe while playing, you still might be leading a fruitless search to find yourself a few extra Wiimotes. Oddly enough, some parts of the country …

Flikzor - Video Comments for MySpace — Now in private beta (and with early access passes available if you're fast), comes Flikzor, a widget that allows you to accept video comments on MySpace, Friendster, Piczo, hi5, Xanga and your blog. Users create a video greeting for their friends …

First HD-DVD Movie Leaked Onto BitTorrent — The HD-DVD has been cracked, and high definition content is now being distributed freely over BitTorrent. We all knew this would happen sooner or later, looks it was "sooner". The first HD-DVD to be uploaded to BitTorrent is Serenity, the Firefly movie.

True LaunchBar: free today — I recently mentioned True LaunchBar as a solid UMPC launcher and one of our readers, Jesse, left a comment indicating that the software is free today only. I double-checked and sure enough Jesse gave us a gem of a tip! Apparently, there's a website called …

Why does the iPhone get so much hype when more capable devices are already available? — The hottest topic of last week was obviously the Apple iPhone. At first I was quite excited about the device and, as always, Apple does a good job of hyping up a product.

Where'd the dotshots of the '90s land? — In the halcyon days of the late '90s, dot-coms redefined both the workplace and, for a brief time, even the Bay Area itself. But when the Nasdaq bubble burst, fired employees fled Dodge and filed back to brick-and-mortar companies, rents plunged …
ben barren

AntiVir personal edition — AntiVir is an anti-virus program I hadn't heard of before. It handles just about everything you can throw at it. Here is the list: — Extensive Malware Recognition of viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, worms, etc. — Automatic incremental updates …

RSS Tools and Services - The Best Picks From Sharewood — RSS tools and services play an increasingly important role in the effort to effectively aggregate, syndicate, market and distribute online content. — Photo credit: Eric Ejk — Thanks to RSS feeds, many of your readers need …

Napster Buys AOL Music: What's Next? — Napster is one of the oddest companies. It is a deeply unprofitable startup trying to grow a business, and with a huge war chest of cash. We have the rare ability to see deep into its financial situation because it is publicly held.