Top Items:

Mr. Mike goes to Washington — and gets reamed for his trouble. But he gets a good post out of it, and that's something. Something really good, in fact. Because most of this new Blogosphere 2.0 is just crap. Well designed, timely, Seth Godinesque, crapola. Even, or especially, this post.
Digital Micro-Markets

I've Had A Long Weekend — I spent my weekend in Washington D.C. at the Online News Association Conference. Going was a pain - I had to fly my father in to watch my dog, and yet another weekend was spent away from home. But I wanted to go because the organizers said I'd be welcome …

ONA: A lesson in journalism — The last panel at Online News was supposed to be about new frontiers in technology and news. I was on it and for the first time talked publicy about Daylife, the soon-to-launch news company I've been involved with. I joined Mike Davidson of Newsvine …
Teaching Online Journalism

Google Moves Closer to YouTube Deal — Mergers & Acquisitions, Google, YouTube — After marathon negotiations over the weekend, Google could announce a deal to buy, the popular video-sharing Web site, for about $1.6 billion as early as Monday afternoon, people involved in the talks said.

Will GoogleTube Be Announced This Week? — The Google/YouTube acquisition rumors developed quickly over the last few days. After our initial post discussing the rumor, the WSJ (behind a paywall) and the NY Times quickly followed up with their own articles. Neither publication contacted me, and I have no idea who their sources are.

Will Spamhaus Get Shut Down Over Dispute? — from the not-good dept — Last month, we wrote about a judge awarding an $11 million judgment against anti-spam organization Spamhaus, after an accused spammer (in Spamhaus's database) sued the organization. Spamhaus lost, in part …
SecuriTeam Blogs

ICANN ordered by Illinois court to suspend — Information about this court ruling can be found on Spamhaus's web site, here: — e360/kocoras_order_6_10.pdf — Apparently, at this stage, it is only a proposed ruling. But I am no lawyer.

YouTube strikes content deals — NEW YORK (AP) — YouTube struck deals with CBS and two major music labels Monday as the popular video-sharing website races to befriend content providers and avoid copyright-infringement lawsuits. — The separate agreements with CBS, Vivendi's Universal Music Group …

Lessons To Be Learned From Tower Records: When The Market Shifts, You Need To Shift With It — from the end-of-an-era dept — Two months ago, in noting that Tower Records had filed for bankruptcy for the second time in about two years, we wondered if it was the final word on the pure play music retailer.

A Challenge for Exterminators — On a whiteboard in a windowless Microsoft conference room here, an elegant curve drawn by a software-testing engineer captures both five years of frustration and more recent progress. — The principle behind the curve — that 80 percent of the consequences come …

Boom years are over for new chip makers, but experience and a good idea can go far — It's getting harder to start chip companies, but venture capitalists are still making bets on seasoned entrepreneurs in the industry that is the bedrock of Silicon Valley.

Comcast getting into movie downloads — Comcast has been itching to get into on-demand video downloads and further details on its planned service are emerging. The service will reportedly launch by the end of October and will allow users to watch movies either on their PCs or on the family room TV via a set-top box.

BuzzLogic: Interview with Co-Founder Mitch Ratcliffe — BuzzLogic was one of the hits of the recent DEMOfall 06 event. As Alex Iskold noted in his original post about the company, its software helps marketers track social influence among blogs and other web sites.

Michael Robertson calls out Zune as biggest flop of 2007 — In our line of work we hear a lot of noise from the talking heads day in and out, but we can't help biting down on this latest hook courtesy of Michael Robertson. The anti-tech-powerexec is known for founding, Lindows / Linspire …