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I've Had A Long Weekend — I spent my weekend in Washington D.C. at the Online News Association Conference. Going was a pain - I had to fly my father in to watch my dog, and yet another weekend was spent away from home. But I wanted to go because the organizers said I'd be welcome …

@ ONA: Making Noise, Yes. Sense? I have a lot left to write about from ONA but it just wasn't a live blogging kind of day. To boot, I was late to the last panel of the weekend — traditionally dubbed a "super session — and will have to listen to a recording to fill in the gap.
Lost Remote

More on the PayPerPost Debate (or "Tim Draper where are you!?!?!) — Pete Wright of PayPerPost tries to defend the covert and deceptive marketing platform he is building at PayPerPost on his blog. I respond in his comments, but also wanted to post my thoughts here as well.

Jason Calacanis and PayPerPost — So, the mighty Jason Calacanis decided to comment on my blog. Rather than reply with a comment and risk it getting buried, let's address his points publicly here. — I have no ads on my site and nothing to gain by going after PayPerPost.

Michael Robertson calls out Zune as biggest flop of 2007 — In our line of work we hear a lot of noise from the talking heads day in and out, but we can't help biting down on this latest hook courtesy of Michael Robertson. The anti-tech-powerexec is known for founding, Lindows / Linspire …

Boom years are over for new chip makers, but experience and a good idea can go far — It's getting harder to start chip companies, but venture capitalists are still making bets on seasoned entrepreneurs in the industry that is the bedrock of Silicon Valley.

A Quick and Dirty UMA Primer — There appears to be a ton of interest in UMA Technology as well as some confusion about the difference between a WLAN enabled handset (one with a WiFi radio as well as GSM/GPRS) and a UMA/Dual Mode handset which also sports the WiFi-GSM/GPRS Radio configuration …

Attack of the jaggies in Wii Call of Duty 3 — IGN has posted a batch of new Call of Duty 3 images running on Wii hardware ... and only if you are a graphics whore (and I know some of you are), you are going to have a field day with this. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone …

The Long Zoom — Most eras have distinct "ways of seeing" that end up defining the period in retrospect: the fixed perspective of Renaissance art, the scattered collages of Cubism, the rapid-fire cuts introduced by MTV and the channel-surfing of the 80's. Our own defining view …

GreedTube Awaits Call from YouTube's Lawyers — GreedTube is another new service that's allowing users to embed YouTube videos and share a portion of the ad revenue when visitors view those clips on the site. This is a similar model to Flixya, although the latter also supports Metacafe …

Tower couldn't ride Web's wave — Chain failed to adapt as Net downloads chipped away at its brick-and-mortar revenue. — Story appeared in BUSINESS section, Page D1 — Tower Records' store at 16th Street and Broadway was part of the bankruptcy auction that ends Russ Solomon's run in the music business.

About that fake post — A bug in Blogger enabled an unauthorized user to make a fake post on the Google Blog last night, claiming that we've discontinued our AdWords click-to-call test. The bug was fixed quickly and the post removed. As for the click-to-call test, it is progressing on schedule …

PMC200, the newest media player from Sweden — With Jens of Sweden knocked out (although it still has an active website, the company hasn't released a new product in over eight months), it looks like Swedish Valei Computer may be poised to claim the crown of the Swedish portable media industry.

Nokia's aeon "full surface screen" cellphone concept — Nokia's research and development team have kicked it up a gear with an attractive "aeon" concept phone showing up in the R&D section of the company's website. The most prominent design feature of aeon is a touchscreen that stretches …

From Russia with love... Did Russian Hackers overtake in effect Chinese Hackers in the race to reverse engineer the Skype.exe ? This time it's not a hoax or an unfulfilled promise. Here is the QtSkype4.exe. — I just picked this up from my anonymous contacts... Basically I got a sneak preview …
VoIP Blog

Zoho Single Sign-on is On! — The long wait for a unified Zoho sign-in is finally over. This post is about how to get the best out of Zoho Single Sign-on or Zoho Accounts - one of the major milestones to happen at Zoho. All the existing users and new users registering with Zoho can now access …