Top Items:

Some thoughts on Youtube and Google — Would Google be crazy to buy Youtube. No doubt about it. Moronic would be an understatement of a lifetime. — Would Google be stupid to do a deal with Youtube. Not at all. Would Youtube be smart to do a deal with Google. Thats a different answer.

Buy a lawsuit or just the ad traffic? — Mark Cuban has "Some Thoughts on YouTube and Google". Mark is right on target saying Google would be crazy (moronic) to buy YouTube, but brilliant to do an exclusive advertising deal. — Google makes money selling advertisements on web traffic, not just search results pages.
Digital Micro-Markets

Is Mark Cuban a Weird Sister? — For reasons only he knows, Mark Cuban is obsessed with dumping on the idea that YouTube might be worth billions of dollars. He publicly labeled any serious prospective buyer of the site a "moron," but then along came word that Google, founded by two certified geniuses …

Google Buying YouTube: Announcement This Week? — When the rumors began to circulate on Friday that Google was buying YouTube, it looked like yet another unconfirmed rumor in a series of YouTube-related murmurings. But today the UK's Sunday papers are speaking as if the deal is almost done, with an announcement due early this week.

Cuban is not crazy — Mark Cuban knows a few things first hand - how to snooker a big company into buying something for billions and then walk into the sunset. Perhaps that is why I take his argument that a moron would buy YouTube seriously. Only 25% of those who have voted in our poll think it is likely to happen.

Google Click2Call Alive, Hoax & Hack — The Google Click-to-Call is not cancelled, a Google spokesperson just let us know. (They have added the statement on their blog as well.) … We had reported on a strange development on Google's official blog which indicated that Google's click-to-call project was cancelled.

About that fake post — A bug in Blogger enabled an unauthorized user to make a fake post on the Google Blog last night, claiming that we've discontinued our AdWords click-to-call test. The bug was fixed quickly and the post removed. As for the click-to-call test, it is progressing on schedule …

More on the PayPerPost Debate (or "Tim Draper where are you!?!?!) — Pete Wright of PayPerPost tries to defend the covert and deceptive marketing platform he is building at PayPerPost on his blog. I respond in his comments, but also wanted to post my thoughts here as well.

Jason Calacanis and PayPerPost — So, the mighty Jason Calacanis decided to comment on my blog. Rather than reply with a comment and risk it getting buried, let's address his points publicly here. — I have no ads on my site and nothing to gain by going after PayPerPost.
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Will the iPod ever die? — The iPod has dominated the MP3 player (and portable video player) market so far. It began the ultimate revolution in how we listen to our music. Competitors have come and gone, while the iPod stood strong, but really, will the iPod ever die?

How VRM helps CRM — Responding to what Dave says here (which enlarges on what I said here) Kim Cameron replies, This is exciting stuff - I¹m talking Identity Big Bang content. He adds, … Yes, except I also think it's important not to understand VRM (Vendor Relationship Management …

Zoho Adds Single Sign On Across Online Suite — We've been tracking the progress of Zoho's online office suite for since its launch last year. — The Zoho development team regularly releases new feature and tweaks (one or two per month on average) instead of the occasional monster update.

IBM's Memo in Support of its Motion for SJ on SCO's Interference Claims — Would you like to hear the rest of the BayStar story? Then pull up a chair, my friends. — On page 21 in IBM's Amended Redacted Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment on SCO's Interference Claims …

Hack your Mac Pro SuperDrive for fun and profit — It's not uncommon for computer manufacturers to swap and switch out various components for similar or near-identical parts during a production run, and Apple has been known to partake in this practice in the past.