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With a Cellphone as My Guide — Think of it as a divining rod for the information age. — If you stand on a street corner in Tokyo today you can point a specialized cellphone at a hotel, a restaurant or a historical monument, and with the press of a button the phone will display information …
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His Space … Perched on the edge of a bright white power sofa on the supernaturally quiet eighth floor of the News Corporation's global headquarters, the last thing Rupert Murdoch looks like is a fire-eyed revolutionary. Starched cuffs. Courtly manner. A month past his 75th birthday.

How Fox Interactive got so sly — Ross Levinsohn's wheeling and dealing to get News Corp. back in the Web game has been ridiculed by many as profligate and late. But he may yet prove them all wrong. — SAN FRANCISCO (Business 2. Magazine) — News Corp. executive Ross Levinsohn …

NBC Taps Popularity Of Online Video Site — Online video company YouTube Inc. said yesterday that it will promote NBC's fall television lineup and sponsor a contest related to a popular network show, signaling a wave of marriages between old-media firms and fledgling video Web sites.

Ann Handley: What's the Biggest Lie About Blogging? — It's been 3 months since this blog launched. And the learning curve - as for any new venture - has been steep as Kilimanjaro. — Which was surprising.... For some reason, I was under the ridiculous impression that launching a blog …

Zlango's Icon-based Language for SMS — Zlango is a new Israeli startup (there is a lot of innovation going on there) that has created a very interesting new language and associated application that could change the SMS landscape (as well as, eventually, email and IM).

Open your wallet to Google — Give Google credit for one thing: The search giant has a way of generating a lot of buzz. — This week, possibly as soon as Wednesday, Google is expected by many to unveil a new Internet payment system. It may start out as an online wallet but could become …

Suspected Fraudsters Behind the Sony DRM Virus Arrested — Three men have been arrested in the UK and Finland following an investigation into internet fraud. The three are a motley bunch, according to The Sunday Times: a 63-year-old from England, a 28-year-old from Scotland and a 19-year-old from Finland.

Gliffy, the online Visio killer — Two guys with some time on their hands have created a tool that might just become a Visio-killer. Gliffy is a free diagramming tool that works entirely in your browser. — Like other online applications, it has inherent advantages over traditional software.

Craigslist's Craig Newmark—no more Mr. Nice Guy? — founder Craig Newmark has a message for the British media mogul—a knight no less—who recently called him a "socialistic anarchist." — During an interview last week, a smiling Newmark offered up a little history lesson in response …
Datamation IT News Blog

Sun says open-source Java possible in 'months' — Logistics such as maintaining compatibility still being worked out — A Sun Microsystems Inc. executive said Tuesday said the company is "months" away from releasing its trademark Java programming language under an open-source license.

California launches "mandatory" cellphone recycling program — The Golden State has always been fairly legislation-happy when it comes to keeping things green, and now they're trying to "Keep California Beautiful" with a new program to require cellphone recycling.
technology filter

Introducing Drosera — I would like to introduce a new addition to the WebKit open source tools—a JavaScript debugger. Drosera, named after the largest genera of bug eating plants, lets you attach and debug JavaScript for any WebKit application—not just Safari.

Vista volume license keys to be tagged and neutered — "Corporate Edition" versions of Windows have been the blessing of both IT workers and casual pirates since the days of Windows 95, when the operating system first started asking for a license key on installation.

A $31 Billion Gift Between Friends — The friendship between Warren E. Buffett and Bill Gates has been forged over a shared passion for such homespun American treats as cherry Coke, burgers and college football. They delight as well in loftier pursuits, like playing bridge and solving complex math problems.

Is Google Objective? Manual Edits in Search Results — Google claims that their search results "are generated completely objectively and are independent of the beliefs and preferences of those who work at Google." Elizabeth Van Couvering, at the Berlin search engines workshop Monday …

paidContent's 'blowout' NYC mixer: Internet bubble redux, or new rational entrepreneurship? — While enjoying the party Rafat Ali's paidContent threw for New York City new media types last evening, I was struck at how different the atmosphere was from the 1990's venture-capital funded Silicon Alley …

Ding Dong, go the wedding bells of Hollywood and Silicon Valley — We are finally jumping into bed with each other in a furious way. — Warner Brothers said yesterday they had struck a deal with San Francisco company, to distribute its new and vintage movies and TV shows via the online video site.