Top Items:

With a Cellphone as My Guide — Think of it as a divining rod for the information age. — If you stand on a street corner in Tokyo today you can point a specialized cellphone at a hotel, a restaurant or a historical monument, and with the press of a button the phone will display information …

Virus hackers held in UK and Finland — Three men suspected of bombarding business computers with e-mail viruses were arrested today following an investigation into internet fraud involving police in Britain and Finland. — The trio - a 63-year-old from England, a 28-year-old from Scotland …
Security Fix

Suspected Fraudsters Behind the Sony DRM Virus Arrested

His Space … Perched on the edge of a bright white power sofa on the supernaturally quiet eighth floor of the News Corporation's global headquarters, the last thing Rupert Murdoch looks like is a fire-eyed revolutionary. Starched cuffs. Courtly manner. A month past his 75th birthday.

Ignoring the "Great Firewall of China" — The Great Firewall of China is an important tool for the Chinese Government in their efforts to censor the Internet. It works, in part, by inspecting web traffic to determine whether or not particular words are present.
Emergent Chaos

Arthur O. Suzlberger, Jr: The New York Times Company has the 'dough' online — Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr., Chairman, The New York Times Company and Publisher, The New York Times, is confident in the economic potential of interactive media, particularly for The New York Times Company.

THE TEN GREATEST YEARS IN GAMING — In the 30 years or so since videogames came into being as consumer products, we reckon ten truly stand-out as memorable, offering innovation and excitement. Here's Next-Gen.Biz's not-to-be-missed-list including a history of our industry...

Walkie Talkie Watches — Another Walkie Talkie Watch, but this time not quite so nerdy looking. These watches were worn by the Norwegian Olympic Team during the last Winter Olympics, which means they're decent enough for people who need things to work—whatever that means.

Sun says open-source Java possible in 'months' — Logistics such as maintaining compatibility still being worked out — A Sun Microsystems Inc. executive said Tuesday said the company is "months" away from releasing its trademark Java programming language under an open-source license.

Digg 3 — Overview Preview User Opinions Compare — CNET editors' take — Digg allows users to rank news stories, blog entries, and videos from all over the Web. Like an ambitious high-school geek determined to get hip with the in crowd, the latest version of this social content aggregator attempts …
CyberNet Technology News

TED conference releases its video, awesome stuff — Really great video content was just released by the TED conference. I've never been to this conference, but it has a huge reputation and if you look at the speakers you'll see why. Hans Rosling, for instance, has an amazing data visualization talk.

A look inside PeopleAggregator — Marc Canter's much anticipated PeopleAggregator is starting to roll out, password protection is scheduled to be removed Wednesday around noon Pacific time. PeopleAggregator is the product of 3 years of self funded work by Canter to bridge the gap between …
Mashable*, ConnectID, Business Logs &mdash …, Tom Raftery's I.T. views, Valleywag and Marc's Voice

3rd Party Software — Aftermarket software. Download, share and upload applications. — Thread Tools — Stack Pro — PIN: 20405A18 — Stacked: Feb 2006 — Screen Shots: SonaMobile video player in action!!! — Sorry, the quality might not be all that great …

A $31 Billion Gift Between Friends — The friendship between Warren E. Buffett and Bill Gates has been forged over a shared passion for such homespun American treats as cherry Coke, burgers and college football. They delight as well in loftier pursuits, like playing bridge and solving complex math problems.

Wright's NBC In Deal With Video Site YouTube — LONDON - — Boob Tube? Judging by the "Top Favorites" section on Sequoia Capital-funded video-sharing site YouTube, Internet users like watching students performing robot dances, teenagers playing electric guitar versions of Pachelbel's Canon …

Ten Possible Consequences of Google's GBuy — Why does Google want to automate the advertiser click cycle and make it as fast as it possibly can? — The first reason is obvious: Google makes money on click conversions. The more clicks done quickly, the more money for Google, and the happier the advertiser.

Comcast Buys Digital Media Services Firm ThePlatform — Exclusive: Comcast Interactive, the internet arm of cable giant Comcast, has bought out Seattle-based digital media services provider thePlatform, has learned from sources. ThePlatform CEO Ian Blaine confirmed the deal to me in a short phone call.

OMB Sets Guidelines for Federal Employee Laptop Security — The Bush administration is giving federal civilian agencies 45 days to implement new measures to protect the security of personal information that agencies hold on millions of employees and citizens.