Top Items:
So A Blogger Walks Into A Bar... Yesterday I was tipped off about a “secret meeting” between a group of “Super Angels” being held at Bin 38, a restaurant and bar in San Francisco. “Do not come, you will not be welcome,” I was told. — So I did what any self respecting blogger would do …
Techdirt, GigaOM, Feld Thoughts, PC World, VentureBeat, Hillicon Valley, Silicon Alley Insider, Adventures in Capitalism, SmoothSpan Blog,, Mass High Tech, bizjournals, Gawker, Defrag Blog, the Econsultancy blog, Marc's Voice,, FM Blog, A Bajillion Hits, Gizmodo Australia, Gizmodo and broadstuff, more at Mediagazer », Thanks:louisgray
Fire in The Valley, Fire in My Belly... and Yes, Mike, I Have Stopped Beating My Wife. — So i've been debating whether to write this post all day. — Unfortunately i probably have more balls than sense, but it drives me f**king insane to see some bulls**t superangel conspiracy theory …
VentureBeat and Fortune, Thanks:davemcclure
Fred / A VC:
Collusion — Mike Arrington posted about a secret meeting of angels and super angels in San Francisco the other night. In the post he suggests that they are colluding to keep valuations down, terms intact, and traditional venture capital firms, such as ours, out of their deals.
GigaOM, Victus Spiritus and VentureBeat
Web Start-Up Values Soar — Investors Bid Up Internet Firms to Levels Reminiscent of the Last Dot-Com Boom — The technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index is relatively flat this year. Yet tech company valuations are rapidly rising in one area: closely held consumer Web firms.
Paul Kedrosky's …
Who are the Super Angels that Michael Arrington is talking …
Who are the Super Angels that Michael Arrington is talking …
Stowe Boyd and Venture Chronicles
Henry Blodget / Silicon Alley Insider:
Hooray For Mike Arrington
RIM Readies Its Answer to iPad — BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd. could unveil its new tablet computer—as well as the operating system that will power it—as early as next week, at a developers' conference in San Francisco, say people familiar with RIM's plans.
PC World, IntoMobile, Fast Company, Inquirer, Guardian, BloggingStocks, LAPTOP Magazine,, blogs, Telegraph, Techland, Network World, DailyTech, Appolicious Advisor, HULIQ, FierceMobileContent, jkOnTheRun, Mobile Entertainment, Go Rumors, FierceWireless, Gearlog, VentureBeat, Between the Lines Blog, Delimiter,, BlogsDNA,, Fone Arena, Cult of Mac,,, I4U News, DailyFinance, AppleInsider, Phones Review, Silicon Alley Insider, PadGadget, Tech Trader Daily, Phone Arena, GottaBeMobile, Erictric,, iClarified, mocoNews, SlashGear, Ubergizmo, Electronista, Gadgetell, USA Today, CrunchGear, Pocket-lint,, The Tech Herald … and Crave
Neil Hughes / AppleInsider:
Suppliers say Apple will build first batch of CDMA iPhones in December — Apple is expected to build its first 3 million Verizon-compatible CDMA iPhones in December 2010, contacts in the company's overseas supply chain reportedly indicated. — Analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro with Susquehanna Financial Group …
MacRumors, Computerworld, VentureBeat, iPhone Download Blog, asymco, TiPb, SlashGear, CrunchGear, Cult of Mac, TUAW, Electronista, Softpedia News, Phones Review, MacStories, iClarified and MacDailyNews
Microsoft Launches A New Loyalty Program: Bing Rewards — Prior Microsoft search loyalty programs, SearchPerks and Cashback, were retired. But maybe the third time's the charm: today Microsoft is rolling out Bing Rewards Preview (beta). It's a credit card or airline-style loyalty program …
TechFlash, Search Blog and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
Australian 17-year-old takes blame for Twitter chaos — SYDNEY — A 17-year-old Australian schoolboy said on Wednesday he unwittingly caused a massive hacker attack on Twitter which sent users to Japanese porn sites and took out the White House press secretary's feed.
Download Squad, TechEye, Guardian, Mashable!, Gizmodo, Techland, Switched, TG Daily, Agence France Presse, Silicon Alley Insider and Gawker
Exclusive: The real HTC HD7 revealed! — Unfortunately its not an actual picture, but for a black slab the schematic s close enough. Above is the real successor to the HTC HD2, the HTC HD7, previously of course the HTC HD3, featuring the near bezel-less 4.3 inch screen we are so familiar with.
SlashGear,, Engadget, Phone Arena, DailyTech, Pocket-lint, TmoNews, Softpedia News,, MobileCrunch, WMExperts, Know Your Cell, Phones Review and Ubergizmo, Thanks:gamalmsabry
Stuart Miles / Pocket-lint:
HTC confirms Windows Phone 7 launching October
HTC confirms Windows Phone 7 launching October
Discussion:, Gulf News, Fast Company, Softpedia News and Gadgetell
Jared Morgenstern / Facebook Developer Blog:
Making Games on Facebook Better — First, hello from the new Games team! Over the last few months, we've assembled a team of dedicated engineers and product managers who are focused exclusively on designing the platform you need to maximize the potential of your games. And we are game lovers, every last one of us.
Facebook Blog, Fast Company, Mobile Entertainment, VentureBeat, PC Magazine, Download Squad and TechCrunch, Thanks:atul
Facebook Making Changes to News Feed, Requests, Bookmarks …
Inside Social Games, VentureBeat and CNET News
Dean Takahashi / VentureBeat:
Mark Zuckerberg navigates the tightrope between gamers and non-gamers (video)
Mark Zuckerberg navigates the tightrope between gamers and non-gamers (video)
TechCrunch and Edge Magazine
Alexia Tsotsis / TechCrunch:
200 Million People Are Playing Facebook Games Monthly
200 Million People Are Playing Facebook Games Monthly
Discussion:, All Facebook, Inside Facebook and VentureBeat
Danny Goodwin / Search Engine Watch:
Google's Schmidt to Colbert: Comment About Kids Changing Their Identity ‘Was a Joke’ — Google CEO Eric Schmidt was on “The Colbert Report” for a “Google Chat” last night. As Stephen would say, “At least that's what it said when I looked it up on Bing.” — Colbert and Schmidt discussed data mining …
Search Engine Land, Gizmodo, 9 to 5 Mac, TechFlash, Adotas and Engadget
Oracle Growth Plans Worry Rivals and Customers — SAN FRANCISCO — Each year, Oracle's presence looms over this city for a week, during the company's Open World customer conference. About 41,000 people arrived this week to discuss business software in fine detail and talk over beers.
Open Source Blog, eWeek, Irregular Enterprise Blog and Venture Capital Dispatch, Thanks:atul
Programming for Dummies: Dissastisfied, Some Wall Street Technologists Flee for Start-Up Life … “I mean, no one was being held with a gun to their head and forced to work at Morgan Stanley,” said Andrew Montalenti. “It was a very good job by any objective measure.
Silicon Alley Insider
US hunters shoot down Google fibre — Repairers forced to ski in to Oregon back woods. — Google has revealed that aerial fibre links to its data centre in Oregon were “regularly” shot down by hunters, forcing the company to put its cables underground. — The search and advertising …
Gearlog, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Techland, Gizmodo, Gizmodo Australia, TechFlash, The Register, Data Center Knowledge and
Kevin Fox / fox @ fury:
The first step to fixing the Android Marketplace has nothing to do with the Android Marketplace — Much fuss has been made about the user experience of the Android Marketplace and how it compares to the iOS App Store but, while there are many points to be made about how the Marketplace's design …
Daring Fireball, Thanks:louisgray
TripIt's Pro Plan Now Pays For Itself, Will Track Flight Itineraries For Price Drops — TripIt, the site that creates customized travel itineraries from travel confirmation emails, is upgrading its premium version today to be even more useful. Now TripIt Pro will track any pro member's flight itinerary …
Discussion:, Thanks:waldrich
Cecilia Kang / Post Tech:
Canada ends probe of Facebook's sharing of data — Canadian Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart said an investigation into the way Facebook's third-party applications obtain user data is over and that her office was “pleased” with the social networking site's move last May to make its …
L.A. Times Tech Blog, CBC News and Vancouver Sun
Now that the Recession Officially Ended....Whatever Happened to that Other Shoe? — With the news this week that the recession officially ended in June 2009, there's a ton of commentary about how it still feels like we're in recession. But from where I sit, it never felt much like a recession at all.
Redfin Corporate Blog
Dropbox BlackBerry Now Available for All, Android and iOS Apps Get Updates — BlackBerry/Android/iOS: BlackBerry addicts, your days of emailing yourself files are nearly numbered. File syncing service Dropbox has released its previously closed beta BlackBerry app into the open …
MobileCrunch, PR Newswire, The Next Web and Boy Genius Report
Verizon: Our Apps Aren't About Taking Over The Phone — It's About “Choice”. Puke. — About a week ago, we noted that Verizon was gearing up to launch its own app store for Android phones. This app store, called V CAST Apps, would be completely separate from Android's existing Market for apps.
Inquirer, jkOnTheRun, Fast Company, Mobile Entertainment, Softpedia News, Electronista and
Google Campaign to Build Up Its Display Ads — Google, the online search ad giant that rarely advertises, has decided it needs to advertise the fact that it is in the online display advertising business. — And if that is not enough advertising about advertising, it has picked …
Silicon Alley Insider
Salesforce: Chatter 2 upgrade to offer more tools, target more users — It's been less than a year since Salesforce first announced Chatter and only three months since the company made the Facebook-like collaboration tool generally available. — Now, the tool, which has seen rapid adoption …
Discussion:, Thanks:mentha
Tecca, Best Buy's New Shopping App, Isn't a Best Buy Shopping App — Here's another shopping app: Tecca promises to “help you find, buy and get the best from personal technology.” It's available for Apple's iPhone, Google's Android as well as Web browsers.
ReadWriteWeb, paidContent and GigaOM
Jesse Eisenberg doesn't just play Zuckerberg in ‘Network’ — he's a lot like him in real life — Tweet — Jesse Eisenberg isn't on Facebook. But he's lurked there. — “I had the strangest experience,” says the 26-year-old of his week spent under an alias online to research playing …
Discussion: and Crave
Gregg Keizer / Computerworld:
Twitter ‘antibodies’ help kill worm, says researcher — Users are Twitter's best defense against hardcore hackers, but not spammers — Computerworld - Social-networking services like Facebook and Twitter have a natural defense against hardcore hackers, a security researcher said Tuesday.
Guardian and
Tim Armstrong Says AOL's $100 Million Limit On Acquisitions Is Over — Tim Armstrong just announced to a roomful of banker-types that AOL is ready to spend big on acquisitions. — He says the $100 million limit on acquisitions is going away, Peter Kafka at Media Memo reports.
MediaMemo and paidContent