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Video Chat coming in future iPhones/iPads? — Some interesting information has come to light this evening that may indicate a future direction of Apple's iPhone OS products. Below is some pretty definitive evidence that future iPhones and iPads will have video chatting capability.
ithinkdifferent, I4U News, Erictric, Mashable!, TiPb, iPhone in Canada Blog, Boy Genius Report, Gizmodo, and EverythingiCafe

The New App Store Rules: No Swimsuits, No Skin, And No Innuendo — Over the last few days we've been tracking Apple's recent decision to remove all sexual content from the App Store. It's an alarming move on Apple's part, if only because it shows that the company is willing to throw developers …
Silicon Alley Insider, Gizmodo, Phones Review, Geek News Central, iPhone Savior,, Technology Liberation Front and eWeek

>5000 Apps Banned; The New Rules — I have spoken with Apple, and the following are the new rules: — 1. No images of women in bikinis (Ice skating tights are not OK either) — 2. No images of men in bikinis! (I didn't ask about Ice Skating tights for men)
MobileCrunch, Android Phone Fans, Silicon Alley Insider, TiPb, The Apple Core, Maximum PC, Howard Lindzon, 9 to 5 Mac, VentureBeat and TechCrunch

The AP Is Using Twitter To Send People To Facebook. Wait. What? — Oh the Associated Press, our most favorite banned news source. It seems almost monthly they do something that defies logic and/or looks to be a suicidal act. And today brings another oddity.

An Adobe Flash developer on why the iPad can't use Flash — Daniel Eran Dilger — Morgan Adams, an interactive content developer who knows a lot about building Flash, wrote in with an interesting perspective on Flash and the iPad. The remainder of this piece is his comments on the subject.

Rumor: The iPad To Go On Presale Next Week — It's time to warm up your credit cards folks. Despite the fact that you won't have it in your hands before March 29th (or 60 days after the announcement, according to Steve Jobs), you should be able to put in your iPad order as soon as next week.
Geekosystem, I4U News, TUAW, Boy Genius Report, Mashable!, MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac, Pulse2, Erictric, Edible Apple and Gizmodo Australia

Hello HTML5 — If you've wondered why there haven't been many Gears releases or posts on the Gears blog lately, it's because we've shifted our effort towards bringing all of the Gears capabilities into web standards like HTML5. We're not there yet, but we are getting closer.
Mashable!, Download Squad,, TechCrunch, CloudAve and Googling Google, Thanks:steverubel

Google Buzz No Facebook, Twitter Killer, Google Exec Says — Google Buzz is not intended as a challenge to Facebook or Twitter, but as a unique complement to those Web services, the Google executive overseeing Buzz told eWEEK. While he lamented the Buzz privacy woes, Bradley Horowitz …

New iPad Tidbits — We have compiled a bunch of new iPad tidbits with screenshots for your viewing pleasure below: — Lots of settings pop up if you know where to look: — YouTube Videos can play in HTML5 (this looks really good btw, not sure if a dedicated Youtube App is necessary):

Can You Trust a Facebook Profile? — Do people display their actual or idealised personalities on social networking sites? — There are now over 700 million people around the world with profiles on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. In the US 75% of those between 18 …

YouTube Expands Video Rental Program — Last month, YouTube rolled out a new rental service that allowed users to rent independent films from the Sundance film festival. But now, despite weak demand for those films, YouTube has quietly expanded the video rental program with a number of niche content providers.