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Amazon and Macmillan go to war: readers and writers are the civilian casualties — When I woke this morning at 5AM UK time, I discovered an in-box full of emails from people asking if I knew what was going on with Amazon. My books — and all books from Macmillan and its many divisions …

The Apple-Amazon Ebook War Begins: Amazon Deletes Macmillan Books — Books published by Macmillan mysteriously poofed from Amazon yesterday. The reason, according to the NYT, is that Amazon is punishing the publisher for arguing that the price of Kindle books should go up to $15. This won't end well.

Amazon Pulls Macmillan Books Over E-Book Price Disagreement
MediaMemo, Boy Genius Report, Techland, Whatever, Electronista, Engadget, VentureBeat, 9 to 5 Mac, Silicon Alley Insider, SlashGear, TeleRead, TechFlash, Kindle Review and iPhone Savior, Thanks:atul

Confirmed: iPhone OS 3.2 has support for video calling, file downloads, and SMS (update: handwriting keyboard?) — The iPad may not have a camera in its current incarnation, but Apple's at least laying the foundation for one: we just confirmed with extremely trusted sources …
TUAW, App Advice, The iPhone Blog, Electronista, Gizmodo, Silicon Alley Insider, EverythingiCafe and MacRumors

Adobe Plays the Porn Card in Flash Campaign Against iPad — Apple has clearly hurt Adobe's feelings. When Steve Jobs demonstrated an iPad at Wednesday's tablet event, its Safari browser clearly did not support Flash. Adobe has published a blog post calling Flash the Apple iPad's “broken link.”

Apple Pulls Flash Content From iPad Promos — JR Raphael, PC World — It looks like Apple's iPad really is magical after all. Marketing materials for the iPad mysteriously morphed overnight following complaints that they misleadingly depicted the device showing Flash-based content.

iPad v. A Rock — This speaks for itself. Thanks to Phil Santoro for creating it and sending it us (a play on the iphone v. rock joke). — Information provided by CrunchBase

Future Shock — I'll have more to say on the iPad later but one can't help being struck by the volume and vehemence of apparently technologically sophisticated people inveighing against the iPad. — Some are trying to dismiss these ravings by comparing them to certain comments made after the launch of the iPod in 2001: “No wireless.

Google news — First, the news: Google told me today that they would consider giving more transparency about revenue splits in Adsense. — At a private meeting with a dozen and a half media people at Davos with CEO Eric Schmidt, President of sales Nikesh Arora, search boss Marissa Mayer …

Nexus One for AT&T's 3G bands likely in the works — By all appearances, Google's trying to break Android free of the surly bonds of the manufacturers and carriers that support it, opening its own online store and selling unlocked Nexus Ones to anyone willing to pony up the $529.
IntoMobile,, Boy Genius Report, AndroidSPIN, Phones Review, Android Central and AndroidGuys

Irony: You Need A Map To Find Google Street View On The iPhone — We came to a strange realization on Friday at SEL headquarters: Google Street View is terribly unintuitive on the iPhone. As Danny Sullivan suggested, you practically need a map to find it.

Steve Jobs' Entourage Forbids Pictures of His ‘Labored Old Man Shuffle’ — By all accounts, Steve Jobs personally drove the rapid creation and wildly successful hyping of the just-unveiled iPad. So you'd think his handlers would be confident in his healthy image, no matter how slowly he walks in public.

Firefox-based attack wreaks havoc on IRC users — World's first inter-protocol exploit, but not the last — Underscoring a little-known web vulnerability, hackers are exploiting a weakness in the Mozilla Firefox browser to wreak havoc on Freenode and other networks that cater to users of internet relay chat.

Apple reinventing file access, wireless sharing for iPad — Apple is dramatically rethinking how applications organize their documents on iPad, leaving behind the jumbled file system and making file access between the iPad and desktop computers seamless. — In a move foreshadowed …

Unexpectedly low Apple iPad price forces notebook vendors to re-evaluate their tablet PC strategies — Notebook vendors include Asustek Computer and Micro-Star International (MSI) have re-evaluated their strategies for the tablet PC market following Apple's launch of the iPad at a consumer-friendly price, according to industry sources.
broadstuff,, Liliputing, Guardian, Electricpig, MacRumors, Gizmodo, Ars Technica and I4U News