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Overheard: Steve Jobs Says Apple Tablet “Will Be The Most Important Thing I've Ever Done.” — “This will be the most important thing I've ever done” - Steve Jobs, referring to the soon-to-be-launched Apple Tablet. — We haven't heard this first hand, but we've heard it multiple times second …
MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac, Erictric, Crave, Electronista, iPhone Savior, broadstuff and Gawker, Thanks:rkrishnakumar

Why Amazon won't launch its own tablet, but will use Apple's — The Kindle game is up, and Amazon knows it. In 2010, the world plus dog will be hawking an E-Ink-based e-reader, and major distribution and publishing houses like Barnes & Noble, Google, and Hearst will be offering their digital content on everything with a screen.

Apple has begun testing 200 entertainment apps on 50 tablet devices, Flurry says — Apple has been testing 50 devices believed to be its new tablet computers, according to analytics firm Flurry. — Flurry said its analytics showed that the device were being tested on Apple's campus in Cupertino …

The killer app for Apple's tablet: Gaming — This guest post is by Jeff Scott, founder and publisher of 148Apps, a blog providing fanatical coverage of everything iPhone and hopefully soon, the Apple tablet. — While we still don't know the name of the new tablet device; could be iPad …

Will AT&T Lose Their iPhone Exclusivity On Wednesday? — It's sort of hard to believe all the hype from CES is already over and done with. Larger companies spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to introduce and showcase new products at the show, and now all anyone wants to talk about in the tech world is Apple.
AppleInsider, 9 to 5 Mac, Boy Genius Report, Phone Arena, Erictric, Mashable!, IntoMobile, Macsimum News, Silicon Alley Insider, Appletell, Googling Google and

China says not involved in cyberattacks on Google — Buzz up! — BEIJING (AFP) - China on Monday denied any state involvement in cyberattacks on Google and defended Internet censorship as necessary, as a row with Washington over the US firm's threat to leave the country rumbled on.

China says Internet controls here to stay — BEIJING (Reuters) - China has every right to punish citizens using the Internet to challenge Communist Party power and ethnic policies, a senior official said Monday, pressing Beijing's counter-offensive against Google Inc.

Jason Calacanis Punches Comscore In The Face. Comscore Punches Back. Fred Wilson Drags Us Into It. $SCOR — Jason Calacanis, our partner over the years on the TechCrunch50 conference, wrote quite a rant yesterday about analytics company Comscore. His argument: that Comscore …

Comscore's Bogus Logic For Its Blackmail Fee: We Don't Make That Much Money

Update on the Evolution of comScore Media Metrix 360
Silicon Alley Insider

Link by Link: Hungry for New Content, Google Tries to Grow Its Own in Africa — “THE farmer and the cowman should be friends” is the hopeful refrain of Oklahomans in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical “Oklahoma.” After all, their activities rhyme: “one likes to push a plow; one likes to chase a cow.”

Mahalo SEO Spam Case Study — The Sales Pitch & Launch — Originally when launching Mahalo, Jason Calacanas claimed that it would be spam free and that SEOs would have hell to pay. — He had a multi-month sales pitch leading up to the launch of his site where he kept stating that Squidoo …

Why VCs Should Take Their Own Advice — The way venture capital firms are structured makes it almost impossible for outsiders to see what's really going on inside those 1970s lodge-like Sand Hill Road offices. A firm is nothing more than a collection of partnerships around certain funds that run for ten years or more.

Post Clinton's Internet Freedom Speech:US- SourceForge Blocked Syria, Sudan, Iran, N. Korea & Cuba: Is Open Source Still Open? — Since Linkedin lifted its blocking against Syria after ArabCrunch reported the incident ( and kept it against Sudan ), we heard different reports that American officials …

WooRank Screens Your Website, For Free — WooRank is a brand new service designed to let website publishers and marketers evaluate the SEO-friendliness and other aspects of their Web sites on the fly, free of charge. If this reminds you of what HubSpot built with its Website Grader tool, it's because the concept is extremely similar.
Elliott C. Back

Confirmed!! Motorola Sholes “MotoRoi” will arrive soon with T-Mobile 3G bands — Yes T-Mobile users, we had confirmed that the new Motorola device that just passed FCC few weeks ago carrying WCDMA AWS T-Mobile 3G bands (1700/2100) bands is the Motorola Sholes.