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Apple Countersues Nokia for Copying iPhone (Plus Disputed Patents and Full Text of Counterclaim) — On Oct. 22, Nokia filed suit against Apple, accusing the company of hitching a “free-ride” on its intellectual property. This morning, Apple filed a searing countersuit accusing Nokia of the same thing.

Apple Countersues Nokia — Responding to a lawsuit brought against the company by Nokia, Apple® today filed a countersuit claiming that Nokia is infringing 13 Apple patents. — “Other companies must compete with us by inventing their own technologies, not just by stealing ours,” …
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CrunchPad Federal Lawsuit Filed; Some Additional Thoughts — Thursday afternoon we filed a lawsuit against Fusion Garage in the Northern District of California Federal court. The causes of action include Fraud and Deceit, Misappropriation of Business Ideas, Breach of Fiduciary Duty …
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Either Mark Zuckerberg got a whole lot less private or Facebook's CEO doesn't understand the company's new privacy settings. — When Facebook's new privacy settings were rolled out yesterday, many privacy gurus complained that the default setting was for “Everyone” to have access to your Facebook profile …

Why Facebook Changed Its Privacy Strategy
All Facebook, The SiliconANGLE, The Register, Light Blue Touchpaper, Lockergnome Blog Network and Chris Saad, Thanks:atul

Mozilla worker touts Bing over Google, citing privacy — Google CEO Eric Schmidt is the latest Silicon Valley CEO to draw ire after suggesting that folks seeking privacy might not want to look to the Internet to find it. — “I think judgment matters,” Schmidt said, appearing on CNBC (see video below).

Motorola Milestone sells out in less than 3 hours — eXpansys says it's the fastest-selling gadget in its 11-year history — Online retailer eXpansys, the exclusive stockist of the new Motorola Milestone, has revealed the new high-end handset has sold out in record time.

Microsoft Is Losing Fight for Consumers, Analyst Says — Mark Anderson is the writer behind the Strategic News Service, a predictive newsletter with a wide following among technology executives and venture capitalists, which he publishes from the island redoubt of Friday Harbor …
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Microsoft Acquires Opalis Software — The Deal reports that Microsoft will today announce it has acquired Opalis Software, “a venture-backed maker of IT process automation technology.” — Terms were not disclosed. — In early October, Opalis put out a relase touting a 104% increase in license bookings.

iPhone users suffering ‘Stockholm Syndrome’, analyst firm reckons — iPhone users are suffering from delusion akin to Stockholm Syndrome, says Strand Consulting in a weird little slice of research released this morning by this particular team of generally anti-iPhone analysts.

Two new features enhance search beyond the results page — On Monday, when Amit Singhal introduced Google real-time search, he talked about bringing you information at the speed of light. But speed isn't just about the time it takes the results to load, or even the time it takes us to index …

Apple's Next Media Frontier Will Be Streaming Video — Video entertainment was “the one that got away” from Apple, but recent moves reveal the company is taking a second stab at the category, and that streaming video will play a major role. — The addition of video cameras to Apple's latest iPhone …
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4 Out of 5 Viewers Leave If a Stream Buffers Once — Whatever happened to patience? More than 81 percent of all online video viewers click away if they encounter a clip rebuffering, according to a new study by Tubemogul. The Emeryville-based video distribution and analytics startup took …

Coke ‘sorry’ for swear blunder — FIZZY drinks giant Coca-Cola has apologised after its website produced a security code that read: “U F * * K R”. Customer Alistair Beswick was shocked when the randomly generated string of letters appeared as he was logging on to Coke Zone.

Hackers root Motorola Droid — These are not the Droids you are hacking for — Updated Hackers have successfully rooted Motorola's Droid smartphone, allowing users to install applications or services of their choice outside the set menu offered by operators.
I4U News

Over One Hundred Thousand Websites Infected in New Attack — Rogue frames load exploit cocktail — Security researchers have detected a new mass injection attack that has compromised over 130,000 websites so far. A rogue IFrame is used to exploit visitors and infect their computers with a banking trojan.

Nokia 5235 Comes With Music rolls into view — GLOBAL - The new Nokia 5235 Comes With Music promises to bring a plethora of free music to users at a price they might not expect. Based on the 5230, this Comes With Music edition boasts the perfect mix of size, usability and of course as much music as users could ever want.
Engadget, The Toybox, Mobile Whack, IntoMobile, SlashGear, Electricpig,,, Mobile Entertainment and Phone Scoop

Chevy Volt Will Connect to Blackberry and iPhone Apps — It is GM's intention to make the Chevy Volt a very wired and connected high-tech car. — We have already known that charging will be programmable at least from the dash. Drivers will be able to set the car to charge, for example …
Discussion:, OhGizmo!, TUAW, IntoMobile, DVICE, inside analytics, Engadget and CrunchGear

iPhone developer says Apple taking more lenient approach with apps — Despite a spotted violation of Apple's rules for developers, one iPhone application was approved for released on the App Store with a warning to fix the issue in a future update. — Developer Vimov, creators of iSimulate …

Apple offers free taste of iTunes LP format with ‘Holiday Sampler’ — Apple is promoting its new iTunes LP format with a free downloadable selection of 20 holiday songs from a variety of popular artists. — The free iTunes Holiday Sampler download includes a variety of artists from wide-ranging genres …

Google backs world's fastest net cable — • Undersea line set to run 5,000 miles across southeast Asia — • £245m cable marks latest investment in net infrastructure — In little more than a decade, Google has conquered the technology industry and become one of the world's most powerful companies.

Tumblr Goes Real Time — Starting today, the popular light blogging platform Tumblr will publish its users' feeds in real time. Tumblr will use the increasingly popular PubSubHubbub format to announce updates. Tumblr's real-time hub will be powered by Superfeedr.
Superfeedr Blog

Mobile Social Game Platform Scoreloop Expands to Android — Way back in April, German company Scoreloop launched a social gaming platform of the same name, for the booming iPhone/iPod Touch developer platform. Today, roughly eight months later, the company is expanding that service …

No, Virginia, the Apple Tablet is a big fat Fairy Tale — Dear Rex: — I am 8 years old. — Some of my little friends say that Apple will be coming out with a cool device that's like an iPod Touch or iPhone, but only bigger — you know, like the rumor you started spreading in 2006 and lots of times since then.

The iPhone moves from the quad to the classroom — Most college professors will tell students to put away their iPhone or iPod once class starts. But not Ken Joy. His class requires them. — Professor Joy teaches ECS 198H, Introduction To iPhone Application Development, to undergraduates at the University of California at Davis.

Rather than patch, Microsoft blocks buggy code — In a rare move, declines to fix multiple flaws in Windows 2000, XP — Computerworld - Microsoft has decided to disable a 17-year-old video codec in older versions of Windows rather than patch multiple vulnerabilities, according to the company's security team.