Top Items:

Google Latitude, now with Location History & Alerts — Since the launch of Google Latitude earlier this year, we've been getting a lot of feature requests. One of the most popular ideas was for Latitude to keep track of location history, allowing you (but not your friends) to see where you've been at any point in time.

Why Retweet works the way it does — This week on Twitter, we're rolling a feature we've been working on for a while out to a lot more users. (If you don't have it yet, you will soon.) That feature is our native version of Retweet, which Biz posted about on the Twitter blog a couple months ago.

Google hopes to remake programming with Go — Google software luminaries including Unix co-creator Ken Thompson believe they can help boost both computing power and programmers' abilities with an experimental programming language project called Go. — And on Tuesday, they're taking the veil …
Google Open Source Blog, TechCrunch, /SAbackchan, InformationWeek, InfoWorld, ReadWriteWeb, Mashable!, PC World, VentureBeat,, eWeek and Ars Technica, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Bringing the Best of Web Video to You at Bing Videos — Turn off the lights (literally), share with your friends and kick are about to see the latest Bing videos experience. — Starting today and rolling out over the next few days Bing videos will provide a new unified online video destination …
LiveSide, Search Engine Watch, ResourceShelf, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, and TechFlash

Twice the storage for a quarter of the price — (Cross-posted from the Official Google Blog) — People today have more personal data online than ever before. More and more people are starting to move the bulk of their data off the desktop and into servers “in the cloud,” …

Confirmed: Adobe To Cut 9 Percent Of Workforce — We've confirmed with Adobe that the company is cutting 9 percent of its workforce, or 680 employees. Adobe filed an 8-K with the SEC today reporting the layoffs. Earlier today we heard multiple reports that layoffs were taking place at Adobe.
VentureBeat, Digital Daily, CNET News, 9 to 5 Mac, paidContent, Tech Trader Daily, TUAW, GigaOM, Seeking Alpha, Silicon Valley Watcher, Gawker and Research in Motion

How Much is Twitter Worth? Less Than You Think — Twitter, the San Francisco-based micro-messaging start-up, recently raised about $98 million dollars from T. Rowe Price, Insight Venture Partners, Spark Capital and Institutional Venture Partners. valuing the company at a whopping $1.1 billion.

Logitech Takes on Cisco, to Buy LifeSize for $405M — Logitech, a Swiss maker of peripherals for computers and digital consumer devices, is buying 6-year-old Austin, Texas-based video conferencing device maker LifeSize Communications for $405 million in cash.

Motorola Probably Sold 100,000 Droids in Challenge to IPhone — Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) — Motorola Inc. probably sold 100,000 Droid phones in their first weekend on the market, a sign that the handset maker is recovering even though it still trails Apple Inc., an analyst said.
PC World, Mashable!, jkOnTheRun, The Next Web, Pulse2, VentureBeat, Switched, Gadget Lab, IntoMobile, TheAppleBlog, Android Phone Fans, AppleInsider, GigaOM, NEWSFACTOR, News, Softpedia News, eWeek, Google Android News …, InformationWeek, PMP Today, FierceWireless, I4U News, Silicon Alley Insider, TechSpot, TG Daily, Canada NewsWire Group, MobileCrunch, The Apple Core, Engadget, Digital Daily, SlashGear, CNET News, mocoNews, LOOPRumors, Gearlog and DSLreports

PHP Founder Rasmus Lerdorf Leaves Yahoo — PHP founder Rasmus Lerdorf has left his long-held position at Yahoo, according to his Twitter account. Lerdorf joined Yahoo in 2002 and has worked for the company as an engineer since. Lerdorf is most notable for creating the original PHP engine …

One Mobile App for Multiple Platforms Almost a Reality — Finally, it feels like the holy grail of mobile development is at hand. This problem has persisted since Microsoft released its Palm-sized PC operating system to compete with the Palm OS a decade ago: as a mobile developer …

Android Market: Agree to new terms or we unpublish your app — Google informed developers today that their distribution agreement for the Android Market is changing. If developers do not accept the new agreement within 30 days, their applications will be removed from the Market.

T-Mobile Moves Aggressively into HSPA and HSPA+ — From a carrier with no 3G offerings 18 months ago, T-Mobile has turned the ship fast—and turned the table on its competitors: T-Mobile used today's announcement of a new 3G USB modem to lay out its aggressive plans for 7.2 Mbps HSPA and 21 Mbps HSPA+ deployment nationwide.

NVIDIA tablet mystery solved: an ODM Tegra prototype — NVIDIA just hit us with more info on that mysterious tablet Jen-Hsun Huang was pictured with yesterday, and the truth is just as we'd assumed: it's a Tegra prototype from an ODM called ICD that's being “actively” shopped to carriers around the world.
TUAW, TmoNews, Maximum PC,, gdgt, MacRumors Page 2 and

U.S. Takes Down $9 Million RBS WorldPay Hacking Ring — U.S. and international prosecutors have taken down a criminal ring that they allege was responsible for an ATM scam last year that stole about $9 million from RBS WorldPay. The criminals were able to evade the company's encryption system used …

Google VP Mayer describes the perfect search engine — IDG News Service - Last month, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said during the company's earnings call that Google had implemented about 120 search quality improvements during the third quarter as it moves toward its ultimate goal: “We want to get to the perfect search engine.”

What the N900 Means to Nokia — Nokia is hoping to recapture some of its lost glory in the smartphone space with the N900, the flagship device that began shipping today. The long-awaited handset runs Nokia's new Maemo 5 operating system and boasts some pretty impressive features …
IntoMobile, PR Newswire,, Boy Genius Report, Obsessable, eWeek and Nokia Conversations

Next Week: U.S. Senate Committee Hearing On Aggressive Internet Sales Tactics — The types of marketing offers (we refer to them more descriptively as scams) that have plagued ecommerce sites like Intelius are now facing U.S. government scrutiny. These scams are kissing cousins …

The End of Single Purpose Devices — Ahh, I love my modern digital lifestyle, especially when it comes to being out, whether traveling or just moving around the city. It's great that I can walk around with a music collection that dwarfs my old college record collection …

Google Flu Shot Locator Shows Where To Get Vaccines Near You! — Looking for where to get a seasonal flu shot or that hard-to-find vaccine against H1N1 swine flu? Google has a new flu shot locator that can help. — When the locator loads, you many need to manually enter your location.

Typekit Launches its Cloud-Based Web Font Service — Typekit takes a cloud-based approach to fonts on the web, serving up an extensive library of designer fonts that be incorporated into a site simply by dropping in a line of code. We first wrote about it back in May when the project was first announced, and now the service is live.

Roku box opens this month with Skitter — ORLANDO — Roku will formally release its Channel Store in the next week or two, debuting it with about 10 channels and expecting to see 15 or 20 before the end of the year, Jim Funk, Roku's vice president of business development …

Sparkz projector / dock for iPhone displays your videos, empties your wallet (video) — If you're in the market for an Apple handheld-friendly pico projector, you're in luck. Sparkz is a bulbous white dock that will play nice with your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPod video, as well as your favorite A/V and VGA sources.

Urbanspoon Expands To The Urban Workforce With A BlackBerry App — In major metropolitan areas, the BlackBerry at lunchtime is a force to be reckoned with. And now it can be a device to help those urbanities actually find a place to eat with the launch of Urbanspoon for BlackBerry.

AT&T defends its data network from Verizon ad attacks — As Verizon has stepped up its efforts to portray AT&T's data network as sparse and largely unavailable, AT&T has published information that shows Verizon isn't telling the whole story. — Verizon began advertising its 3G coverage …
App Advice

Office 2010 Public Beta to be released as early as next week at PDC? — Office 2010 Public Beta is expected soon and the confirmation comes from a tweet from the official Microsoft Office Twitter account which says that the Office team has some exciting news to tell at PDC which starts on the 17th of November, in Los Angeles.
Softpedia News

Putting the USPTO to Work for Independent Inventors — My first few months at the USPTO have been exciting and inspiring, and I feel privileged to be leading the USPTO at this critical time for the IP community, and the country as a whole. When I was sworn in 90 days ago …