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Facebook Lite Goes Live to Capitalize on International Growth — and Simplicity — Facebook has just launched a new version of the site, called Lite, to give users a simplified, faster-loading experience than the traditional It's intended to help new users …
The Web Life, TechCrunch, the Econsultancy blog, VentureBeat, All Facebook, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and Obsessable

Kickin' It Old School: Facebook Lite Launches In The U.S. And India — Well here it is. Just as we first discovered a few weeks ago, Facebook Lite has just been released for U.S. users to test out. Simply put, the site is SO much cleaner than Facebook regular, and much, much nicer to look at.
Inside Facebook, Pulse2, The Next Web Blog, Softpedia News, and

Twitter's New Terms of Service — At the start, critics often said, “Twitter is fun, but it's not useful.” At one point @ev responded dryly with, “Neither is ice cream.” Things have come a long way in a short time. We recognized potential early but users and platform developers would demonstrate how much more Twitter could be.
Download Squad, Reuters, The Next Web Blog, Pulse2, ReadWriteWeb, Mashable!, TechCrunch, Stay N' Alive, Twittercism, CNET News and GigaOM, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Tag Friends in Your Status and Posts — One of the most popular features on Facebook is tagging, which gives you the ability to identify and reference people in photos, videos and notes. Today, we are adding a new way to tag people and other things you're connected to on Facebook …
Mashable!, Inside Facebook, The Next Web Blog,, Pulse2, Silicon Alley Insider, PC World, Download Squad,,, WebProNews, AppScout, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Technologizer,, All Facebook, Switched and Techgeist, Thanks:arpitnext

T-Mobile USA Unveils the Motorola CLIQ With MOTOBLUR — First Android™-Powered Device from Motorola Puts Social Networking Center Stage — T-Mobile USA, Inc. today announced the upcoming availability of the Motorola CLIQ™ with MOTOBLUR™, the first Android-powered device from Motorola …
Between the Lines, mocoNews, Engadget, Android Phone Fans, Mobile Entertainment, GigaOM, MobileContentToday, PC World,, Boy Genius Report, AndroidGuys, Pulse2, Reuters, New York Times, Unwired View, Fast Company, Open IT Strategies, WebProNews, The Toybox, Ed Burnette's Dev Connection, Wap Review, Kelsey Group Blogs and

Motorola CLIQ listed for free on contract at T-Mobile, $400 straight-up
Gizmodo, I4U News, Engadget Mobile, Android Phone Fans, InformationWeek, MobileTechWorld, AndroidGuys, Ars Technica and last100, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Hands-on: Motorola's First Android Phone
Between the Lines, Motorola Media Center, Gadget Lab, Gearlog, FierceWireless, OStatic blogs, Engadget, TechVi and Internet2Go

Rule No. 1: Hide the iPhone from Ballmer at the Microsoft meeting — By all accounts, Microsoft's private company meeting at Seattle's Safeco Field today was a hit — with a preview of a “Bing 2.0” overhaul, executives demonstrating Project Natal, the unveiling of the first Windows 7 television commercial …

About the Mac OS X v10.6.1 Update — Mac OS X v10.6.1 Update — This update is recommended for Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard users and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac. — For detailed information about the security content …
L.A. Times Tech Blog, Macworld, CrunchGear, TidBITS, The Apple Core, Redmond Pie, Ars Technica, 9 to 5 Mac, Macsimum News, CNET News, InformationWeek, TechCrunch, TUAW, Lifehacker, PC World and

iPhone OS 3.1 now enforces Exchange encryption policy, may block pre-3GS iPhones — The Apple Support forums are a'buzz with reports of several users upgrading to iPhone OS 3.1 and discovering a new “feature” which was not available previously. As mentioned in our comments, after upgrading to 3.1 …

It's official: no plans to sell Zune HD outside the US — Microsoft has confirmed that it currently has no plans to bring the Zune HD outside of the US. — Recent whispers across the blogosphere that Microsoft currently has no plans to launch the Zune HD in France prompted us to prod Redmond impatiently for more information.

Tornado: Facebook's Real-Time Web Framework for Python — Real-time updates have become an important aspect of the social Web that make it easier to share with friends. In March, we introduced a real-time News Feed to make the stream as relevant and engaging as possible for users.

The technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed's web server
Scripting News,, Mashable!, Maximum PC all, Inside Facebook, VentureBeat and TechCrunch, Thanks:atul

Third-party Google Voice client hits the webOS App Catalog — It looks like it isn't just bluster from Palm when it comes to thinking differently about its app approval policy. Besides taking a pretty healthy stance on applications that deviate from its current standards …
The Official Palm Blog,, SlashGear,, all things Palm Pre and Gizmodo

Microsoft's Bing 2.0: Coming this fall (maybe even next week) — If the Tweets coming out of Microsoft's annual company meeting are on point, the 2.0 release of Microsoft's Bing search engine is coming this fall, and possibly as soon as next week. — Today, September 10 …

Yeah Ok, So Facebook Punk'd Us — So we've had our fun with Facebook over the years (Why We're Suing Facebook For $25 Million In Statutory Damages, Republican PR Director Calls Facebook's Randi Zuckerberg “totally full of sh*t”, Randi Threatens a Bar Bouncer).

Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” - PM — The Prime Minister has released a statement on the Second World War code-breaker, Alan Turing, recognising the “appalling” way he was treated for being gay. — Alan Turing, a mathematician most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes …

Bartz: You Better Believe I Would Have Taken Microsoft's $33 — If Carol Bartz were Yahoo's CEO when Microsoft was offering $33-$34 per share for the company last year, would she have taken the deal that Jerry Yang shot down? — “Well, sure. You think I'm stupid?

Spotify reverts back to invite-only system due to popularity — Spotify has had a week of success, thanks to its Music app launching on both the Apple App Store, and Android Marketplace. But they've had such a huge interest in their service since Monday they've had to revert back to being a snooty invite-only service.

iPod nano 5th Generation Teardown — We've got our hands on the new iPod nano 5G, now with a video camera! Thanks to FedEx, we got our nano early on the morning of September 10, 2009. — Step 1 — Teardown — Apple's got a routine going with the nano. Never fail, come September, we get a new one.
Mobile Computer, MobileContentToday, Gadget Lab, MacRumors, iLounge, CrunchGear, SlashGear, and Tech Central

Microsoft founds, funds a new open-source foundation — A new, non-profit open-source foundation — one dedicated to increasing the participation of commercial-source vendors in the open-source world — is being unveiled on September 10. Microsoft is providing the initial funding …
The Register, Port 25, CodePlex Foundation, VentureBeat, OStatic blogs, Internetnews Blog, eWeek, and InfoWorld To Take Over CBS HD Broadcast Stations In Four Markets — While most radio stations are looking for ways to expand their online presence, CBS Interactive Music Group is doing the opposite with social music site by giving the brand an all new station to be broadcast on the company's HD multicast stations.
Music Ally

IBM's New Image Recognition-Based Search — We've all seen photos of ourselves in locations we can't quite remember. Often they're from exotic travels or from days long past. Regardless of the reason for your memory loss, IBM is working on a tool that can help.

Amazon Scoffs at Google's Offer to Share Book Search Sales — Google offered to let its rivals become resellers of the millions of books it is digitizing as part of its controversial Google Book Search project, but an Amazon executive immediately rejected the idea of becoming Google's affiliate.

Microsoft-Yahoo Web Search Deal Faces In-Depth Justice Department Review — Sept. 11 (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo! Inc. have been asked by the U.S. Justice Department for more details on a proposed Internet-search partnership, expanding the agency's review of the agreement.

iPod touch with camera remains in Apple's pipeline — A rare misstep on Apple's part saw the world's tech darling surprise in an unusual way Wednesday, leaving onlookers scratching their heads at changes — or lack thereof — to certain members of the iPod family.