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Zune Apps — In my brief comments yesterday on the new touchscreen Zune HD that is set to debut September 15, I noted: … I mean, why not? The software platform has quickly become a major driving force behind the sales growth of the iPhone and iPod Touch. Microsoft is a software platform company.
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iPhone vs. Pre: Satisfaction bakeoff — Palm Pre owners love their smartphones, but not as much as owners of Apple's new 3GS iPhone love theirs. — In a survey of 200 3GS users conducted Aug. 4-11 by RBC Capital and ChangeWave Research, 99% pronounced themselves satisfied, of which 82% were “very satisfied.”
IntoMobile, ChannelWeb, ReadWriteWeb, Tech Trader Daily, Electronista, Gadget Lab, all things Pre and Daring Fireball

Images of Next-Generation iPod Touch Surface? [Updatedx2] — Earlier this week, MacRumors received a somewhat blurry image claimed to be the next-generation iPod touch. The image depicts a camera centered at the top of device's rear, corresponding with numerous third-party case designs appearing …
The Covino & Rich Show, Engadget, 9 to 5 Mac, Silicon Alley Insider, Gizmodo, The iPhone Blog and

Why I'm suspicious of the Facebook ‘RockMelt’ browser — In the 21st century, the main portal to your life besides the front door to your home is the window of your Web browser. — That's why the competition between Microsoft and Mozilla and Apple and Google (and Opera and...) is so intense and so important.

Report: MicroHoo “Penetration” Near Google's, Google Users Most “Loyal” — This morning comScore released data and analysis that compares search share, searcher penetration and loyalty at the combined Microsoft-Yahoo property vs. Google. While Google has a much higher share of the number …

Google Points At WebFinger. Your Gmail Address Could Soon Be Your ID. — There's some excitement around the web today among a certain group of high profile techies. What are they so excited about? Something called WebFinger, and the fact that Google is apparently getting serious about supporting it.

Cocktail part of Apple's September event — Peter Kafka at All Things Digital reported Thursday that Apple is planning to make a major announcement the week of September 7, and that was a big scoop. — But much of the substance of Apple's announcement—at least as it relates to music …
NEWSFACTOR, Electronista, Webomatica, Engadget, Fast Company, The Mac Observer and

Verizon Wireless Completes Successful LTE 4G Data Calls In Boston And Seattle — Trials Include First Field-Level Tests Integrating Network Vendors' 4G Technology Over 700 MHz Spectrum — BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Verizon Wireless today completed its first successful Long Term Evolution (LTE) …
Engadget, mocoNews, InformationWeek, IntoMobile, DSLreports, Sidecut Reports and Phone Scoop

Bing Shopping takes off — Microsoft recently announced a promotion to receive Double Cashback when consumers use Bing Shopping for searches and online purchases. Back in October of last year, I wrote about the initial success of the Cashback program to capture visits, so this particular promotion …

Apple's Snow Leopard: A flurry of changes — According to rumors, the release of Mac OS X 10.6, Apple's operating system also known as Snow Leopard, might arrive a bit early. Though Apple announced at the Worldwide Developer Conference in June that Snow Leopard would hit stores in September …

Apple's Cash Hoard: It Just Keeps on Growing — Remember when Wall Street was obsessed with Microsoft's bulging bank account? Now it's Apple that is awash in cash, the latest symbol of the company's stunning ascendance over the past decade. — Apple — As of June 27, Apple …

‘Take Back the Beep’ Campaign: An Update — It's been two weeks since I started “Take Back the Beep,” a campaign to flood the four big wireless companies with complaints. I want them to eliminate (or make optional) those time-wasting, redundant, airtime-eating, 15-second recorded instructions …

King of Broken Promises Wants You to Trust Him — Media entrepreneur Steven Brill has been failing pretty much constantly for the past 11 years, and repeatedly broken his word in the process. But he's turned the corner with his new startup, he swears! Just don't ask for specifics!

Google Chrome 4.0: Fastest OS X browser by 34 per cent — Safari, eat Google's dust — its Chrome Web browser — under its developmental title Chromium — has hit version 4.0 on the Mac, and our tests confirm it's the fastest browser in the world on both PC and now on Mac OS X.

iPhone 3GS Camera Pre-Caches Images Before You Take Them? — Does the iPhone 3GS camera constantly buffer live video data, in effect pre-caching the images you want before you take them? Birdhouse developer Adam Lisagore thinks so, and says so via his Lonely Sandwich blog:

HTC Leo picures surface — Blog exclusive — As we announced in our previous post, HTC Leo will be a new high end model from HTC and it will feature Snapdragon 1GHz processor and capacitive 4.3" screen. We expect it in our hands in september and it may hit the stores (or mobile operators) as soon as october.

A taste of their own medicine — We are pleased to announce that an agreement with Apple's counsel was reached earlier this month and we now have the final list of their deponents for our proposed topics with respect to this litigation. For the past week and for the following ten days …
Between the Lines, BetaNews, AppleInsider, CNET News, OSNews, The Mac Observer, Macworld and MacMagazine

Lenovo Recalling Some ThinkPad Batteries — Lenovo is recalling batteries from its ThinkPad line of laptops, warning users that some batteries may be permanently damaged due to certain errors. — The company is offering free replacements for batteries that do not recharge or suffer from …

Major Carriers Shun Broadband Stimulus — The Obama administration made a national priority of spreading high-speed Internet access to every American home and offered stimulus money to help companies pay for it, but the biggest network operators are staying away from the program.

Zune HD TV Interface Makes It a Media Center For Your Pocket — You've already seen the player hands-on; the final reveal for the Zune HD was how well it handled when docked on a high-def TV. As you can see in this video, it blows away anything else in its class.
I4U News, TweakTown News, MobileTechWorld, TechVi, CrunchGear, Lifehacker, Microsoft and SEO and Tech Daily

Create New High Quality Display Ads with Display Ad Builder — Creating display ads that look truly professional is hard work. Last year, we launched Display Ad Builder to help you easily design display ad campaigns. Since then, we've provided advertisers in over 40 countries …
WebProNews, Search Engine Journal, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and Search Engine Watch

PSPgo games will be as cheap as iPhone games — Between 1 - 5 Euros — With the rumour mill speeding up prior to Sony's press conference at the Gamescom show in Cologne, Germany, next week, news has been leaked concerning the price of PSP games for the soon-to-be revitalised PlayStation Network (PSN).
mocoNews, Electronista, VG247, SlashGear, 9 to 5 Mac,,, Destructoid, Joystiq, iLounge, Electricpig, Engadget, Gizmodo, FierceMobileContent, Kotaku and TechVi

Picasa photos in Street View — Earlier this year, we launched a new Google Maps feature embedding user-contributed photos into Street View. The new way of browsing photos has recently been enhanced with photo-to-photo zooming, which lets you explore some of the world's most interesting landmarks …

Who, really, is The Associated Press accusing of copyright infringement? — The Associated Press document we posted yesterday is in line with the consortium's most bellicose rhetoric on copyright. It begins, “The evidence is everywhere: original news content is being scraped …
Felix Salmon

Get it while it's cheap: Pinboard's revenue model — Pinboard is Maciej Ceglowski's Delicious competitor. Sort of. It's a one-man show, a feature-light but fast site for saving bookmarks and seeing what other people are saving too, if you wish. It's easy to use, thanks to a collection …